Sasuke woke feeling somewhat confused. It had been a long time since he had any dreams of the past. He had been only a little child when he first awoke with his memories plaguing him and it had been worse than the first time this happened. The memories continued to plague him for sometime before they all, the ones from all three of his lives, finally settled into place and he was able to concentrate solely on finding Naruto Uzumaki.
Now he's a teenager in his senior year of high school and his search had still been fruitless. It didn't help that he lived in such a poor area and almost no one even had a computer, let alone Internet that he could use to help him. He had to work two part-time jobs just to help his family keep the house and sometimes have enough to set aside for the bus ride to and from the computer café that was some ways away in a slightly wealthier area than his own. He also had to pay for the actual use of the café as well, but that wasn't nearly as expensive as the buses.
Today is a Saturday, and he groans when he's woken up even though he doesn't have any sort of work this morning. "Sasuke!" his mother calls up to him. "Can you get the door for me please."
Sure, Sasuke rolled his eyes, it's not like he was sleeping only a moment ago, but he stands and goes to the door, pulling some pants on while he does. He opens the door with a yawn, but his jaw snaps closed when he sees just who is at his door. He looks just like Naruto did when he had grown to be an adult. For a minute, Sasuke thinks that this man is Naruto, that his love was finally here, but there is something different about him that Sasuke knows is not his love. "You're Minato," he realizes.
"Oh good!" the man smiles. "So you do know who I am. That'll make this whole thing a lot easier. Are you're parents home?"
"Mother! Father!" Sasuke calls out, but he's not really paying attention to any of that as he looks behind Minato, hoping to find Naruto. His search is once again fruitless.
"What is it sweetheart?" his mother asks as she and his father come to the front door.
"You must be Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha," Minato smiles at them. "My name is Namikaze Minato, and I was hoping that I could talk to the two of you for a little while."
"Namikaze?" Sasuke asks. Of course, Naruto real last name was Namikaze. How in the world had that gotten lost in his memories? No wonder he hadn't been able to find any signs of him until now.
"Don't be rude sweetheart," his mother scolds as she ushers the man in. "I've just taken a pie out of the oven. Would you like some?" She had been saving up to make one for quite some time now and was very excited that she was finally able. Especially now that she had something to feed to her guest who was clearly better off than they were.
"That would be lovely!" Minato grins. "Thank you!"
"May I inquire why you're here?" Fugaku asks as the three men sit at the couch. Itachi is at work today so he won't be joining them.
"Oh yes! You see my wife and I have been going around trying to restore areas that have fallen to ruin after the downturn of the economy. We've decided that this place will be a great place for our next project."
"That's great," Sasuke's father doesn't look impressed, which Sasuke knows is only because he refuses to allow it to show through his pride. "What does that have to do with us?"
"Well, I did some research and found that your family once controlled the police station around here. If we want to get this place up and running, that needs to be the first thing to be restored. We were hoping you would agree to take it over again." Now, Fugaku's face really did take on the shock that he felt. "And of course, we're only going to be hiring people from this area. We were hoping that you could point us to the people who have already been trained so that they can train those that aren't."
"Of course," his father slowly nods his head. He couldn't exactly turn down an offer to help them get their neighborhood back. "Whatever you need."
"Well, there was one other thing that we were hoping to ask you for. We were hoping that you would allow my family to stay here while we work. Of course we'll pay you whatever you need."
"Do you have a son?" Sasuke cuts in before his father could answer. He couldn't hold back any longer. He had to ask now.
"Of course," Minato laughs. "I think he's around your age. He's actually the one who insisted that we come here when he saw you on that spelling bee." Sasuke hadn't wanted to go to that, but the prize money helped him and his family greatly and now he also finds out that Naruto had been drawn to him through it. It was worth it after all.
"When will they get here?" he demands.
"They're actually already here, but they wanted to explore." As if summoned by those words, there was another knock on the door and Sasuke rushed to answer it, but his mother got there before him
On the other side of the door, a woman with flaming red hair smiles at the two of them. "Is my husband here?" she asks.
"Oh yes," his mother replies. "I was just getting ready to bring the pie to the living room where they are sitting if you'd like to join me."
"Of course," Kushina smiles as she walks through the door, but Naruto is not behind her.
"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke demands.
"Oh! He went to go check out the school."
Sasuke's eyes widen. The school is probably the worst place to go, as that's where the worst of the gangs like to hang out.
Sasuke took off towards the school without a second thought.
When he arrives at the school, Sasuke finds all the likely people there, from the drug addicts to rough gang members, but they aren't in their normal place. Instead they're gather around a tree, one of the only trees that has actually survived in this city, where the spitting image of his Naruto sits laughing at their futile attempts to get at him. It wouldn't be long, though, before the gang pulled out guns and started shooting at him for taunting them.
"Oi!" Sasuke growls. He has yet to pick a fight with them, but he knows that he'll be able to defeat them because he still has his skills as a ninja.
"Sasuke!" Naruto smiles as he recognizes him, but that doesn't mean anything if he saw the spelling bee.
"What do you want?" somebody growls from within the crowd.
"As much fun as this has been," Naruto replies before Sasuke can. "I think that Sasuke has come to pick me up. Haven't you Sasuke?"
"You're parents are already at my house dobe," Sasuke replies, taking on his nonchalant demeanor even though he certainly doesn't feel it.
"Teme," Naruto responds with a grin. Sasuke can't help but to return it. This must be his Naruto, it has to be, and he only proves it by leaping from the tree branch he's on and landing just before Sasuke. "Run!" he grabs Sasuke's hand and takes off towards his house, laughing all the way.
Later, Sasuke will pull Naruto into his room and kiss him and tell him how much he loves him once more, but for now he'll just enjoy having Naruto running by his side once again, laughing all the way.
The End. My goodness, this one took forever, but I hope you guys liked it. ^_^