A Cannibalistic Skittle: Hi! It's me. This is a new fanfic I'm starting! But this one is different! Want to know why? Because I'm co-writing it with CrazyNerdyFangirl!

CrazyNerdyFangirl: We've got a slightly-cliché plot for this story, but I think we can make it our own. But if it starts turning out like too many other people's stories, just TELL US.

Because I loathe clichés.

A Cannibalistic Skittle: As do I. So, would you please give it a chance? It's awesomesauce (Well, at least I think so...)

CrazyNerdyFangirl: 'Tis awesomesauce. I promise.

A Cannibalistic Skittle: Would you like to start the disclaimer?

CrazyNerdyFangirl: We don't own the books. We only take some looks. The books are really good. I want...food... Wow, I fail...

A Cannibalistic Skittle: See, she can ryme! Any time! Except for food... Man! NOW I'M HUNGREY! Thanks a lot :)


And *hungry

Sorry, I'm a spelling freak sometimes.

A Cannibalistic Skittle:Gah, this is going in spell check...



A Cannibalistic Skittle:lol. Yay! Spanish words!

This is going in the author's note... :)


except you no...correct my capitalization

A Cannibalistic Skittle:haha suuure.

On wit de storyyyyy!

(Oh, and by the way, the beginning is supposed to be in text talk people :))

(EDIT: Well, it's not anymore. XD The chatspeak was annoying us. Oh, and for the people who haven't realized, "Story_of_a_Mutant is Max's username. Likewut? I was listening to Story of a Girl at the time, psh. ~CrazyNerdyFangirl)

Fang: Did you get away from your parents?

Story_of_a_Mutant: Yeah, ditched them at the store. :):) :)

Fang: Anyone else at home?

Story_of_a_Mutant: Just my sister... but she's asleep. ;)

Fang: Cool, so NOW will you tell me where you live? Maybe if you told me where you live...I could give you these chocolate chip cookies I just bought. ;)

Story_of_a_Mutant: Hmm... tempting. :)

Fang: But alas, these cookies shall never be eaten. *eats cookie*

Story_of_a_Mutant: Oh, those poor, sweet, sweet cookies :) You know I'm a sucker for... chocolate chip. ;0

Fang: Well...if you tell me WHERE YOU LIVE.

Story_of_a_Mutant: How do I know you're not just a stalker?

Fang: Told your friends about your wings yet?

Story_of_a_Mutant: No, I want to keep my secret a little longer.

Fang: Same. My friends would all freak out if I told them

Story_of_a_Mutant: Hmm... I would be more of an outcast than I already am. I might get enough courage to tell them if you tell me where YOU live.

Fang: Not a chance.

Story_of_a_Mutant: Even for a girl like me? :)

Fang: Nope. And how do I know you're a girl anyway? You could be a creepy pedo for all I know.

Story_of_a_Mutant: I could be. :) That just proves my point. You could be one too. No amount of cookies in the world could make me give that up.

"Maaaax, can I use your laptop?" Ella called, barging in. Max quickly closed the screen, trying to avoid letting her sister see it. Ella narrowed her eyes.

"What is it, Max?" Ella asked. Crap,Max thought. If Ella finds out I'm talking to someone I don't know, she'll chew me out.Ella stood next to the laptop with her hands on her hips.

"Why are you trying to hide the screen from me?"she asked suspiciously, giving Max a glare.

"Maybe it's just because I don't want my little sister looking at my stuff," Max replied, the perfect fail imitation of nonchalance.

Ella smirked. "Ooooh, Maxie's hiding something," she teased.

"What's it your business?" Max asked, scowling at her sister. "It's got nothing to do with you—hey!" Ella grabbed the laptop from Max. And before even Max could react, Ella had the screen open, and her eyes were scanning the page eagerly.

"Ooh-la-la, Max has a boyfriend," Ella said, especially suggestively. "And he sounds like a stalker too... Is he hot? "

"How would I know?"Max asked. "And it's none of your business!"she said again. Ella grinned wickedly. Max knew it was a sign of something about to go terribly wrong.

"He's still online," Ella said in a singsong tone. "I wonder what would happen if I replied..." Her fingers started tapping against the keys. Max's eyes widened.

"Give. Me. Back. My. Laptop," she hissed.

Ella's eyes filled with glee as the computer dinged with the sign of a reply. She sat completely still, then burst into hysterics. Max snatched the laptop before it hit the floor. Max unwillingly looked down to see what they had said.

Story_of_a_Mutant: Can I get you in bed sometime, honey?


Max turned to Ella.

"WHY THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT?"she yelled. Ella's only response was to giggle. Max was irritated. She couldn't believe Ella had done that. She yelled uselessly at Ella as Ella just sat there with a grin on her face.

"Max, I just said what you were too afraid to say," Ella replied.

"I barely even know him," Max protested, but already, her voice seemed less harsh as her fingers typed out another quick message to Fang. The computer dinged with a reply, and Max smiled when she read it.

"Good, he doesn't hate me," she sighed. Ella's smile slowly started to fade away, into something more sympathetic. Max hated that look. She knew what was coming now.

"You know Max, you need to get some real friends. Not just on the internet," Ella said in a soft voice. Max avoided her eyes.

"I don't need friends," Max said with a fake smile, trying to cover up when she was really feeling. But Ella saw through that weak mask easily.

"Really, Max?"

"Yeah, really," she insisted.

Ella just gave a sad smile and got up to leave.

"Ella," Max said softly. Ella turned to see a wry smile play across Max's face.

"Just because you were born pretty doesn't mean I am too. I'm perfectly fine living in a society where everything is based on looks." Max said the last part with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"Max, I don't know what you're talking about. You're the prettiest person I know. And even if you weren't, people would love you anyway. Creepy stalker-internet guy doesn't know what you look like, but he likes you anyway. You're pretty on the inside too."

Max paused. "Ella, that may have been the most flowery, over-the-top think I have ever heard."

Ella just smiled. "You know... I could fix you up a bit... a little makeup, and a decent hair straightening, you could be prettier than any chick here." Ella got that evil look again. Max grunted and threw a pillow at her. Ella left with a laugh. Max turned back to the laptop and looked at Fang's blog. She wished that she could meet him in real life, but she wasn't about to tell him where she lived in case he was a creepy pedophile. He was just so witty, so funny, so sarcastic.

Yup, pretty dang perfect.

And best of all? He had wings. Just like her.

Max found that Fang had updated his blog again. She clicked and started to read it.

I think the world is discriminating against Avian-Americans. No, it's not because the general public doesn't know we exist. It's not because that in society, it's not acceptable to whip out your wings and fly away. It's not even because everyone who sees my hair automatically assumes I'm emo, though I don't see what that has to do with having wings…

My problem can be summed up into three words: Gym locker rooms.

Because, hell, whenever I take my shirt off, people would see my wings. So I'm forced to hide in the bathroom. I swear, most of my friends think I have a disfiguring birthmark that's in the shape of Latvia or something.

It freaking sucks.

You normal humans who keep complaining about how different you are and how no one understands you should stop. Think about what it's like to be inourshoes. Us bird-kids. I've only found one other one, but there have got to be more, right? Knowing Itex and the experiments the whitecoats did on me, they wouldn't have stopped at making just two of us. They'd make an army, their sole purpose to take over the world. But as soon as they try, I'll be in their way stopping them, even if I have to die doing so.

But enough of that emo crap, Idohave some good news. The duedate of that English essay that I never finished has been moved back to Monday. So now I can procrastinate on Sunday night and turn in a crappy one on Monday. This is nice. First I talk about death, and now I'm starting to talk about schoolwork.

This is the life of an incognito bird kid.



Reply: …thank you?

AllForOne: You're willing to die to save us all? Major respect, dude. Just so you know, almost everyone who reads this blog will be willing to back you up.

Reply: *high five*

Bury_the_castle: Do you think I could sneak into your gym locker room? *winks* Lol, jkjkjkjk. Sort of. :P Reading your blog makes me smile and frown at the same time. Smile because your writing is good and frown because the whitecoats were pinheads.

Reply: Yes, they were.

OverMyHead: Who's the other bird kid?

Reply: That's for me to know and for you to eventually find out when she agrees to let me mention her name.

Story_of_a_Mutant:Ha…I have a feeling I know who the other bird kid is…

Reply: I bet you do.

Max sighed. She remembered the first time she had come across Fang's Blog.


She had to do a report on teeth. TEETH. How stupid was that? And worst of all, it was due tomorrow. A three thousand word paper on teeth due tomorrow? Sigh. She pressed the button on the computer and it hummed to life. She waited for the super slow school Internet to start up.

Her teacher wanted her to research what different types of teeth were in a human mouth. Well, if I have to do this, I may as well make this interesting, she thought. She typed in "canines". Why canines? Well, they were sharp, so they had to be more interesting than molars, right? She would do those last. When glanced at the search results and gave a frustrated sigh. All the results were for dogs. She began to rapidly think of synonyms for "canines". She typed in "fang".

The first that came up was "Fang's Blog" Max just thought, "What the heck?" and just clicked on it.

From the first sentence, she was captivated.

She had never imagined that she would find someone with the same problem as her before. It was unimaginable that it would be this easy and that all it took was a simple Google Search. The writer—this Fang person—seemed to capture her feelings perfectly. Her feelings of being trapped inside a prison where she can't fly. Always knowing that she was different but never being able to let others know just how different she was. The most amazing thing was that he had had a similar childhood experience as she had. He had been tested on by an institution called Itex by scientists who would torture him day after day.

Max traced the scars on her wrist. Those had been caused by them. She didn't dare try to recall those memories. So much pain, of growing up in a lab, knowing that your only purpose in life was to be a lab rat. She knew she had to contact this Fang guy, needed to know if he was really like her. She emailed him for the first time, and surprisingly, he replied to her email quite quickly. At first, they had verified that they were both telling the truth when they said that they had wings, but both knew things only someone with wings could know, so that issue was easily addressed. They talked about superficial things, on the surface things that wouldn't matter in life. Not of the School or anything of importance. And for that, Max was grateful. After endless hours of talking over the web, she felt less alone as she left the library that day. And even though she had no real friends, she felt like she was less of a freak. Because there was someone actually out there.

Fang seemed...real.

More real than anyone she knew, and she hadn't even met him in real life.

He was like...her.

A Cannibalistic Skittle: There it is! I hoped you like it, and please review!

EDIT: I fixed some mistakes but this is the first time I've edited my story, so if your review is deleted, I'm terribly sorry.