Okay, so here is the third chapter, I am SOOOOOO sorry it has taken so long to get this up and that it is still surprisingly short…I have the attention span of a retarded gopher and the past two weeks have been rather insane . but Christmas break is coming and as long as I'm not getting distracted by the closest shiny thing…then I'll have either one big chapter, or at least two new chapters by the end of the break lol, no promises, but that's my goal…I want to thank everyone that's added this story to their alert list or has reviewed, it means a lot to me, and if not for you guys I probably wouldn't have even updated this..thank you

Hiccup was beginning to believe he'd found the pickiest eater in the entire world. He'd gone through possibly all of their food options and she had turned down every idea with an adorable yet frustrating face of disgust. Finally having reached his absolute frustration point, Hiccup threw up his hands and turned his back on her, "I've gone through everything! This is all the food we have. What else could you possibly eat?" When he turned back around he paused, watching with utter shock and amazement as she tore little pieces off of a raw salmon and started nibbling at it, "…fish? Raw fish? Really?" He walked back over to her and knelt down, since she had taken back to sitting on the floor, and stared at her for a second. She kept eye contact with him but never stopped nibbling at the salmon, and once it was gone she rummaged around for another fish which she promptly started picking apart and feasting on. "Well, uhm, alright. Either you're just too hungry to wait for me to cook that, or you really enjoy raw fish." He mused, grabbing a few more fish and setting them down for her before closing everything up and standing, "Okay, you finish eating, I'll be right back."

The girl watched Hiccup warily as he walked away and out the door, turning twice to make sure she was still eating before slowly shutting the door behind him. She could hear the dragon on the other side moving and Hiccup reprimanding him about something. With a shake of her head she continued eating her fish and looking around her surroundings. This place was still strange but no longer as frightening to her thanks to Hiccup's kindness. He had reminded her of someone from her past, but she couldn't quite remember who. She gave up after a few moments and quickly finished the rest of the fish before standing up and stretching. Giving her head a little scratch, she went over to the door and tentavily put a hand on the handle, wondering what would happen if she opened it. She was intelligent enough to know on the other side was the outdoors and her hearing was good enough that she knew the night fury was still out there. All she had to do was press her ear to the door and she could tell that he was laying down now, curled up to the right of the door way, though he wasn't asleep. His breathing wasn't even enough.

She straightened up and took in a breath, which she slowly released, readying herself to attack if she had to. The boy may be friendly but she wasn't too sure about the dragon, he was much too pushy for her taste and had frightened her at first. So, after steeling herself she took hold of the handle again and slowly opened it just enough to slip out into the cold air.

In her pale blue silk dress, it didn't take her very long to lose all the warmth she had gained from the house, but she didn't have any time to fully register it. Because, even though she had prepared herself for attack, all the fish had made her a little too at ease and Toothless had no trouble pouncing on her unexpectedly. His attack was controlled and not as rough as she expected it to be, but all the same she let out a night fury screech and disregarding her lack of claws or dragon strength began to struggle and attempt to scratch at his scaly hide. Her struggles made Toothless tilt his head as he held her down rather easily. He didn't quite understand what she was doing, or trying to do, or why she looked like a human when she quite so obviously smelt like a dragon. He knelt his head down to nuzzle and sniff her, but was quickly batted away, causing him to snort and look down a little startled. The girl glowered up at him and hissed, revealing not very, but slightly pointed teeth. The next noise she made was a collection of vibrating clicks that to Toothless sounded like,

'Get off of me! I don't like you!'

'Why do you smell like a dragon? You appear like a human.'

'It isn't any concern of yours, now off of me. I'm only looking for the human who saved me…Hiccup.'

This time it was Toothless who growled a bit, 'What do you want with Hiccup?'

'Nothing. He saved me, I know him…now off.' She pushed at him again and tried to squirm free but Toothless continued to hold her down, refusing to let her up yet. He knelt his head down again to sniff below her chin, which made her strain to move her head away.

'Tell me why you smell like a dragon-'

"Toothless! Get off of her!" Hiccup came hurrying up the stairs as fast as he could and pulled Toothless off of the girl. Stoick wasn't too far behind him and helped the girl up, using his large dish plate hands to dust her off, his strength nearly knocking her over,

"Ye airight?" He asked gruffly as Hiccup reprimanded his dragon and made sure he'd stay put before walking over to the girl and his father. He noticed that the girl looked tense and more rigid than a piece of wood and was looking at his father with the same fear filled expression she'd given him earlier. Slowly, he edged her away from his dad and she quickly skittered behind him,

"Uhm, she's..easily..frightened…dad this is er….Mute."

She blinked and looked around then up at him with an expression that questioned his sanity. He shrugged at her briefly before returning to introductions, "Mute, this is my dad…Stoick..the Vast, the chief of the village."

Chief was what mainly registered in her mind, and without thinking she recoiled farther back behind Hiccup. It was another word, another sense that pulled out emotions, but instead of sadness or guilt, she was filled with fear and distrust. She realized she should remember something, something important, something from the past. But she couldn't remember what it was, nor could she really remember anything. How did she end up here?

"Looks like it's gonna be awhile before she starts talkin to me eh?" grinned Stoick after he noticed the way Mute had hidden behind Hiccup. Mute what an odd name for a girl.

"Actually da-"

"No matter, ye can stay for as long as ye want. Hiccup make sure she's fed plenty, looks as if she hasn't eaten in weeks, all skin and bones. And get her some warm clothes, that dress isn't anything to be wearin in the winter."

Mute glanced down at herself, feeling a bit criticized. She wasn't that skinny…okay maybe she was, but there was nothing wrong with her dress.

"But da-"

"I'll see ye both at dinner, perhaps she'll be up to talkin then, I'm curious as to how ye ended up washed up on a beach." As Stoick headed back down the steps away from the house Hiccup and Mute could hear him chuckling to himself, "Mute…what a name for a girl. I swear, Vikings now a days and namin their kids."

"…says the man who named his son Hiccup." Hiccup said dryly, turning around to look at Mute who's look of curiosity faded to incredulous as she looked at him. She made a little vibration noise in the back of her throat and crossed her arms, turning her back on him, "What? I couldn't think of anything better, and it's not like it's that bad. I mean, I thought it was sort of cute, better than Hiccup or Fishlegs anyway, wouldn't you say?"

Mute thought about that for a second, then slowly uncrossed her arms and turned back around to nod at him. He definitely could've picked a worse name.

"Good…ok, so I obviously can't leave you here with Toothless." He shot a slight glare over at his dragon, who blinked and tilted his head, almost innocently asking 'what'd I do?', "so uhm how about a tour of the village? Not that there's a lot to really see but-"

Mute looked a bit doubtful until she glanced over at Toothless, who made a low vibrating noise, 'You can't go anywhere with him'

'watch me.' She promptly grabbed Hiccup's hand pulling him down the steps quickly, and shocking him out of marveling at Toothless and into catching himself.

"I guess we're touring the village." He said, catching his footing and hurrying along beside her. He had no idea where all her sudden energy and excitement came from since just a few moments ago she had been using him for a shield, but he wasn't going to question it.

Mute smiled and glanced over her shoulder to stick her tongue out at Toothless, who growled and shook out his wings before bounding down after them. Shocked, Mute put her tongue away quickly and began to run faster, but slowed a bit by Hiccup and her own human body limitations, Toothless was soon by her side and passing her. She growled at the way he was laughing, and let go of Hiccup's hand so she could run faster, trying to get ahead of Toothless.

Hiccup blinked and stumbled once she let go of him, "Oh-hey! Toothless cut that ou-what are..wait up!" He groaned and tried to run faster, but his prosthesis didn't go as fast as a regular foot and it began to hurt, "for the love of…Toothless stop!" He gave a futile yell before finally just stopping to catch his breath, "That was-so-odd." Panting, he fixed his prosthesis before speed walking after them. However, the dragon and girl had already raced out of sight.