Since episode six is basically a filler…this is my excuse to make Prince of Tennis characters act like morons with the help of Enma…..yup. You can skip this chapter if you want – it's mostly gags and comedy anyway.

This is a filler chapter. I'm not sure if I'll be making this chapter relevant at all…so it could actually be Naruto-filler-esque where everything that happens is just….forgotten basically. Though if people like Kagami and Sachi…maybe I'll bring them back *shrug*.

I don't own Prince of Tennis. If I did, do you think I'd be writing fan fiction to satisfy my need for Ryoma to get with a different girl because I cannot stand Sakuno?

Seigaku was probably such a quiet and dull campus until I got there. People probably complain about that. But who likes silence and boredom? Well, besides Tezuka-sempai – he's…just like that I bet. Don't you want action? Excitement? It's your youth! If you just let it quietly slip by, then you'll regret it! You'll be old before you know it, old and frail and bony and limited and crotchety! You'll be yelling at the rambunctious kids, telling them to get off your lawn. You'll shake your cane at them and grumble as they bolt away. I bet you'd wish that you had their youth though. I bet you'd wish that you could run as fast as they can. But wishing is useless you know. You gotta be proactive in life, and shape your own destiny while the clay is still moist! I wish I had remembered that before…


Enma looked up from her lunch. "Huh?"

"P-p-please don't make a scene onee-san…."

An angry girl with pigtails made her way over, and knocked Enma's lunch out of her hands.

"Hey!" The crimson-eyed girl glared up at the pig-tailed girl.

"APOLOGIZE!" She bellowed, glaring swords into Enma.

Kachiro, Katsuo, and Horio scoot away, closer to Ryoma, and look at each other. Ryoma didn't even look up from his magazine, as if he cared about this loud, hyper girl enough to look up.

"Who do you think she is? And what do they want with Okada-san?" Kachiro asked.

"I don't know, but she looks really angry…." Horio said.

"Oh what did she do now…?" Kachiro face palmed.

Enma blinked and didn't bother to get up. "Whaddya want?"


"I don't remember doing somethin' to her." She stated bluntly.

"O-onee-san, really…
i-i-it isn't important!" The shy girl pulled on her sister's sleeve.

The pig-tailed girl spun around to face her younger sister. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT ISN'T IMPORTANT? SHE HURT YOU – SHE MUST APOLOGIZE!"

"I told ya I didn't do nothin' to her!" Enma exclaimed, her fang protruding.

"Excuse me…" Kachiro leaned forward and addressed the shyer sister. "What exactly did Okada-san do to you?"

"Kachiro! Don't ya believe me?"

"SHUT UP AND LET ME TELL THE STORY!" She growled at Enma before kindly turning back to the trio and Ryoma. "You see, we were walking toward the main building when we saw all these birds mobbing around the shed. At first, we thought it was a stray cat hiding – but as we passed we heard someone calling from inside, and us being good Samaritans –"

"Tell that to my lunch!" Enma spat.

The pig-tailed girl shot her a look before looking back at the Trio + Ryoma. "We help got her out. BUT DOES SHE THANK US? NO SIR! SHE RAN OUT AND KNOCKED MY POOR, DEFENSELESS SISTER OVER!" She spun around and pointed an accusing finger at Enma. "YOU MUST APOLOGIZE!"

Ryoma looked up. "You're too loud…"


"Don't call me that." Ryoma said bluntly, as if he had a choice over what people called him.

"Yeah!" Enma puts him in a light headlock. "Only I can call 'im that!"

"…Absolutely untrue…" He jerks his body the other way.

Enma lets go of him and pats his head. "Awww, he's in denial!"

"Hmph…" Ryoma looks away.

The girl calmed down a little. "YOU! You still need to be punished! Meet me in the student lounge after school!" With that, the angry dragon left along with her sister.

"…We have a student lounge?" Enma blinked and looked at the trio, who just shrugged.

Was she going to go? Absolutely not. Was she going to pay for that? Absolutely yes. After school Enma hung around the trio and Ryoma, which she had gotten in the habit of doing, looming around the gates of the courts while they cleaned up. Her stomach grumbled. "Damn that girl…why did she hafta knock my lunch on the floor? I've never met someone so high-strung."

"What. Was. That."


Enma turned around and gulped. "Oh…hey there…..wassup?"

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT!" She angrily grabs Enma's ear and drags her away.

"Ow! Hey I need that ear, ya kno'!"

Kachiro looked up. "She's dead isn't she…?"


They only sigh.

The girl, who was in desperate need of anger management, drags Enma into a joint building, up 3 flights, and into a room all the way down the hall. Pig-tails threw Enma onto a yellow bean bag chair. Wide-eyed, Enma's head spins in an attempt to scope out her new surroundings. The walls were a calm, mellow blue while the carpet was a funky neon mix of blue and green. An array of colored bean bag chairs were littered around the room, along with regular black chairs and matching coffee table, finally finished off with a slightly stained tan couch.




The girl growls and glowers at Enma, probably ready to strike her at any moment.

The shy sister twiddles her thumbs nervously. "O-O-Onee-san…please don't do anything rash…"

Odd enough the girl backs off and takes a deep breath.

Enma stays firm, probably expecting a fight to break out between her and this dragon-chick – that's what punishment usual entailed from where she came from.

"I'm Sato Kagami…" The dragon gestures over to the shy sister. "And this is my twin sister Sato Sachi…"

"H-Hello…" Sachi waved.

Enma blinked slowly and nodded once "Yo. Okada Enma's the name!"

Kagami sighs irritably. "Let's get down to business already!" She points an accusatory finger at Enma. "YOU HARMED MY SISTER AND MUST BE PUNISHED!"

"And what'll be my punishment?" She runs a hand through her blonde hair.

Kagami only gives her an evil grin, while Sachi continued to twiddle her thumbs. This wasn't going to end well. Not at all! Was there anything she could do against her own sister? Not at all, this was impossible! She braced herself for the worst.

The twins stand outside a restroom, just down the hall from the room they were just in. Kagami was smirking and Sachi was fingering the hem of her skirt, probably a nervous wreck on the inside.

"D-Did you really have to go this far…?" She asked softly.

"Of course! She'll never learn a thing if I don't!"

Enma kicks open the swinging door and steps out. She scoffs and places her hands on her hips – not happy with this at all. Kagami can only manage a snicker after seeing Enma in the maid outfit she picked out just for such an occasion. It wasn't necessarily slutty…but embarrassing and unexpected – yes very much so.

"Now what….If ya don't mind, I want to be out of this thing as soon as possible!" Enma muttered. She didn't like dresses like these. It was so cheesy and stereotypical-goth! Enma could appreciate things like these on other people – but she wasn't some sort of Lolita!

Kagami smirked and pointed back to the lounge. "Well! First you can make both my sister and I dinner!"

Enma only growls and stomps back into the lounge. She walks through a door and into a room that branched off from it. A smug Kagami and her awkward sister parked themselves on some beanbag chairs.

"See? You just need to be assertive!"



Momoshiro leaned against the gate leaning to the courts. "…It's quiet…. too quiet." *looks around* "Where's Enma….?" He looked toward the super freshmen beside him.

Ryoma presses his fingers against the strings of his racquet. "Student lounge…."

The second year bursts out laughing, Ryoma simply stares at him oddly.

"Oh you're serious…"

Turns out the student lounge is the most unpopular place on campus, no one would want to be caught dead there! It was just soooo tacky! But to rescue Enma from Kagami's evil dictatorship the duo needed to venture into the belly of the beast!

"Room 201, 202, 203! Here we are!"

Ryoma remains quiet and opens the can of Ponta that he got just before they left on their 'perilous' journey.

"I told ya that I didn't cook!"

"That sounded like Enma!"

The door was down in less than two seconds.

Ryoma takes a sip of his drink and "You overdid it Momo-"

The scene baffled our heroes, Enma just stared back, her eyebrows rose in surprise, but her cheeks didn't flush from embarrassment at all.

Kagami grinned evilly, much to her sister's dismay. 'This is perfect! She'll be so embarrassed!'

Much to Kagami's dismay, Enma only waves – literally as if nothing was wrong and she wasn't in a maid outfit or anything. "Yo! Momo-chan, Echizen – whatcha doin' 'ere?"

'Ha! I knew- WHAT?'

Momoshiro was at a loss for words."En-Enma?"

Enma moves the tray so it's leaning on her shoulders, revealing the bottom of the dress. She cocked an eyebrow at them in her own confusion "Wassup wit' the faces…?"

Momoshiro and Ryoma are literally speechless, at least until Ryoma regains his composure and smirks. He pulls down the brim of his hat in a cocky way. "Nice outfit."

"Oh this?" She points to Kagami. "This is my punishment apparently, pretty weak right?"

Ryoma simply sighs and crams his hands in his pockets. Enma was amusing sure, but tennis was much more entertaining. So he turns around and leaves the lounge to practice for his match the next day….not like he actually needed to though. He knew he'd win.

"Echizen! Where ya goin'? Weren't we jus' talking?"

Momoshiro sputters, just a little bit red. Kagami looked like she was about to go on a homicidal rampage. Sachi was busy throwing out the burnt crisps that Enma had made them – the girl couldn't cook to save her life. Speaking of Enma, she had finally noticed the mess Momoshiro was in. "What's wrong Momo-chan? Are ya sick? NOOOOO!" She throws her arms around him and hugs him. "Poor Momo-chan!"

Momoshiro has no time to set Enma straight, before he could even open his mouth the door opens. A cold wind blew in and a VERY scary aura filled the room. The pair turned around and the older boy almost went pale. Luckily for Enma, she didn't even know who the guy was – standing in the doorway with his brown hair and eyes and glasses, looking like he owned the place or whatever…..

Enma blinked at him, her expression going blank. "Who are ya?"

"Tez – Tezuka-buchou! This isn't what you think…!" He looks down at the first-year and whispers. "Maybe this is a good time for you to GET OFF!"

Enma unlatches and steps away from him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine, fine. Jeez, no need to be rude!"

"Momoshiro." Tezuka spoke with barely any emotion at all. "80 laps. Now."

Say goodbye to quiet and dull, Seigaku…