Authors note: Hey! :D Okay so please take a read and tell me whether or not I should continue this. WARNING: If continued this will contain some SERIOUS Luna bashing and some Vivi x Gale (what? They're SO right for each other)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harvest Moon, or Gill (I'll leave that privilege to Angela)

Once upon a time -for that is how all stories should begin- there was a small, beautiful island filled with prosperity. It had its own king -albeit an eccentric one- and hierarchy. The king was always sure to keep his citizens happy. However even in the happiest of places, tears are still shed...

Silent tears fell like rain from large, brown eyes, red from crying. With a loud sniff, a petite girl of seven stood, not bothering wiping away the mud on her knees from kneeling on the damp earth. Her light brown hair clung to her head from the hard rain as she gave one last longing look over her shoulder, before sprinting as fast as her small, pale legs could take her. Her small footprints had sunk into the soaked earth in front of the freshly-filled grave.

"Poor...girl," A soft man's voice said "First her mother and now her father... She doesn't have anyone... to look after her. Even her stepsister is still too...young,"

"Well, why don't one of us take her in?"A harsher, but playful voice retorted "I'm sure she could be a great witch and I need someone to test out my latest potion!"

"Witch, you're... not using a little... girl to be your tester," The first voice said decisively.

"You're no fun!" The second voice whined. "You know she won't be happy with them. At least with me she'd have some fun!"

"Despite what you... may think, being poisoned... isn't fun!"

The two strangely dressed figures continued to bicker childishly, the glowing crystal ball now forgotten. That is, until the heard a new voice coming from it.

"Hey! You should watch where you're going! Apologize for running into me," An angry voice demanded. Both figures turned to the ball once again and watched intently, occasionally pushing each other to get a better view.

The girl was after bumping into someone as she ran, knocking them both to the wet footpath of the graveyard. She had landed on a boy slightly older than her with blonde hair and blue eyes. She didn't notice his expensive clothes as she shouted back "Oh excuse me for being too busy crying to keep my eyes out for jerks!"

"You should be sorry! Don't you know who I am?" He argued.

The girl looked him up and down for a moment with a scrutinizing gaze. "A stuck-up jerk covered in mud,"

The boy looked down at his wet, but spotless clothes. "What? I'm not-" He was cut off by her grabbing a fistful of mud and rubbing it in his shirt.

"Now you are. Maybe if you had been nice I would have said sorry," She informed him, matter-of-factly. Without waiting for his response, she rushed off again, leaving the blonde gawking after her.

After a minute the boy seemed to regain composure. Kneeling down, he picked up the now muddy, white roses he had brought with him. He sighed and stared at one of the more decorated headstones.

"Mother? I've come to see you again. I don't understand why they had to bury you so far away. I think Father just doesn't want to see you anymore.." He trailed off, his clear blue eyes rimming with tears and laid down the roses, after a moment of thought asked "Do you think that girl was right? About me being a jerk and not nice? … Well, I'm going to prove her wrong. I promise."

The two figures smiled when it was over. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The Witch asked, her bright orange eyes sparkling with mischief.

"...No," The Wizard replied with crossed arms. The Witch chose to ignore him.

"When they're older we should-"

The Wizard cut her off. "We're not going to... meddle with the lives of two mortals!"

"After what she's going to go through, she deserves to be treated like royalty!"

"We're not going... to force them together," he said, looking down "but, we could... give them a push in the right direction,"

"I think I'm rubbing off on you!" The Witch exclaimed with glee, hugging him. "This will be so much fun!"


The young girl, Angela, was a peasant. Both her parents had been prosperous farmers with a larger-than-average house as a result, but farmers all the same. She was born a farmer and would die a farmer. Her mother and younger sister had died in childbirth when she was two. Her father, knowing she would need a female role model in her life, had reluctantly married again to an already widowed seamstress, Lucinda. Lucinda had two daughters, Candace a shy, soft-spoken girl an Luna an ambitious, but rude, pinkette. For four years Lucinda and Angela had an awkward relationship where Angela seemed to be walking on eggshells to stay out of her stepmother's way. Lucinda showed clear favouritism to her youngest daughter, Luna and so Candace and Angela had formed a sisterly bond through it.

However, after the sudden death of her father, Angela's life rapidly changed. Her old room was given Luna and her bed was unceremoniously dumped in the attic. Lucinda, having given up her career as a seamstress after she had re-married, had decided that Angela should take over her parent's farm to provide for the family and while Candace tried her best to be helpful to her stepsister, she was not able to be much help. Angela now had to wake at six each morning to work on the farm. Lucinda had soon cleverly realised that if she was already getting up at six, why couldn't she also make breakfast for her and her daughters? And so, the once happy little girl became the only source of income and a servant in her own house.

Years past like days and soon Angela became a beautiful hard-working woman, that angry argument in the graveyard with the rude little boy was long forgotten. While the boy too forgot it, the promise he made stayed with him. In time he became a kind young man, determined to make his kingdom into a better place.


Our story truly begins on the 1st day of Autumn. Prince Gill's 21st birthday was only a season away and the King was adamant that his son provide him with grandchildren. Often, he would mention this in front of courtiers and noblewomen. Often, Gill found himself hiding a massive blush as he left the awkward scene hurriedly. However, King Hamilton had decided that his son was to wed before the end of the season. But the King was a kind man and knowing his son not to be the most romantic man in the kingdom, decided to host four balls at the end of each week of the season and invite every potential bride in the country, to help his son find a wife. The first would be a masquerade held in the castle ballroom. The next was to be held at the southern beach and participants were to dress for the beach. The third would be a fancy dress party and would be held in a clearing (thanks to the hard-working carpenters) in Fugue Forest and the theme was 'magic'. The final ball was to be held in the grounds before the church, guests could dress in whatever way they wanted. At this ball on the final day of Autumn, the crown prince was to propose.

And God, how he wasn't looking forward to it.

A/N: So should I continue this or not? The next chapters will be written in a less fairy-tale way just to let you guys know (if you think I should continue, that is)