Title : Hallucinations

Author : Nemainofthewater

Disclaimer : I don't own anything you recognise. It all belongs to Suzanne Collins.


My words hang in the air. I look to the screens, hoping to see them recording some wave of reconciliation going through the crowd. Instead I see myself get shot on television.

Mockingjay, end of chapter 15

There's a noise, that seems as loud as explosion in my ears, and a force slams into me, knocking me sideways just as the bullet whistled over my head. My head was woozy from where it had been banged against the ground, and things began to blur. I looked up at as the world began to fade, and see a pair of green eyes that seemed achingly familiar.

"Please, that bullet never even touched you. Cinna saw to that." She says.

Johanna, Mockingjay, chapter 16

The words seem to hang in the air as I remember the green eyes staring at me as I faded from consciousness.

"Cinna?" I ask, "Is he here?"

Johanna frowns at me, and then says, uncharacteristically gently,

"Katniss, Cinna is dead. You know that. The Peacekeepers killed him."

My head starts to ache again. Am I hallucinating? But then…

"Who saved me?" I ask, desperately hoping that Johanna had made a mistake and that at any moment my friend will come bursting in the room, asking how I am.

"One of the workers." Johanna says, and I sink back into my hospital bed. My concussion mustn't have completely been healed. I hope that Johanna doesn't tell this to any of the doctors. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. I want to kill Snow.

A man strides down a corridor. He's tall and ordinary and could be anyone. He bursts into a room and his green and gold eyes stare at the person opposite him.

"This is enough," he says quietly. "Tell her."