Characters: Ryuuken, Uryuu
: And a familiar scene, so many years later. Future fic.
: unspecified
: No spoilers
: post-manga
Author's Note
: Couldn't resist. And I leave the identity of the mother up to you (That's not a terribly important detail, anyway).
: I don't own Bleach.

The sense of déjà vu is at first so intense that Ryuuken almost forgets what he's opened his mouth for but he soon recovers, and takes a step forward. He's suddenly glad that the hospital hallway is deserted.

"Uryuu, you're holding the baby wrong."

And the perfectly affronted look that comes over Uryuu's face at that is, too, extremely familiar. Ryuuken begins wondering if life is just one big video tape that rewinds and plays from time to time.

Ryuuken ignores this and steps forward, holding his arms out. "Give the child to me; let me show you."

Uryuu pauses reluctantly, eyes searching his face intently, plainly uncomfortable with giving his newborn son over to his father, before complying, trying, at least, to be civil.

It's an odd feeling, Ryuuken decides, being a grandfather and he can't tell if he likes it or not. He's inclined to lean towards the latter, but still holds the child close as he shows Uryuu how it's done.

He doesn't deem it worth telling him that he and his father had this exact conversation, nearly verbatim, a little over twenty years ago. Ryuuken had been just as reluctant to hand Uryuu over to Soken, that night.