A/N: Here we go, Killjoys. Ready for some sweet, sweet fan fiction dedicated to the greatest rockers of all time? Well, you should be. Because it's coming at you full-throttle. Yes, there will be an OC. And yes, she does have a thing for Party Poison. I do not take criticism well, and I may say I do. It's disturbing. Each chapter WILL be a song title or song lyrics. I'm cool like that. Read, Write, Live, and Look Alive, Sunshine.

Look Alive, Sunshine


As luck would have it, Babygirl Biohazard was stranded without any communication signals from other Killjoys, running low on water and ammunition for her ray gun, and it was nearing 115 degrees in Zone 5. The day was NOT going to get better any time soon.

Of course, Korse had sent out minions to cruise through the Zones to try and find any other Killjoys they could. 'Little freaks…' Babygirl thought to herself, resting her back to a large rock formation. For the millionth time, and not the last, she began to search frequencies on her radio, praying silently to find any sort of signal…any sort at all…

And all that she got was static fuzz. Peachy.

Babygirl sighed drastically, throwing her hands up in the air and began her (less-than rare) self-rants.

"Yup. Hell yes. This is GRAND. G-R-A-N-D. Perfect. Bravo, World," She began to clap sarcastically, dragging her pack through the gritty white sand, "How DO you do it? How do you royally screw up my life day in, day out like this? It's charming, really. I enjoy it with a passion. I'm LOVING this heat and this no-communication thing. It's awesome. Oh, yeah, I forgot! NO WATER LEFT! Yay me!" Stalking through the endless desert of California, Babygirl went through the cycle countless times. Curse Korse, find a place to rest, check for signal, cuss, and then rant. Slowly but surely, this continued on until she had reached Zone 3 where she finally made a small camp for herself. She had been able to contact one other Killjoy, but the reception was complete and utter crap. Her name was White-noise War, but that was the most Babygirl had gotten out of the conversation.

A small fire roared and crackled, giving Babygirl something to listen to other than the static conundrum of her radio. The quiet of the desert gave her hope for finding someone (really, anyone) to join. This whole 'Lone Wolf' thing was not working out as well as she had hoped it would.

Babygirl removed a small can of processed food from her pack and cracked the top open with a jagged rock that was now smothered with the juices that the can had contained. The tin can bled out for a moment, giving Babygirl a chance to read the label, "SLICED PEACHES". It was better than nothing…or rabbit.

She ate away at the fruit messily, feeling savagely and superior. Something about the feeling of peach juices all over her dirty cheeks was soothing enough to coax her into sleep. No…not sleep. A nap! Resting my eyes. That's what Babygirl told herself. She wasn't going to keep her guard down…just, give herself a break. A nice, long, quiet break…of sleep…

The blaring of music and the flash of headlights in the distance jolted Babygirl away only minutes later. 'SHIT! Better Living minions?' Babygirl, out of habit, reached for her gun holster and retrieved the orange and green stripped ray gun. She kept it close to her heart and hid herself near a cactus plant. As the car came closer, Babygirl noticed the style and brand of the car…a Trans Am. It was spray-painted and beat up horridly. The sound of guitar riffs and drum solos was like an angel chorus to Babygirl's ears. It had to be Killjoys.

"HEY! HEY! STOP! SLOW DOWN! I'M A KILLJOY! I'M A FRIEND! HEEEYY!" Babygirl jumped out onto the middle of the highway, planting her black boots onto the asphalt, and prepared herself for what was to come…



"Hey, Party Poison, turn down the radio for a second…" Kobra Kid reached up for the volume knob, silencing the once-vivacious car full of Killjoys. Fun Ghoul slapped the back of his head from the back seat, putting out his lit cigarette on his gloved hand.

"What the fuck, dude? You don't just turn down The Mad Gear and Missile Kid!" Kobra Kid shook his head and reached his hand back to flip off Fun Ghoul, who in turn took his wrist and twisted it. Kobra Kid laughed, turning around in his seat to try and hit Fun Ghoul. Jet Star laughed even harder than the other two Killjoys, throwing a piece of trash at Kobra Kid. Party Poison shook his head, squinting his eyes at the road ahead of them. Through the darkness that was slowly covering all of the Zones and Battery City, and the fading glimmering pink of the sunset in the distance, Party Poison could see a firelight and the silohette of someone, ray gun in hand and waving their arms. It was a signal. Immediately, Party slammed on the breaks, causing swears and audible gasps to erupt in the car. The figure standing in the road moved only slightly to avoid being hit by the car. As it swerved to a stop, Party Poison turned in his seat in the driver position and looked at the other Killjoys.

"Honey, I'm HOME." Fun Ghoul waved a hand dismissively.

"Oh, don't be such a drama queen," Party reached back and hit Fun Ghoul playfully, returning to his position in the driver's seat swiftly. He removed the ancient keys and pushed open the door to his left. Slowly, all the Killjoys immerged from the car, staring at the girl in front of them.

"What are you doing all the way out in Zone 3?" Party Poison stood defiantly in the midst of the fire's light, studying the young girl he saw in front of him.

"Nearing death, dehydration, and boredom. You?" Babygirl flicked a bit of dust from her ratty old jacket onto the right side of her body and placed her hands on her hips. Fun Ghoul grinned, looking at Jet Star.

"I like this one already," Jet Star rolled his eyes and stepped forward, his gun still clutched in his hand, lowered to his side.

"You know we don't have enough room in the ride for an extra, right?" Party Poison glanced over at Jet Star, smirking deviously.

"'Sure she won't mind riding on the top," Babygirl watched the two exchange words and glances before piping in rather excitedly.

"Wait…I can come with you guys to…to…where you're going?" Jet Star looked at her incredulously, as if her words offended him in the slightest.

"What? Do we look like heartless beasts that would leave a comrade out in the desert?" Babygirl smiled, hope finally settling in her stomach like a weight.

"Well, you're not bald and you don't work for Better Living, so I suppose not." This received a chuckle from the whole group, leaving a smile on Party Poison's face. He made a signal with his hand for her to follow them to the car. Reluctantly, Babygirl retrieved her belongings and messily threw them together in her pack, jogging happily behind Party Poison. Kobra Kid was the first in the car, and the first to pop his head out the tinted window.

"Hey…you gotta name?" Babygirl nodded happily, readjusting the shoulder strap of her pack.

"Babygirl Biohazard, me lady. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Doing a slight bow, Kobra and Fun Ghoul clapped loudly as if she was the Queen of England.

Babygirl neared the car, preparing to throw herself on the roof of it. Everyone had entered the Trans Am except for Party Poison, who had his door open ajar. He turned to look at Babygirl with a questioning glint in his eyes.

"Um…we we're joking about the 'riding-on-roof' thing. Just to fuck with you. Get in," although the words themselves were not the most gentle, his tone made it seem friendlier. He opened the door to Kobra Kid's left and Babygirl popped in, soaking in the warmth of the car and the new bodies she would be spending 24 hours a day with.



Hey, all you car crash hearts and freedom fighters, new update on the frequencies. Looks like a storm is brewing out West of Zone 6, so batten down the hatches and hold onto your hats and masks, ladies and germs. Don't jump the gun unless Jack has a candlestick, it's gonna be a bumpy ride for tonight. Here are the jams that will keep you going through it…Dr. Death Defying, out.



So…did you enjoy it? Well, keep on doing that same thing. More is to come, girls and boys of all shapes and sizes. More is to come.