Hello, and welcome to my first Twilight fic! I've been working on this for over a year, and I hope you love it.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Twilight or any of its characters; I only own Miriam.


Monday, March 27th, 2017 – Early Morning

A piercing shriek filled the room. A young woman with curly, bronze-coloured hair clenched hard onto her husband's right hand. Their matching wedding bands scraped together as she shuddered in pain. "It's okay, Nessie!" a woman with long dark hair encouraged her from her other side, "You're doing great!"

Just outside the door, a very nervous grandfather-to-be paced back and forth, listening to his daughter's cries. He looked too young to even have a child at all, let alone a grandchild. His brothers and sisters gathered around him, trying unsuccessfully to calm him down. Even Jasper's influence had no effect on Edward's nerves.

"Just calm down," Alice assured him, "I'm sure everything's fine."

Another high-pitched shriek could be heard, followed by loud wailing. "You did it!" Jacob hugged Nessie tightly. Despite being exhausted beyond belief, Renesmee Black's expression was lit up as her newborn daughter was placed into her arms. The baby's inquisitive brown eyes stared up at her parents' faces, and her cries soon turned to laughter. The doctor, now a great-grandfather despite having the appearance of a man in his mid-twenties, opened the door to let everyone in.

The baby's family all crowded around the bed: Edward, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Carlisle, Bella, Rosalie, and Emmett. Or at least, her mother's side of the family. Jacob only wished his pack members, Quil, Embry, and Seth, could be there, but they were away visiting the other pack in La Push. Even though he was the Alpha, the guy in charge, he'd stayed behind simply because he wasn't going to leave his wife alone when she was so close to her due date.

Only an hour later, the happy atmosphere shifted to a darker mood. Now came the hard part. Because of legal complications, Jacob and Nessie would have to give up their baby. Luckily, Carlisle had found some old patients who'd be willing to take her in. They ran a foster home, and had plenty of experience with children.

Nessie sobbed as she handed the sleeping bundle to her grandfather. "Don't worry," he assured her, "She'll be going to a good home. These clients of mine will take great care of her until they find her a permanent family."

"I know." Nessie leaned her head on Jacob's shoulder. "I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"We all do." But we've done everything we can to ensure she gets a good life."

I was fifteen years old when I first witnessed this scene and understood what was going on, through my mother's gift. It shocked and saddened me, but also brought me the great joy of knowing who I was and where I came from. All those years of noticing my strange abilities, the insecurities, the doubt; they were all blown away.

Even though I was sent to live with a normal family with no connection to the supernatural world whatsoever, I was eventually drawn back in by pure chance. I found family, I found terror and conspiracy, I almost lost my dearest friend in more ways than one, but I found love in the end, and now I have an endless future waiting for me, full of who knows what, but I'm ready for it. However, perhaps I should begin at the beginning. Okay, so my birth was technically my beginning, but the day that changed my life forever would be a good place to start.

This is a fantastic, unreal story of the supernatural world colliding with one of supposed normalcy; of desire and self-questioning; and of a family that can never be separated by any mortal means. As impossible it may seem, it all happened. It is one hundred percent true. Believe me if you wish, and even if you don't it doesn't matter. I'm here to tell it, and that's all that counts.

This is my story.

Okay, just so you know, there will never be any specifications on the 'legal complications'. If the baby got to stay with her parents, this story just wouldn't happen, so deal with it. Read and Review, please!