Author's Note: Alright. I have some bad news. Due to my computer being a butthead, I lost all of the stuff I was working on for the rest of my fanfictions, meaning my SasuSaku month piece is gone, my first Vampire Knight fanfic is gone, my icons, and all fo the other stuff I was working on it gone as well. So, now I have to start from scratch. And this is what I came up with. I was inspired by Sakura Kyouko from this Puella Magi Madoka Magica anime. I haven't seen any episodes, but I really like Kyouko. She's kinda, cool. Anyway, I basically based Claire's personality on Kyouko's, kind of like a tough tomboy with a "vampire" inner self. I really like Kyouko anyway. So, moving on, I think that the outbursts near the end were kind of awkward, but then again, I was a little upset, so I needed something to cheer me up. And perverted crap is pretty much the only thing that cheers me up nowadays. I'll fix that eventually. Anyway, updates for this will come faster, because I'm excited for this. And "Dirty Laundry"...Not sure I'm finishing that. Anyway, enjoy this! By the way, the chapter name. I wasn't sure what to call it, so I picked one of the words I used the most, which would be "Lust".

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy Versus XIII. Or any of the references I made, be it directly said or implied. I also do not own Clark Kent (TOM WELLING! 3333333333), sadly. Smallville's rubbing off on me. Anyway, I do not own anything that is not mine. Obviously.

Consciousness. I was conscious of the hand that rested on my shoulder blade as I watched the words on the paper I was holding in my hand swim in front of my eyes. They were threatening words, carrying fear and pain through my veins as I held my hand in front of my mouth, my breath shaking in between my parted lips.

"Our house has been…Foreclosed." My voice was broken; as I watched the words fade in and out in time with my labored breathing. How had this happened? Had I made a mistake in covering my ass?

I had been positive I hadn't let anything slip when I'd spoken to my guidance counselor at school or the mortgage company last time I'd paid the bills. Which was when? I didn't remember. All I knew was that we, meaning Serah and I, were in some deep, deep trouble. As in, if I didn't figure out a way out of this, we were bound to board the first train to Pulse. And Serah wouldn't be able to take that. I was positive of that. No, scratch that. I was 100% certain that she wouldn't be able to handle it.

"It'll be alright, Claire. You'll see," A low voice replied from behind me, to which I swung around.

I'd known who it was even before he'd said anything. His touch…I knew it, somehow. I knew the feeling of his magical power that brushed across my tensed aura, smelling of starlight, like the night sky he was named after. Light of the Night Sky. The name suited him. His eyes were the color of the stars that shimmered in the sky, hidden behind the sunlight at the moment.

My own crimson power often drank from his, making my inner spirit seem like a vampire. Perhaps that was what I really was, seeing as how I managed to never die. Cid had nearly ripped my heart out of my chest, and yet, I wasn't dead. Of course, my heart was still within me now, my magical power making sure of that. The rupturing of the barriers under the skin on my shoulders should have killed me, and yet here I was. And the only reason I was alive, was because I was bound to him. So long as he was alive, I would live alongside him.

My magical power gave me strength and faith, my power being named "Scene Drive" by myself and those around me, aside from the ancient texts. My power was really called "The Knight", which was my title. Claire Farron, the Knight. I was the knight born and bred to stand in the way of those who'd dare challenge my loved and bound ones. My desire to protect something had given birth to my scarlet curtain, that same curtain carrying the scent of sweet roses.

In short, I was built for battle. I wielded the Blaze Edge, a sword that only the strongest of soldiers in the Cocoon Army could own, let alone wield. I was the knight with the duty of bearing everyone else's burdens, and then acting upon those burdens. But this fact didn't frighten me. I was used to bearing weights as heavy as my lack of strength before I'd lost my humanity. The instant I'd met Odin in that field of roses, I'd given up all hope of returning back to normal.

But then I'd nearly went insane, and Noctis had brought me back. I'd first felt the power of magic, the spell he'd called "Clarity", and it was unlike any other sensation I'd ever experienced. Okay, kissing Noctis was probably on the top of my list of favorite "somethings", but that aside, that spell or incantation was close to the top of the list. Perhaps because Noctis had kissed me in order to activate it?

I took a deep breath, and looked back at him, the letter trembling in my hands. "Please, I hope you're right."

"Have I ever been wrong?" I thought for a moment, and nothing he'd guessed, assumed, predicted, or pointed out incorrectly came up. He smiled, and slid his hand down the side of my face gently. "Your hair's gotten darker."

"Huh? Where the hell did that come from?" I asked, as he held a stray strand out for me to look at, only to find that he was, once again correct. My bubble-gum pink hair was growing redder and redder. It was still pink, but had much more ruby in it than normal. "Wow…Does magic have any side effects?"

He thought for a moment. "Not that I know of. Why?"

"My hair used to be bubble-gum pink! Now it's turning crimson!" I exclaimed suddenly, sliding my face closer to his, my powder blue eyes narrowed. He didn't move away. He just smirked, running his fingers through my hair.

"Aw, relax. Your body's just adapting to it, that's all," he replied. I shook my head, and snorted.

"Lazy bum," I muttered back, crossing my arms across my chest indignantly. All the things he said, they'd haunt my dreams tonight.

As well as the house being foreclosed. I had to think of a way to get out of it. My hair growing darker because of my body adapting to the presence of my magical power was the least of my worries. If we lost the house, Serah and I'd be deported immediately. Mother and Father wouldn't be pleased with me from their place in the Land of the Dead if I allowed that to happen. I had to protect Serah with everything I had. And not allowing the house to be taken from us was one of those things I had to do.

"Claire, about your house," he started, pulling me out of my reverie. I blinked my eyelids together, and parted my lips.

"What is it? You've got ideas on how to save my ass, Clark Kent?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He lifted an eyebrow at the "Clark Kent" reference, and sighed.

"What I was going to say before you compared me to Superman was that I may be able to help you," he replied smoothly, unbroken from his deep breath. I, on the other hand, was hindered in this aspect.

"Are you sure?" I burst out, taking a step forward suddenly, grabbing his shoulders in my hands tightly, the letter falling to the counter. He nodded slowly, as my strawberry colored bangs fell into my ice blue eyes.

"Yes," he answered, steely irises dazed. I smiled, and tilted my head. God, he looked so cute when he was confused. Almost made me want to…

I shook my head, and smiled. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

"Claire, slow down," he blinked, as I jerked my head back slightly. Once he'd stopped me, he sighed. "In order for me to help you, I'd have to get a hold of my parents all the way in Crystallis. Phone connections are down, and it's too dangerous to set foot in the country right now."

"Then why had you suggested it?" I asked dully, swaying on my feet a little bit. He rubbed the back of his head shyly, unsure of how to respond, knowing my temper. Noctis looked back at me, and shrugged.

"Because we could do it. I just need you to come along," he replied, giving me an honest and serious look. I lifted a finger to my lips, and thought about it.

I had school. That automatically meant I wouldn't be able to go. There's no way in hell that I'd be able to make up all of that work in the span of a weekend. It was just inhumanly possible. Plus, as he said, it was too dangerous to go into that country at the moment, regardless of my status as a Knight. I didn't want to admit it, but I wasn't strong enough yet to make the trip. Not only that, but I wasn't experienced enough either.

I'd just awoken to my power. And the barrier underneath my skin was still broken. I wouldn't be able to take another battle like the one with Cid for a long time. Still, this would be a good opportunity to test my abilities and to see exactly how much my body could take. But if I pushed too hard or if I overexerted myself, I could wind up dead. And Serah wouldn't be able to handle that either. I lifted my blue eyes back to him, and shook my head.

"I don't think I can swing that right now, Noctis," I started, his eyes softening. "I mean, you saw how exhausted and hurt I was after I came back from fighting Cid. I still haven't fully recovered yet, and it's been six days since then."

"Claire, the date on that paper is only a week away. I figure it'll take us about a week to get there, fight our way through, get to my parents, convince them to assist you, get the money, come back, and pay it. I'll work, I promise," he answered, leaning back against the island in the middle of the kitchen. I sighed.

He did have a point. It wouldn't take all that long to go and do what we needed to do, unless Cid showed up again. I'd barely defeated him once. And I'd only accomplished that by the skin of my teeth. He was fierce, skillful, and more experienced than me. I couldn't get around that. So if we met in battle again, Noctis or no Noctis, I wouldn't win. Even with all of my power, I still wouldn't beat him.

And then there was his threat. He'd said that the next time we met, he'd kill me, no questions asked. I was certain that the power he'd shown me in our first battle wasn't the full extent of his strength. That thought pissed me off. He'd been holding out on me. Or, so I assumed. But maybe that had been the full extent of his magical power. If so, then I had a slim chance. I had to believe in that slim chance with my entire heart.

"I'm still not sure, Noctis. I have to go to school, and-" Hands on my lower back distracted me as Noctis pulled me in closer, our lips centimeters away from each other.

My powder blue eyes trembled at the closeness, as crimson swam in front of my irises. Locks of hair blew in the wind coming in from the window, rimming my sight in brilliant scarlet. He wouldn't kiss me. Despite the fact that we'd nearly had sex back in Mrs. Fleuret's apartment in Palumpolum. What happened back in Palumpolum, stayed in Palumpolum. And even though I'd enjoyed every single second of it, he wouldn't make any moves on me now.

His lips moved against mine, unbearably sweet and…tempting. "Still, I was just putting it out there."

"Is there any particular reason why you're this close to me?" I asked. Noctis only smirked, and took a few steps closer, my back hitting the side of the stove, the boiling rice in the pot beside my right hand. Fingertips light on the left side of my jaw, he trapped me.

Then he spoke. In his velvet, spellbinding voice. "I like being this close to you."

"Well, when you're this close to me, I can't breathe," I muttered back, the smell of rice wafting into my nose, directly followed by the sweet scent of the night sky which I knew to be his magical power. My breath caught. I couldn't breathe.

He smiled, and cradled the side of my face gently. "Maybe you're not as strong as you think."

"How does strength have anything to do with this? You're the one who keeps coming closer!" I demanded, tossing my head. He closed his eyes, smirking.

"It has everything to do with it, Claire. It comes down to four words," he started, lifting up four fingers against the line of my jaw, my hands trembling on the stove. "You. Can't. Resist. Me."

And with each tap of his fingers against my jawbone, I knew he was right. "…Noctis."

"Hollow. That's what your voice sounds like to me right now," he murmured smoothly, leaning closer, my back bending over the stove as he kept the same distance between our faces even as we were moving. My eyes widened, my lips parted, my heart pounded. "And I don't like it."

"My voice isn't hollow! I just can't breathe!" I retorted, my sudden outburst only urging his lip to curl up further. His face came even closer, lips brushing against mine in the gentlest of kisses. My heart stopped in my chest, my eyes closed.

"How's the breathing now?" he asked, my inability to pull air into my mouth through my frozen lips enough of an answer for him. This only urged him onwards.

His hands slid down from the sides of my face across my shoulders, as I remained still, frozen in air. My crimson magical power began to rise, pulsing in luminous rings from my pounding heartbeat. But he wasn't afraid of it. My magical power hadn't risen to fight him off, or to protect me. It loved his own holy strength. It was craving it. The vampire-like spirit inside me hissed and seethed, anxious for magic and the feeling of his touch whenever he swept his hands across my skin.

The sound of its voice sent tremors running up and down my spine, as the crimson light blew around me, enclosing Noctis and I within the binds of the circle that spun on the floor around my feet, the shimmering rose petals that always preceded my Blaze Edge's appearance lifting off from the spinning symbols on the tile floor at the sound of my inner vampire's next hiss. My eyes glowed bright crimson, my lip curling up as he held me where I was above the stove.

Not only could was I strong enough to fight with it, I couldn't control it either. I was letting my powers grow and leak from my body like the seething blood in my veins, as my sinister and hungering smile twisted my normally human-like face. I wasn't human anymore, now that my spirit had the attributes of a vampire as well as the fact that I was now known as a Knight. Where had all of this supernatural crap come from anyway?

My crimson eyes glowed as I held my right hand out, my smooth, angelic fingers grabbing at the air beside me. My fingers traced the shape of his elbow rose petals swirling down the length of my arm, my face bending backwards as I smiled once again as his hands slid down my arms and pressed themselves along my sides. His fingers licked at my ribs, brushing across my beating heart, the vampire-like spirit that was my magical power fuming with pleasure and, sorry to say, lust.

He wouldn't be denied me. If I wanted him to take me, he would. If I wanted him to kiss me breathless, he would. If I wanted him to hold me, just like this, then he would. I could feel the burning of desire flowing through my veins, my muscles tensing as I watched and listened to his trembling aura dance across my own, my inner self licking at its fangs impatiently, eager and hungry.

I wasn't literally a vampire. I didn't like the taste of blood. But I loved spilling it. I enjoyed my powers. They brought out the side of me that craved bloodlust, became addicted to the feelings of strength and power that would wash over me whenever I drew my blade. I lived off of the energy my magic bestowed upon me, relied on its presence to take a breath. I wasn't breathing now. Breathing now would be suicide. He was much too close. One whiff of his magical power would only intoxicate me.

I wrapped my hands around his elbows, as he held my ribs gently between his palms. "You're hesitating."

"Hesitating? Where did you get that idea?" My lip curled up further, showing my teeth. My scarlet irises brought surprise to his face. My tone grew darker, hunger thick in my voice.

"Your moves are too soft and timid for it to be you, Noctis," I replied smoothly, turning my eyes to the pot of rice beside me, and lazily lifting my hand from his right elbow to stir it.

His eyes throbbed. "Claire?"

"Don't be afraid," I murmured, turning my lone right eye to him as I cocked my head, lifting my chin. "I'm still myself, only…"

"Only…?" he echoed, his voice hollow. The crimson luster that had painted my eyes a boiling ruby shimmered in sympathy. He was afraid. My smirk became ominous. Of being cornered.

"You're the one," I started, leaning forward to hold my face against his before adding, "who can't resist me."

"So, you're suggesting we play the game of who can hold out longest?" I blinked, and slid my face closer, taking a step forward, his back hitting the island he'd been leaning on before. Time to play the game.

"You think so?" I answered naughtily, lifting my hand to the side of his face as he bent over backwards, the wind ruffling my strawberry colored hair playfully.

I could see the fear in his steel blue eyes, I could smell the temptation on his skin as my lips drew closer to his, the hunger that danced on the tip of his tongue taunting me to smother it, to put out the fire inside of him, the same fire that he was holding back, preventing himself from exploding. The same fire that he'd almost nearly given into that night in Palumpolum.

I could see him through my narrowed crimson irises, his face swimming in the swaths of scarlet that veiled my heart from his sight. I could feel him underneath my skin, flowing through my veins as I drew closer and closer to releasing him from his pain and yearning. I could smell him through my tensed and poised pores within my nose as I took my first breath, the scent of his magical power reverberating through my heart.

I could hear him catch his breath as my chest brushed his, my beating heart pounding against his own as they collided within one heartbeat. I could taste his pain and urgency on the surface of my parted lips, only compelling me to make him suffer longer. But I wouldn't do that. My teeth appeared once more as my lip curled back. I was just as hungry and pained as he was. For what would I gain from making him wait even longer? My eyes closed. Not a thing, for I was in the same boat.

My lips hesitated on his, lingering at the center of them, his hollow breathing billowing across my face. "Claire…You…"

"I'm suffocating you, aren't I? You want me to back off, right? Or do you like it too much?" I asked, heedless of the footsteps upon the back porch. With one hollow exhale, I stole his breath. "Suit yourself."

"You tempt me too much," he murmured with his next breath, leaning his face forward, intending to meet mine, but before our lips could meld, the door opened.

"Claire…? Noctis…? What're you guys doing…?" I didn't turn, as my magical power slowly but surely faded, the wilting rose petals blowing across the silence in the air. Noctis turned his head, steel blue eyes wide. Our current position wasn't exactly friendly.

"Serah? Stella? That was quick," He pointed out, the line of his jaw facing me. I opened my eyes, and gently rested the tips of my fingers against it. His left eye opened, while his right closed, watching me with a shaken expression. Tracing my fingers down the side of his face to cradle it only brought shock to his irises. "Claire, what're you-?"

"Just playing with you," I replied smoothly, my voice like velvet. Serah watched in confusion as I taunted Noctis, toying with what I knew to be the desire in his veins. Stella narrowed her eyes, and took a few steps forward.

"Claire, what the hell do you think you're doing? The rice is going to burn!" I blinked my crimson eyes, the hold my inner vampire-like spirit had upon me broken at the sound of her voice. My powder blue irises returned seconds later, as I swung away from Noctis to check the rice.

"I stirred it a few times, while I was talking to Noctis," I pointed out, taking the spoon from her to stir it as she heaved the pork Serah and herself had bought up into the pan beside the pot of rice.

"Well, you wouldn't believe how long the line was at the supermarket. Holy crap. It took us like, twenty minutes just to check out," she explained, skillfully pulling the pork apart in the pan as it cooked, her anger forgotten.

"And this really fat lady decides to block our path when we wanted to leave the store. I mean, she was this huge giant porker of a woman!" Serah added, throwing her arms out at her sides to estimate how large the woman was. Noctis leaned up on the island with both of his hands pressed against the counter, as I put a hand on my hip, and shook my head.

"Serah, she wasn't fat. She was just a little bigger than everyone else, namely yourself," I corrected. Noctis snorted, and walked over to the stove, gently pushing me aside.

"You're one to talk, Claire. You insult tons of people while we're at school," he answered, throwing me a smirk from over his shoulder. I balled my right hand up, and buried my fist into the side of his face without hesitation.

"You weren't supposed to tell Serah that, idiot!" I burst out, as I swung my fist through open air, Noctis ducking under the second one. I flung my fist back to my side, and stormed toward him. "YOU STUPID LITTLE DUFUS!"

"C-Calm down Claire!" I grabbed his collar in my right hand tightly, and tossed my head angrily.

"HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN YOU WENT BACK ON YOUR PROMSIE OF KEEPING THAT BETWEEN THE TWO OF US?" I exploded. I was certain I was overreacting only because I was suffering from withdrawal. I had been so close. I licked my lips. So, so close.

"Claire, I'm serious, calm down!" I laughed once. I wasn't really angry at him. My temper flicked off with a flip of the switch, and I let go of him, hunger flowing through my veins. Yes, I was suffering from withdrawal.

"I'm only playing with you. How about you take a chill pill?" I huffed, turning away from him, folding my arms across my chest. He lifted an eyebrow, and shook his head.

"You're so needy," he muttered. I swung my head toward him and blew smoke and fire out of my nose.

"Only because you taunted me!" I shot back.

"I wasn't taunting you. You're the one who didn't want me to touch you again!" he countered. I looked back at him from over my shoulder.

"I want you to touch me! Don't you get that?" I demanded, Stella and Serah watching us with wide eyes. They didn't know about Noctis and I's night in Palumpolum, I assumed. Noctis awkwardly face-palmed.

"See? That's what I'm saying! You're needy!" Stella blushed out of embarrassment.

"Maybe you're the one who's needy! I could smell you just like, two seconds before Stella and Serah interrupted us!" Serah covered her face with her hands.

"Smell me? Are you KIDDING ME?" he cried, leaning his face toward mine, incredulous. "YOU'RE MAKING THAT UP!"

"WHY WOULD I MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT UP? HUH?" I answered, our faces extremely close as I balled my hands up at my sides. "GIRLS ARE HONEST!"

"Oh, please," he sighed, exasperatedly sliding his hand down his face. "Cut the good girl routine, would you?"

"I'll cut it out as soon as you admit that you wanted me just as much as I wanted you!" I exclaimed, blurting out what was on my mind before I even thought about the consequences. Stella's face turned beet red, Serah's eyes opening out from behind her hands. I jerked my head back, standing up straight. "Wait, what?"

He smirked. "Nice confession."

"Wha…" I started, looking all around me, taking in my surroundings. And the silence. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that! That's not the way I meant it! Look, look, let's just forget that ever happened!"

"Claire…You want Noctis?" she asked in a tiny voice. Stella swallowed what I thought to be one of her "baby barfs", and pointed at him.

"Just as much as he wants you?" I slammed my palm into my face, and huffed. Noctis tapped me on the shoulder, my back immediately straightening up at his touch as I turned around. He smirked at me.

"Stella, Serah. To answer your question, it's a resounding yes on her half. As for me," he started, swiftly grabbing my right wrist. I felt myself flying through the air, my left foot lifting off from the ground. His smirk grew wider as his left hand knotted in the hair at the back of my head. "I'll never own up to."

I watched with throbbing, wide eyes. "…Noctis."

"So, you're basically saying, that what Serah and I walked in on was Claire teasing you?" Stella summarized, her tone of voice completely bored. Noctis looked up from me, and relaxed his hand at the back of my head.

"More or less," he answered, my eyes shutting as I gulped, my cheeks flushing bright pink. Serah slammed her palm down on the counter, lifting something to her face.

"Dear Mr. Farron, I am sorry to inform you that your house has been…" My eyes flashed open, my magical power rising within seconds. She couldn't read the rest of it. She just couldn't.

I swept my right hand across the air, accidentally jabbing Noctis in the stomach with my elbow, the Blaze Edge materializing into my palm, sweeps of rose petals flying from the length of it as I gripped the hilt tightly in my hand. Serah looked up from the letter as I brought my sword whistling upward, the tip slicing through the letter cleanly, as well as not dealing any harm to Serah. I brought the Blaze Edge around once more, cutting through the two halves of the letter again, holding my left hand at my side as I sliced it. Now no one could read it.

"C-Claire…Why'd you just cut that in half? It was addressed to Father! It could've been important!" I put my hand on my hip once the Blaze Edge blew away into rose petals, those same petals dancing across my face.

"Serah, that letter was old. Like, from years ago. Back when he was still alive," I explained lazily, folding my arms across my chest again. Serah held her left hand on her heart.

"Claire, tell me the truth! You've been so tense lately about money and stuff! Please, let me help! I've got a 100 in Math, I'm sure I can assist you in the bill paying!" I screwed my eyes shut, and gritted my teeth.

"It's my burden to bear, Serah," I replied, reaching for the rice. "Stay out of it."

"But Claire!" I turned toward her, blinking tears from my eyes. I didn't want to hide it from her anymore. But I didn't want her to know about my failure either.

"Serah," I began evenly, despite the waterfalls that cascaded down my cheeks. "Let me handle it."

Stella took a step forward, about to change the subject. "On another note, Noctis!"

"I hear you," he answered, expectant. She shifted on her feet nervously.

"My father called the shop today," she murmured. He narrowed his eyes, and urged her to continue. "He's ordered my mother and I to return to Tenebrae at once. If we resist, he said that he'd destroy all we hold dear."

He clenched his fist. "Meaning me, right?"

"Looks like it," she answered. Serah turned from Noctis to Stella, then back again.

"But that means…" Her voice trailed off. I narrowed my eyes, and tightened my right hand.

"It's my turn now," I finished, taking a few steps toward Stella, who'd dropped her face into her hands and began sobbing. Once I reached her, I lifted her chin up with my finger lightly. "Hey…I'm the Knight, right? They won't touch Noctis. I promise."

"Claire, he's not talking about just Noctis. He's talking about the entire country," she replied. Noctis shifted, turning to look out the window.

"She's right. Stella's father has the power to destroy an entire floating paradise, like Cocoon. If I don't go to him, Crystallis is as good as done," he murmured back. I lightly placed my hand on his shoulder blade.

"I told you, didn't I?" He turned around, and blinked. I smiled. "I told you I would protect you. It's my job. I'm the Knight that has to protect the Prince and Princess. The three of us cannot be separated, understand?"

Stella sobbed harder. "But Claire! You won't be able to beat him!"

"I know," I answered without hesitation. Stella lifted her face up. "But what matters is having a heart that never yields!"

"Claire…" Noctis and Stella breathed at the same time. Serah smiled, and nodded.

"Yeah! Don't worry, Stella, Noctis. Claire and I'll protect you!" she added, lifting her fist up. I turned to her, and shook my head.

"Serah, you can't come along," I told her gently. She smirked back.

"I know. I have school. And I have to watch the house. Don't worry. I'll find a way to help out," she answered, poking my forehead. I smiled, and nodded.

"You got it," I replied, turning to Noctis and Stella. "Everything'll be alright, you'll see."

Noctis lifted Stella's chin with his finger tenderly. "Stells, with Claire on our side, we can't lose. She's going to save us."

"You will save us?" Stella asked, looking back at me. I stiffened. "You're going to break the curse of hatred that binds the families of Caelum and Fleuret?"

I didn't know much about the cycle of hatred, but despite that, I nodded. "I am."

"Please, Lady Knight, don't let us down," she answered. I nodded, and drew my Blaze Edge, holding it flat in my hand.

"I swear upon my sword, to my last breath, I will protect you with my life," I promised, nodding my head once. She smiled, and nodded back.

"I'll be counting on you," she answered. Noctis tilted his head.

"As will I," he added with a nod. Serah tapped me on the shoulder.

"We've got to get clothes for you!" she pointed out, grabbing my hand as my Blaze Edge vanished into midair. Stella followed behind, and once the door shut, I was quickly undressed and attempting to cover myself with my hands and arms.

"Hey!" I cried, as Serah plowed through her closet, Stella digging through Serah's drawers, searching for something I could wear. I sighed as clothes flew toward me. They were never gonna decide on something.

I balled my hands at my sides, and watched the crimson light blow from my chest, as I held my arms all the way out from myself, praying to Odin that he could give me something to wear that wouldn't embarrass me. As the light brightened, I spun around, watching the tights and armored black boots fall still upon my skin as the rose petals relaxed, circling up my body. A short, ruffled skirt came next, black in color, much like my favorite that I had received from Serah.

As the skirt settled around my waist, a tight fitting white shirt that stretched taut over my breasts appeared from the rose petals that flew from the pink cloud that had enshrouded me, giving me privacy. The white shirt settled over my bra, the buttons already done, the open, folded collar around my neck gentle and familiar as it remained sleeveless. I watched pieces of cloth weave together around my elbows, the laces tying together as the laces at the back of my white shirt became secure. Laces hung from the sides of my skirt, brushing against the sides of my thighs, the tights only coming up to rest just above my knees, a single band of white circling the tops of them.

Plates of armor layered themselves upon my body, much like flower petals, the plates reaching for the middle of my back as they wrapped around my torso, the front side crossing over my chest, the white buttons on the front of my shirt vanishing into rose petals. The remainder of my shirt remained, except for the bit at my shoulders, as plates of armor layered themselves upon my skirt, protecting the elastic waist band and the lower part of my torso. My right hand grabbed at the air, rose petals swirling along my arm to produce the hilt for me to grab onto. A headband appeared in my hair, tying it back as the metal bands came down on my elbows. Sleeves of metal clasped down on my arms, soft fabric fading into existence.

My armored boots sparkled in the light as I stood inside the cloud gripping onto the Blaze Edge that materialized into my right hand as I pulled it back, the pink cloud dissipating. Stella and Serah looked over at me, my outfit, and my armor. I stared straight ahead as the wind ruffled my hair, the sunlight glowing scarlet upon the floor as I watched Serah and Stella look me over. Serah's hands dropped the skirt she'd been holding, Stella's shirt slipping from her shoulder to the floor.

"How did you…Do that…?" she asked, as the rose petals circled me my left fist tightened at my side. Serah watched the light shine off the metal of my armor, and admired the crimson luster that rippled from the Blaze Edge. "It's so beautiful…"

"It's called," I started, as one ripple of light surged from my heart, crimson sparkles blowing in the air around me in the shapes of rose petals. "Scene Drive."

"Or "The Knight", according to the ancient texts. That magic you have is what identifies you as a Knight. Therefore, it is properly called "The Knight". But I like "Scene Drive" better, to be honest," Stella nodded in approval, walking around me to my back. "Oh, Claire…I love this! It's such an amazing little bit of armor! It looks like flowers and stuff! And the laces that are all over the place, like your skirt and shirt! And the open back and shoulders! Oh my god, you look so good in this!"

Serah grabbed something from the top of her dresser, and ran toward me. "Claire! I've got this for you."

"What is it, Serah?" I asked, as she held something up with both hands. A lightning bolt on a chain, by the looks of it. A necklace?

She put it on, crossing to stand behind me to clasp it as I pulled my hair onto one shoulder. "So that way you'll remember to come back."

"Serah…I'll…" She shook her head, and hugged me tightly.

"I know, but just to give me some peace of mind," she answered, fighting tears. I nodded, and lifted my head to the ceiling, the light blowing off of me, bringing my armor with it. The clothes I had been wearing before, a simple white spaghetti strap and pale denim shorts and flip-flops returning. But the lightning bolt necklace remained. Stella's mouth dropped.

"Why didn't you leave your armor on? Didn't you want to show Noctis?" I shook my head, and smirked.

"I think I teased him enough for today," I replied, putting my hands on my hips, as I heard a knock on the door.

"Claire, you done in there? I wanna talk to you for a second!" I took a few steps toward the door, and opened it.

A hand gripped my wrist and pulled me around the door as I squealed out of surprise. Another door shut, and my back slammed into the surface of the door. I felt a hand circle my waist as footsteps echoed outside the room I was trapped in, breath billowing over my face. The dimly lit room didn't assist me in identifying my captor by sight. But by touch, I knew it was Noctis.

"What are you waiting for, Noctis?" I murmured smoothly, the smell of his magical power brushing against my open pores. My lip curled back across my teeth. "I know you want to."

"I'm…Not gonna do it," he whispered brokenly. I shrugged, and stood there as he pressed my wrists against the door.

"Suit your own self," I breathed against his temple, his eyes throbbing. "Although I know, you can't keep this up longer than I can."

"So, we're playing that game then, huh?" A smile answered my cocky smirk. I brushed my lips across his gently, his breath catching in his throat. My heart pounded in my chest at the scarce contact.

My sinister smirk was echoed by my crimson eyes. "I guess we are."

"Bring it on," he answered, holding my left wrist against the wall as his left hand circled my waist, his lips tracing the shape of my jaw lightly. I wouldn't be able to hold out long if he continued like this. But I was going to win.

"Hit me with your best shot."