


Helga G. Pataki was the most annoying, insufferable, infuriating girl he had ever met in his life. She never failed to light a fire in his stomach and turn his eyes red with fury. But her most annoying trait was something that she couldn't even control...

Oh sure, the spitballs, pranks, and name-calling was all pretty annoying, and would sometimes even anger Arnold to the point that he'd do or say some stuff that he'd always end up regretting later. But the one thing that annoyed him the most about her was that...

...she refused to get out of his head.

Not a day passed where she didn't pass through his mind. Not an hour passed where she didn't 'pop' up in conversation. Not a minute passed where he wasn't wondering about what she was doing, where she was, if she was happy... Sometimes she'd be so on his mind even that he'd just lay in his room on his bed, staring up at the clouds passing by and contemplating all things about her for hours... just trying to figure out what was up with her... and him...

Sure, he could simply blame it on her annoying, insufferable, infuriating behavior... but he knew that would be a lie. Blaming it on that still wouldn't explain the growing concern, curiosity... the overwhelming need to get into her business and see what she was up to... Whenever he'd see her out in public on a bridge or just sitting on a bench, he'd of course have to go talk to her and see what was up. He couldn't not do it. He'd tried walking away before, but he always just ended up walking back over to where she was out of frustration at how he then couldn't think of anything but what it was on her mind that compelled her to come to the park (He knew it was her favorite place to think, of course).

Sure, there were the occasions he could think of something else, maybe daydream some or help out a friend for a little while... But it always came back to the exact same thing, the exact same routine.

Wondering... thinking... pondering... The eternal swirling vortex of Helga G. Pataki and all the little things about her that bugged him... and intrigued him...

It had always been this way, ever since he first met her. Always thinking about her, wondering how she was, feeling the inane urge to be her friend and help her in all she was unsure of...

And though he didn't know why she was always on his mind, and was a little afraid to think too hard on it, in fear that he might just figure it out... all he could really conclude was simply...

He was stuck.

A/N: Quick little drabbly thing I've been planning on doing. Nothing really. *Waves it off*