Prologue: The POV of a Prisoner

Hello, my name is Grace. I've been a prisoner since day one of my life. I've lived in a cell, I'm given three meals a day, and go outside only twice each day. But, I've done nothing wrong. I haven't committed a crime, murdered or robbed anyone. There are so many little children here, and all innocent. The only reason we're here is because of our faces.

All of us are deformed.. Most have their entire faces deformed. I'm one of the few that have only half of my face deformed. Our parents were too caring to kill us the day we were born, but they also didn't want a child that was possessed by the devil in their home. So they sent us here, where at least we wouldn't be killed. The building looks like an orphanage, but it's a prison.

There's fifteen of us all togther. I'm the oldest- seventeen. There's even three babies here; the youngest is in my care. She's not even one. Her name is Catarina, and I will be considered her mother.

Days here have a continuous pattern: At six- thirty in the morning, it's time to wake up and get ready for the day. We are allowed to take showers, but we must hurry for we can not be in there for longer than an hour. Then we're sent back to our cells where breakfast is waiting.

We stay in our cells until noon. The only thing to do is sit, unless you can read. I've taught myself how to read, and the people here are gracious enough to let me have books.

At noon, we are given lunch and let outside for an hour. Being outside makes everyone happy. If I'm in a good mood, sometimes I run around with the little ones! After lunch we're sent back inside.

Until three, I'm in my cell with Catarina, making her laugh. My cell isn't as bad as it sounds: There's a bed, a small room with a toilet, a sink, and a window. At this point in the day, sun streams through the window. I lay in it and let it drench me with warmth.

At three, we are let back out again. When we return to our cells, there is usually a snack waiting for us. Five o'clock is dinner time, nine o'clock is lights out. Each night, I dream of being freed from my imprisonment. I hope one day that someone will save us...


Depressing, right? Just a little something that came to my mind. Review and tell me if you like it. I have lots of ideas for this story. Thanks for reading!:)