Is life a mystery? Is interesting? Maybe or maybe not.

My name is Sonny Munroe and welcome to my life.

I lived in Wisconsin until I moved out due to my mom's job to this forgotten city in middle of nowhere. I was 12 when I moved here and I only had one single friend whose name was Alex Russo.

You may be wondering why I talk about her in the past but there's an actual explanation. She died when we were 14, which means 3 years ago.

She was diagnosed with cancer when we were 13 and she only had one year to live. I still remember her motto "Live life at it's best, break rules because you never know what the future will holds" and she was right but she never lived life at her best, she never got out of her house or was able to do normal kid stuff so if you know what the future holds for you, will you be able to live it at it's best?

My life it's a routine and I live alone. My mom died a year ago in a car crash. It's impossible to believe that in this forgotten city car crashes happen but it does and are more frequent that New York's.

So you see, I'm alone and at school I hang out with some girls but we can't really call each other "friends", they are only there for gossip or "hanging out" which means alcohol or drugs and I don't get into that stuff.

This city it's so boring but… there is this neighborhood really old I might say. These houses are the remaining of what before was a high socialite society. Most of them are inhabited and the ones that have people are really dark and noiseless. The people don't really care about this houses… they just don't go in there.

They say some of these houses are haunted or they just bring bad luck.

But I've seen a boy or a young man in a dark hood at midnight when I'm walking near there. He never shows his face, he just goes into the city and comes back with some bags of food. I've never seen his face that is always covered with a scarf.

Actually, nobody has.

Some say that he is lunatic that is still holding to a past but I say…

He is a person waiting for a new change.