Disclaimer: You know the drill. This is like my version of Blood Promise, only no Strigoi Dimitri and no Russia. But I promise there will be Sydney, Abe and the Belikovs at some point.

Chapter 1

Two weeks later, I was standing in front of my mirror, putting in one last hairpin when I heard a knock at my door. I frowned and went to answer it. Dimitri hadn't said anything yet, and since tonight was prom, I figured he wasn't going.

So you can imagine how surprised I was to see him standing outside my door in a tux. He had his hair down and looked even hotter than usual—if that was even possible.

"You ready?" he asked.

"Ready for what?"

"You wanted to tell people tonight, right?" I nodded. "So let's tell people." It took a second to sink in, but when it did, I threw my arms around his neck, and felt his wrap around my waist.

"I love you, Dimitri Belikov."

"I love you, too, Rose Hathaway."

I kissed him and set off; off to tell the world about the man I love.

When we arrived at the commons, I was shocked. They'd done an amazing job at transforming it, but everybody's attention was focussed on us. I was wearing a skin-tight red satin halter dress with a plunging neckline. It was floor length, backless, and had a split up the side nearly to my hip. I had matching set of platform heels, which made my legs look great, but that wasn't why people were staring. I was holding Dimitri's hand.

"Do you have a problem?" Everyone just stared in silence. "No? Then stop staring!" I snapped. They all turned away, afraid of my anger, but we still received a few sidelong glances. I ignored them as best I could and we made our way over to Lissa and Christian. Adrian was hanging around, as usual, and he just glared at Dimitri before he excused himself.

"I need a drink. And a cigarette. Or three." I heard him mutter as he left. We all laughed at him.

"So you decided to tell Kirova, I presume." Christian said. I nodded. "So you decided to do it this way because she'd have a stroke and not remember? Nice."

"I know, is it a great plan or what?" Dimitri and Lissa just rolled their eyes at me. Christian grinned.

Dimitri hooked his arm around my waist. "Aw, they look so cute." Lissa muttered to herself. I laughed and leaned my head on Dimitri's shoulder. "Awww." She said again.

I rolled my eyes just as Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless came on.

"Dance with me?" I asked Dimitri, giving him puppy dog eyes. He shook his head.

"Not a chance, Roza." I glared at him for a moment before turning to Lissa. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the dance floor. We were the only ones dancing at the moment, but that didn't matter; we both loved this song and danced and sang along for the whole song.

"Take me, I'm alive, never was a girl with a wicked mind, But everything looks better, when the sun goes down; I had everything, opportunities for eternity and I could belong to the night…!"

We screamed the words over the music and I caught Dimitri shaking his head at me. I waved at him and blew him a kiss. By the end of the song, nearly everyone had joined us on the dance floor and we were both out of breath, but I was no way near as bad as Lissa.

"You okay, Lissa?" I asked; she nodded her head. "You look about to pass out! Liss, sit down for a moment." This time she complied and let me drag her off.

Christian and Dimitri came up to us as I got her sat down. Adrian shortly followed with a bottle of Vodka in his hand.

"So I take it Little Miss Princess outdid herself tonight, Little Dhampir?"

"We only danced to one song and she just about collapsed! Are you honestly feeling okay, Liss?"

"Yeah, I'm fine; I really did just overdo it, Rose. Don't worry." I frowned at her and tried digging a little deeper through the bond. Once I realise that she just had overdone it, I paid a little more attention to my surroundings and realised that Christina Aguilera's Dirty was now playing.

"Dance with me, Comrade!" I practically begged him with my eyes.

"I don't dance." He said stubbornly.

"Sure you do. It's easy; I'll show you." I tugged on his hand, but he wouldn't budge.

"Little Dhampir, I'll be happy to dance with you." Adrian said optimistically.

"Not a chance," Dimitri and I said together, only I added, "Asshole," on the end.

"Oh, Little Dhampir, you know you want to."

"No, I don't. I'm going to find Eddie." I grumbled. I looked over to find Eddie near the DJ booth the school had hired. "Eddie!" I screeched, running off and probably leaving everyone else deaf.

I ran up to him and grabbed his hand. "Dance with me." He complied quickly and we danced to the beat of the song. I was a little angry as there was less than a minute left of the song. Although, I was somewhat pacified when the song The Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang came on.

We danced for a few songs more, but by the third, Eddie seemed to be getting uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Eddie?"

"Why is Belikov glaring at me? I haven't done anything wrong!" he exploded. I laughed. "You think this is funny? I could die and I don't even know why!"

"Eddie, chill, he's glaring at you because he's my date." I laughed. His eyes widened. "We've been dating for, like, three months now. Have you genuinely not noticed anything?"

"But…he's…you're…when…? Have you…?" I doubled over in laughter and nearly fell to the floor at his shock and confusion. When I had regained myself, I answered his questions.

"Yes he's my teacher. He is twenty-four, but I'm eighteen now, if you remember. We got together the night the school was attacked and…yes." He just stared at me.

"Christ, Rose."

"Do you want to go sit down, Eddie?"

"Uh, huh." He mumbled. I was still giggling to myself over his stuttering earlier when we arrived back at the table. I noticed Christian was sniggering to himself, too.

"What's funny?" Dimitri asked, coming to wrap an arm around my waist; I pulled away.

"Woah, don't do that! He's already comatose; it might just send him over the edge."

"Oh, ha, ha, Rose." Eddie glared at me from his seat.

"I'm sorry, but that could possibly be the funniest thing I've ever seen Christian and I burst out laughing again. "Did you see it too?" I asked him.

"Yeah, and you're right. It was the funniest thing to ever happen."

"Well," I allowed, "besides the time you picked up the wrong underwear, that is. I didn't know you were into pink lace, Christian." Everyone burst out laughing at that, even Lissa. Christian's face turned bright red.

"What? But…how did you know about that?" he whispered venomously to me. I burst out laughing again.

"I didn't! Well, not until now, at least!" I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard. "Ohmigod, look at your face! It's so true!" Christian looked as if he was going to set me on fire. "Oh, you do not wanna go there."

"Says me. Plus you would not live to see another day if you tried. Lissa would bring me back and then Dimitri and I would murder you with bare hands." I explained with a sickly sweet smile, and I swear, there was actual steam coming out of his ears.

"You'll pay for this, Hathaway." He shot me one last glare and grabbed the bottle of vodka from Adrian's hand and stormed off, drinking from the almost full bottle. I turned to Lissa.

"Did he honestly try and put your panties on?" I asked incredulously. She nodded her head and I was knocked over by another bout of hysterics that would've knocked me to the ground if Dimitri hadn't caught me

"Do you need to sit down, Roza?" I could only nod. He set me own in a chair, which I promptly fell straight off in my hysterics. That sent everyone else into giggle fits. I laughed for at least ten minutes before I calmed down enough to sit on the chair.

"Ow, ow, ow, stitch!" I laughed. I had tears running down my face. My makeup job was entirely ruined, but I didn't care, because Christian was making his way back to us. He was being propped by Lissa, and the bottle was now empty. He was pissed. "Hey, there, Princess. How's it going?" I giggled.

"Go to hell." He slurred.

"Sorry, can't. Satan still has a restraining order on me." Lissa and Eddie snickered, and I couldn't help but giggle. "I'm sure he'd appreciate you, though. I hear he's likes frilly panties. Ooh, do you have any frilly ones, or are they all lace?" the last one was a bit below the belt, I admit, but I couldn't resist. Oh, well, can't take it back now.

"Fuck off."

"Christian, I think it's best if you go to bed now," Dimitri said, "You're drunk and may end up doing something that'll end up with a black eye."

"Sure." He got up and staggered his way back to his dorm. Lissa got up and helped him after the first time he tripped.

"You're evil, you know that, right?" Dimitri clarified.

"Yes, I do. And that's why you love me." I pulled him in for a quick kiss, but when we pulled away, I saw there was someone watching us.

"Miss Hathaway, Guardian Belikov, my office. Now."

Ah, shit.

I know, it's not long, but I just loved it. The next one will be longer to make up for it. Promise.