See My profile for Disclaimer. Most of the dialogue taken from Reckoning (S01 E22). Written in Cara's Pov.

The Seeker and I sat by the tiny fire he had managed to make shivering in the cold. I had taken my hair out of the braid to help keep myself warm and I had my fur blanket around me, shielding my unclothed body from the wind. But it was still cold. I looked at the Seeker to see how he was holding out. He sat shaking with his legs pulled up to his chest, holding his bowl of water.

"We're wasting heat." I pointed out flatly.

He turned to me with a puzzled look on his face. "What do you mean?" he asked.

I looked at him, trying to be as seductive as possible with the glance. "Try not to be an idiot." I suggested coyly.

He put down his water, and came over next to me , grabbing the side of the blanket as we were lying down, pulling it over himself. I waited for him to settle before starting a conversation.

"Has it occurred to you that with all his confessed followers we may not be able to get close enough to the Master to kill him?" I asked, voicing my fears aloud. The Seeker didn't respond. "Don't worry seeker, I promise not tell your legions of admirers that you admitted to a doubt."

He sighed, but didn't respond. Again. This was getting old.

"What then?" I wondered aloud. "We'll be alone. Just the two of us." I rolled onto my side and rested my arm on his chest. "I don't know about you, but I'd need to find some... small bit of comfort in this cursed place."

I leaned in slowly, and kissed him. Softly. Gently. He kissed back. I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked as tenderly as I could.

He looked at the sky. "I'm in love with someone else."

"Who said anything about love?" I objected. I leaned in closer before continuing. "I'm talking about pleasure."

"I'm sorry." he said. It was clear that he was not going to be changing his mind. He wasn't going to accept my offer.

I backed off and rested my head onto my hand, propping myself up on my elbow. "Look at you. Faithful to a women who's probably been dead...Thirty years." I said, trying to hide the pain of rejection.

He continued staring at the stars. "I love her." He said. "And I always will."

I rolled over onto my other side and stared off into the distance. No man had ever refused me before. It must have been the worms.