A/N I'm a retard. It's official. Four months after getting a brand new laptop only I would manage to trip on it in the dark and smash the screen. But I have it back now in perfect condition.

And now-ow-ow. Onto the amazing goodness-ess-ess. That is officially-ly-ly (and by that I mean the final copy (no more re-writes( woo hoo! Triple brackets! ))) Save Me From Myself!



Kim's POV

I looked bomb! I would do me. I though as I made sexy faces at myself in my bathroom mirror. Who was I fucking kidding, I would do me on any day.

My bad. You lovely people I talk to in my head have absolutely no idea who the fuck I is (hash tag ghetto fabulous).

I'm Kim. Sexy extrodinaire. Talented mother fucker. Certifiably insane and epic beyond all belief.

It was an ordinary Saturday, which meant Kayla was throwing a party. She threw parties more often that she changed her underwear (I may be exaggerating slightly). I told my boyfriend Eric that I wasn't going but I felt like surprising him, so I was.

He was great. Hot, funny, sweet . . . did I mention hot. I told him I loved him the other day. He didn't say it back but we did make out and have sex so I'm assuming he has feelings for me and just isn't ready to say it.

My friends said I was stupid and that I should talk to him, but they don't know him. Most of them live in La Push, Washington which sucks, but I've got Vanessa and Mel. My sister from another mister.

Anywho, I digress.

Party time!

"Seriously Kim, you said 5 minutes 20 minutes ago. Hurry your shit." My brother yelled through the door. Sweet isn't he (You can hear the sarcasm).

With one more adjustment to my rack and an air kiss to myself, I left the bathroom.

"I'm ready." I smiled teasingly and walked down the stairs, tripping and almost killing myself in the process.

"Steady tiger." Adrian chuckled, ruffling the hair I spent 20 minutes, not to mention the burns, straightening.

"Hey!" I complained, following him out the door to his truck. Well not his truck, the truck our dad is letting us borrow for the night. I slid into the passengers seat and punched Adrian in the arm before fiddling with the stereo to find something awesome to listen to.

The party was in full swing as we pulled up, the sun just starting to set. Kayla had the fortune of living in a private estate, so the neighbours never complain about the noise. This was why I could feel the base in my butt as Adrian parked.

"Sweet." He said, stepping out of the truck. I on the other hand, took a leap of faith, hoping not to fall on my ass in my wedges. After I averted that disaster I made my way into the party, immediately losing my brother in the sea of bodies.

Meh, I thought. I didn't need him cramping my style. I made my way into the party, pushing through to the kitchen where I was sure I would find Eric drinking with his friends.

Well, his friends were there. I looked around but I couldn't see him. I grabbed a fruity looking drink in red cup and gulped it down, surprised at it's delicious taste. Grabbing another, I went to leave the kitchen but caught a glimpse or Eric's dark brown curls moving up the stairs.

At least I thought they were his curls . . . not gonna lie, my vision's a little hazy.

What the fuck was in those drinks.

I walked up the stairs slowly, feeling a little unsteady on my feet. Eric must have been a ninja or something because he had disappeared into one of the many doors in the almost endless hallway.

Maybe he went to the toilet, my brain slurred. Now if only I could remember which door was the toilet. I took a random guess, opening one. I had a 1 in 12 chance of being correct.

It was a dark room, empty expect for the furniture and some coats tossed haphazardly on top.

Well, one down. Eleven to try.

I shut the door and moved further down the hall, deciding to start at the last door and work my way forward when I heard a very distinct groan coming from one of the doors.

A groan that had been made only a day ago in my room. I frowned and moved towards it and stood swaying outside the door for a moment.

"Fuck, Vanessa." The groan . . . well, groan.

Stumbling into the room I came face to face with Eric's naked back, kneeling on the bed and humping the air. Except . . . it wasn't the air. I knew those electric blue tresses anywhere.

"Eric . . ." I whimpered tearfully from the door.

His face flashed around quick as lightning, his shock evident. He started to spew excuses, his erection bobbing. What made me sick to my stomach was the smug smirk on Vanessa's face as she stared at me. A girl who was meant to be my best friend.

I spun and ran down the hallway and out side, hunching over and throwing up in Kayla's bush. Everything was blurry and it had nothing to do with the alcohol. It was because my heart was breaking, in more ways than I could count.


Mel's POV

We stumbled into an unoccupied room, lips smashing together passionately. I gasped, pulling away for air. He trailed his lips down my neck, sucking on my collar bone.

Adrian walked me backwards until my knees hit the edge of the bed, kicking off out shoes as we went, and lowered me onto it. He moved his mouth back to mine, our tongues fighting for dominance.

My legs fell open and he settled in between them, his length pressing against me through his jeans. He pushed my skirt up to my hips and thrust against my heat.

I moaned and threw my arms around his neck, pushing my hands into his hair.

"You're so beautiful." Adrian slurred in my ear, the only sign of his inebriation. His hands moved to cup my breasts and I moaned again.

That sound seemed to spur him on and he almost tore my shirt as he removed it. He paused and marvelled at my cream lace bra. Adrian kissed his way down to the swell of my breasts. He kissed and sucked at them through the material, teasing me.

I ran my hands through his hair, panting. His eyes looked up at me sexily and I felt a flood of warmth at my core. Adrian reached behind me and unhooked my bra, pulling it from my body quickly.

There was no hesitation. Once my breasts were exposed to him he immediately took one of my nipples into his mouth, rolling the other between his thumb and finger.

I moaned softly, my hips rolling against his on impulse. He groaned into my chest, the sensation making me gasp. Abruptly, he sat back on his knees and removed his shirt.

We stared at each other for a moment before I ran my hands down his chest slowly. I cupped his erection through his jeans and his head fell back in pleasure. I didn't hesitate to undo his fly and push his pants down along with his boxers.

Adrian's erection bobbed proud and thick at attention, the head smeared with pre cum. I swiped my thumb over it and groaned at the slightly salty taste. I looked up to see him watching me with rapt attention.

He slid his hands up my legs until he reached the edge of my skirt. Then he tugged in, pulling it off in one smooth motion and pulling me halfway down the bed. We both laughed at his eagerness and he moved back forward to kiss me but I flipped up both before he could.

I slid out of my underwear semi awkwardly before I gave him what he wanted and kissed him. His hand palmed my ass roughly as his tongue fucked my mouth. I whimpered at his rough treatment and ground my heat against his member.

Adrian bit his lip and his already dark eyes darkened further. Without warning he slip a finger down my slick opening, making me buck against him. As he looked me in the eye he sucked that finger into his eyes and his eyes fluttered deliciously.

"I want you to sit on my face." He rasped. "Now."

I wasted no time scrambling up his body until my knees rested on either side of his head. Adrian pulled my hips down until he was lapping hungrily at my wet core. I cried out loudly as his lips wrapped around and sucked at my clit.

He nipped at it before soothing it over with his tongue. When it made me gasp and shiver he did it again.

"Oh God, Adrian." I moaned, my legs trembling. He moved down and began to fuck my opening with his tongue, rubbing circles around my bundle of nerves. I began to pulse around his tongue my orgasm approaching.

I called Adrian's name as I came, my hips grinding against his face impulsively. I was gasping as I came down from my orgasm high. Adrian chuckled against me, sending delicious vibrations into my body.

He lifted my hips from his face and slid out from under me. There was a rustling of clothes behind me and the sound of a foil wrapper breaking. I felt Adrian's presence behind me as he climbed back on the bed. He placed one hand on my hip and pushed on my upper back with the other, putting me on all fours.

I felt the tip of him press against me and when I tried to push back on him he moved away.

"Don't tease me Adrian." I growled, frustrated. He chuckled and moved back into position, pushing into my opening.


Kim's POV

The icy cold rain spat down on me from above. It matched my mood perfectly. My once whole heart was nothing but crumbs in this space it used to live in. My vision seemed permanently blurred by tears as I stared the ocean tossing the waves, I sank down onto the wet sand as I finally gave in to my aching body and screaming lungs.

I hated him in this moment, yet I loved him at the same time. Betrayal had many faces but the face I had come to love was one that shocked me the most, I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't help myself from reminiscing over the first time we'd met.


Melody practically ran over to me and flopped down into the spare cafeteria seat next to me. Her neon blue and yellow hair shining with her excitement, and blue eyes shining with mischief.

And no you didn't hear me wrong. Her hair is bright NEON blue and yellow. We show our artistic creation through our hair styles. (mine is a dark brown with a white dip dye)

"OMG! Kimmy you will never believe the sex-on-legs that walked into my class this morning." I saw the awestruck look she gave the door. As if on cue his 6"4 build of pure pornographic hotness walked through the door. At that exact moment a collective sigh rose from the all the females in the room.

Including me.

"There he is! There he is!" Melody rushed as she abused my arm with spastic and excited little taps. "Eric" She sighed

"He is... he is..."

"So fucking hot?" Melody took the words out of my mouth. We stared intensely as he swaggered over to the lunch line. I was absolutely sure he knew what he was doing to all the ladies in here.

Vanessa, ever the sensible one, came over. Her neon blue fringe covering one of her eyes. (if you haven't noticed we all have a thing for neon colours)

"What the fuck are you two lessies looking at?" She said with no bitchyness in her voice. Her grey eyes followed the direction ours were, her jaw hit the floor when she saw the object of our desire.

"Damn! Who is that piece of hotness?"

I watched as he sauntered over to a table occupied by people I didn't know.

"Eric" I sighed, answering Vanessa's question. As if he heard my voice calling him he turned his dark eyes capturing mine. He smiled. I smiled back.

The spark was instant. Or so I thought.

*Flash back ends*

Silent sobs wreaked my body as I dug through my bag. I needed my big brother. Adrian. I dialed his number with shaking hands, when he answered he sounded groggy and I knew I had woken him up.

"A-Adrian. I n-need you, can you come pick me up. I'm at Lake Huron."

Adrian could hear the hysterics in my voice and perked up instantly. I could imagine him hopping around putting on clothes all while chanting soothing words. But I couldn't hear him.

Finding out that Eric had cheated on me with one of my best friends had hurt. Seeing it killed and had left me broken and very tired.

As I sat on that beach I was getting more and more wound up, and at that instant I promised myself I will never love anyone the way I loved Erik.

And that was the day the wall went up. And the old me... changed.

A/N So there it is. Comment, Subscribe and follow. There's a banner and Characters on my profile so go check them out. I hope you enjoyed my little lemon. Kind of a reward for being so patient. I will try to have a new chapter up at least once a month, once a week at best but don't take that at face value. Adiós señors and señoras.