Kate hasn't slept in two days because her new upstairs neighbor is an aspiring tap dancer, her main suspect for a double homicide has an airtight alibi, her hair is fried from when her second biggest suspect-who is quickly becoming her first-tackled her and nearly rolled her into a lit fireplace, she somehow got roped into coming to Castle's Christmas party, and James Patterson has her backed into a corner while he explains his 'creative process'.

So really, it's a pretty typical Friday night.

The fact that Castle's insanity has become commonplace, expected even, should be alarming. Maybe it's the eggnog, which settles warmly in her belly, or maybe it's the way Castle's smiling at her from across the room, which is making her warm in...other places, but she doesn't feel alarmed. Not even a little bit.

She was planning on just making an appearance and then heading home to her apartment, a glass of wine, and a good book, but somehow, when she wasn't looking, the hours slipped by until there are only a handful of people left. Ryan and Esposito are stretched out on the couch, snuggled tightly together on cushions that should by all rights be too narrow to fit them both. Castle's taking a picture, crowing about blackmail opportunities and how someday 'their grandchildren will want to see this!' Alexis is in bed, and Martha is serenading James Patterson over by the piano.

It isn't that she didn't notice the mistletoe, but after several cups of eggnog, which had basically turned into straight rum about an hour ago, she wasn't keeping an eye out for it. So she's confused at first when Castle stumbles over and wraps an arm around her waist. Then he glances up and when she follows his eyes, she sees the festive sprig. When she looks back down, Castle's eyes and breath are on her mouth.

Okay, she thinks to herself when his lips brush against hers. He's just kissing her because of the mistletoe. That's fine, really. Because when she loops her arms around his neck and kisses him back, it's obviously just the rum.

She isn't sure what to blame when she lets him grab her ass though.

Thank you for reading! Feedback is overwhelmingly appreciated.

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me.

Written for the daily drabble exercise I do on my LJ. Answers the prompt "Castle and Beckett's first kiss."