
Jacklyn, Birby6, Vivi, Tornado, and LoL.


Venice, Amp, Toni, Momo, Mikey, ML, and Heather.


"Is it on?" Icefox's face was pressed to a camera.

"Back away and I'll tell you." Acro's voice is heard.

"But if I back away people will see your new look." Icefox pouted.

"JUST GET AWAY FROM THE DANG CAMERA!" Acro pulled Icefox away, her violet and bloodshot eyes glared at the younger girl.

"Sorry." Icefox sheepishly laughed, the Shy Guy holding the camera made a noise.

"See it's on." Acro said.

"Okay okay, come on!" Icefox smiled pulling the Shy Guy after her.

"Oh lord it's going to be a long day." Acro sighed trailing behind.

"Hey Amp how you doing?" Icefox asked cheerfully to the automan.

"Fine." Amp said confused, "Why do you two have a camera?"

"Ignore it." Acro said with her arms crossed, she looked at Amp's pile of junk he had gotten from the shed, "Seems like you got a good start."

"Yeah." Amp said going back to work on his aircraft.

"So…" Icefox said.

"Moving on." Acro pulled Icefox away from Amp.

"Venice?" Acro looked at the girls pile, but didn't see the girl.

"Venice?" Icefox called.

"PRESENT!" Venice popped out of her pile, "Oh hey." she had a metal coil sticking out of her head and two different colored dials over her eyes.

"Uhh how's the build going?" Acro asked as Shy guy moved the camera around to see all of Venice's pile.

"Uhh…good." Venice smiled.

"Okay well good luck at the race." Icefox said smiling.

"Hey Vivi." Acro walked up to Vivi.

"Oh hey." Vivi smiled.

"Whatcha doing?" Icefox asked.

"Planning." Vivi was sitting on a spare tire and was sketching out an aircraft from the junk she had grabbed from the shed.

"Cool, how's it coming?" Acro asked.

"Pretty good." Vivi smiled, she noticed the camera and raised an eyebrow.

Shy Guy waved to her from behind the camera, confused and blushing Vivi waved back.

"Hey Birby." Icefox called.

"Ow." Birby crawled out from under his junk pile, trusty hammer in hand.

"How's the build going?" Acro asked.

"Slow but good." Birby said, "now shoo and take your camera guy with you. I need to work." Birby crawled back under his pile.

"Weird." Acro shrugged walking off.

"wait up!" Icefox picked the Shy Guy up and ran after her partner in crime.

"Hey LoL." Icefox looked at his pile confused, "What exactly are you doing?"

"Planning." LoL buried his face in a sketch book.

"Okay." Acro blinked confused, "You should probably get building-"

"Didn't you say you two were racing too? Shouldn't you be building your aircraft?" LoL asked.

"We got Mr. L and Dimentio working on it." Acro shrugged.

"Okay hand me a wrench." Mr. L said.

"A what?" Dimentio asked.

"A wrench it looks like…oh never mind." Mr. L scowled.

"Besides we're the host we're supposed to check on people." Acro said.

"But you appear to be busy." Icefox said, "So cheers!" and then they left.

"Well we've seen some of the contestants so far." Icefox said to the camera, "So let's see….Amp seems to be doing good so far, not so sure about Vivi and LoL."

"Yeah and Birby seems to be working with JUST his hammer, but I won't judge, maybe he's got something cool planned." Acro shrugged.

"And Venice appears to just want to play with the stuff she's got." Icefox snickered, shy Guy spoke up (and said something in Shy Guy language)

"Right right we should check on the others." Icefox nodded.


A half finish aircraft sat unattended. "Tornado?" Icefox called.

"Hey look there's a sign over here." Acro said, Shy Guy turned the camera and focused on the sign, "Had to go…Be right back." Acro read.

"Go…Go where-"

"Don't ask." Acro said her eyes wide, "come on let's check on the others."

"Um..Jacklyn the task is to build the aircraft not make art outta it." Acro sighed.

Shy Guy nearly dropped his camera in shock, Jacklyn had built a small scale replica of Castle Bleck.

"Just wait." Jacklyn said shrugging, sitting in a lawn chair.

"Okay well…see ya at the race." Acro said and the three walked away.

"Everyone is build so slow I mean-" Icefox ran head first into an aircraft.

"HI GUYS!" Momo popped up smiling.

"Momo is this yours?" Acro asked, the aircraft was small, only the size of a large go-kart just big enough for a motor and a place for Momo to sit.

"yup." Momo smiled.

"Wow." Icefox smiled.

"Impressive." Acro nodded.

"Thanks…Is it too small? Everyone else is building such huge things…" Momo asked.

"It's fine." Acro smiled.

"Yay!" Momo jumped happily.

Shy Guy walked around with the camera while Acro and Icefox talked to Momo. He approached Mikey's pile which seemed to be getting smaller as her aircraft got bigger.

He watched Mikey build for about fifteen minutes before moving on, camera in tow.

ML appeared to be having a hard time with her build, Shy Guy put his camera down and stood next to her.

Shy Guy made a noise and ML looked at him, "Oh hey there." She smiled. Shy Guy made a confused noise and motioned to her pile.

"I'm thinking…" ML said.

Shy Guy said nothing and then shrugged, he went back and picked up his camera. He said something that could have been interpreted as a good bye in Shy Guy terms, and waved to ML as he walked off. ML waved back and got to work.

Finally he approached Heather who's Aircraft's shell was made but she was having some difficulty putting the body on the shell. He watched her struggle with trying to bend a piece of metal and finally Shy Guy put the camera down and went over to a large chunk of wood, about the size of the piece of metal. Shy Guy got the wood wet and bent it to the shape of her aircraft, then made a noise that could be "Come look."

Heather walked over, "Oh Shy Guy you're brilliant!" Heather said.

Shy Guy blushed and walked back over to his camera, he pointed it at Heather and watched her build for about ten minutes before going back to Acro and Icefox.

"So what do you think about the competition?" Icefox asked laying on a beanbag.

"I think we better keep an eye on Amp and Jacklyn." Acro brushed through her dark purple hair.

"Your new look is gunna take some getting used to." Icefox said.

"Oh well." Acro said distracted. "You saw it that one time."

"I know but I thought it wasn't permanent." Icefox said.

"Well it is."

"Ladies." Dimentio lifted his head off one of the bunk beds, "Shut up." he threw his head back down on his pillow, both girls stuck their tongues out at him.

"GOOD MORNING CONTESTANTS!" Acro screamed over the intercom, "IT'S GOING TO BE A BIG BIG BIG DAY SO GET UP AND GET READY!" everyone groggily got up and got ready.

Acro, Icefox, Mr. L, Dimentio and Count Bleck stood on their aircraft outside the mansion. The aircraft was about the size of a pirate ship and looked like one too.

Tiredly the competitors lined up by their aircrafts getting them ready and in the air.

Lakister floated in front and held up three fingers, then two, then one.

So who do you think is going to win?

The final challenge has been chosen and will be between the last two people standing. Details as we get closer to the end.

Good luck.

And may the odds be ever in your favor-*shot*