A/N: Howdy! I don't own Toy Story *sniff*.
This is based a little while after Toy Story 2 ended.
I might add more chapters, but I think you guys should decide, because I don't know.
Sleep Talkin'
Buzz awoke with a start. He wasn't sure why.
It was dark – about midnight, possibly; he couldn't tell exactly, because Andy's clock was always wrong. The whole gang was out of the toy box tonight, scattered across the floor mostly. It was Andy's birthday, but he hadn't been given any new toys; Mom said he had enough already; although he had asked about a million times.
There were four of them on the bed, apart from Andy – Woody, Buzz, Jessie and Bullseye. Andy was cuddling Woody and Bullseye. Buzz was lying at the far end of the bed, because Andy wanted Buzz to protect him after watching a rather scary movie about a boy who could see dead people, despite Mom having warned him he was too young.
But where was Jessie?
Buzz looked around, trying to spot her hair that was an amazingly similar shade to the red of the Rosette Nebula, or some other way to identify the cowgirl he had become infatuated with the moment they met.
In Buzz's peripheral vision, the bed sheet moved slightly.
Buzz whipped his head around to where he'd spotted the movement. He crawled over to the spot and pulled back the covers. Jessie was wide awake, staring up at him with her beautiful, green eyes. Buzz figured she'd been hiding for some reason.
"Are – are you alright, ma'am?" Buzz asked nervously. Jessie nodded.
"Don' worry 'bout me, Buzz," she replied. "Go back ter sleep."
"What are you doing here?" Buzz asked. "I thought you were –" he gestured to the other end of the bed. Buzz couldn't bring himself to say "With Woody", no matter the context.
Jessie didn't answer; she just stared at Buzz.
"Nothin'," she answered finally.
"Are you sure?" Buzz asked.
"Yeah," Jessie muttered. Somehow, Buzz didn't believe her. But he shrugged, went back to his spot, and went back to sleep.
In the morning, Buzz explained it all to Woody.
"If you don't believe her, why don't ya just ask her for the truth?" Woody asked.
"I – I can't talk to her!" Buzz complained.
"Ya seem to have managed okay last night," Woody pointed out.
"For about five seconds!" Buzz groaned. "I can't do it, Woody!"
Woody rolled his eyes. Buzz could be pretty strange sometimes. "Fine, I'll go talk to her."
Woody found Jessie on the desk, watching Rex play the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command videogame. She winced as Woody's arrival distracted Rex, and the on-screen Buzz was disintegrated from the waist up.
"Aww, Woody!" Rex wailed. "I almost had him!"
"Ya were gonna lose," Jessie told him. "But don't worry; you'll get 'im next time."
"Jess, can I talk to you?" Woody asked flat out.
"Sure…" Jessie said nervously. Woody led her to the hallway.
"You wanna tell me why you moved to Buzz's end of the bed last night?" Woody demanded.
"Not really," Jessie shrugged, smirking. She turned back towards the door, but Woody grabbed her wrist.
"Uh-uh, missy. You aren't going until you tell me."
Jessie sighed. "Remember that film Andy watched last night? Where the guy was talkin' ter his wife while she was sleepin'?"
Woody nodded. "Were you talking to Buzz?"
"I used ter talk like that ter Emily," Jessie continued, ignoring the question. "Before the movie came out, I used to always talk with her like that. She talked back ter me, too. An' then she'd wake up an' not remember it, but I always did."
"What about?"
"Anythin'. Everythin'. Even when I was under that bed, I used ter talk to her. I remember that time – the good time – more than anythin' else."
"Were you talking to Buzz last night?" Woody asked again.
Jessie nodded. "That film reminded me o' them times with Emily. I thought that, if she talked ter me in her sleep, then maybe Buzz would, too."
"Did he?"
"Yeah," Jessie admitted. "I never heard him talk so much, even though I did most o' the talkin'."
Jessie smiled and stared off into space.
"What did he say?" Woody asked.
Jessie looked back at Woody. "He said he loves me."
A/N: Wadda ya think? Should I make it into a multi-chapter story? Review!