Days of absence, sad and dreary,
Clothed in sorrow's
dark array,
Days of absence, I am weary;
She I
love is far away.
~William Shakespeare~



We were never meant to understand the foolish depths of our hearts. Things happen to us when we least expect it and most of those, we can never even begin to explain. We look upon a friend and see them in a different light one morning. Whether it was something in their eyes, the tone of their voice or just the way they smile. Or we look upon our enemy and find that not only hatred but also love can invade one's heart. Whether it is a voice, the way one looks at you, or simply the dark destiny of a heart you are never to understand. To be fooled is to realise weakness can be strength.

Because when you are forcefully taken from her side, in the arms of your friends, you realise the tears you weep are not just those of pain. In a second, just a moment, you have realised, you never wished to leave. Unexplainable as it may be, there is something. Something you have hidden. Denied. Lied about. Forgotten, or you never even knew it existed. The pain was intoxicating, lacing your blood with venomous poison that also crept inside your heart.

We were never meant to understand the foolish depths of our hearts. So, when you leave the safety of your new found shelter, you have no idea where you are going. All you know is that you are going back to where you most want to be.

Our hearts fool us into believing things we never knew. Our hearts are the sole players in an endless masquerade.