Hey Readers! I know, I know, this isn't CurlyBlueCutie. As you probably know, the fifth chapter of the original Forbidden Child has an authors note saying CurlyBlueCutie was giving the story up, and anyone who PMd first got to write the story.


I was the first person to PM ! So Forbidden Child is now under new management! Hope the readers don't mind to much, but there are going to be a few changes in the story.

R&R and tell me what you think.

Artemis POV

I looked down at that poor old mortal I'd been watching for the past few months. He was so poor and worked hard on a little farm for nothing. No crops. No money. No family. I had been visiting him in disguise as a mortal woman named Adara, only out of pity of course. As I watched him and visited him, he had told me that if he had a daughter, he would be happy. He wouldn't need anything else.

"But do you believe this is the best environment for a young maiden?" I had asked him.

"No, I don't. I suppose I'm just being selfish." He replied gloomily.

Looking upon him now, my pity got the best of me. I dismounted my throne and went to see Demeter. I knocked on her chamber door.

"Come in," she said a little sad. Poor thing. Still sad about Persephone being gone.

I stepped in.

"Oh, hello Artemis."

"Hello Demeter. I'm in a hurry, so I'll just get right to it." I paused, thinking about what to say. "There's this man, a mortal," I began. Her eyebrows crinkled when I said man. "The thing is, I've been watching him. He's just so pitiful, Demeter. He has nothing at all. I visited him, and he told me his life would be better if he were to have a daughter…"

"Artemis no! You cannot break your oath!" Demeter yelled.

"No, no! I wasn't thinking that at all. But, what if I somehow, created a baby? Surely I can without breaking my oath,"

Demeter thought a moment. "You might be able to actually, with you being the goddess of childbirth. But, why do you need me?"

"I got those rabbits out of your garden. You owe me a favor. Well,I need you to make this man's garden grow vigorously. I mean wonderful produce that never ended."

"I suppose," Demeter said. "Show me this man,"

I parted the clouds to show her the man, Adam De Luna. She smiled at the man, who had a little tiny statue of her in his garden. She stood up and snapped her fingers. Seconds later Adam's garden was bursting with all sorts of crops, EVERYWHERE, as in at least half a mile. Adam looked freaked, then jumped in the air with and kissed the statue of Demeter.

"There. He should be set for life, but I'll refresh his garden every once in while, just in case." She said.

"Thank you Demeter. I can't begin tell you how thankful I am."

"It was nothing. Now, about the baby," she started. "You will need me, you, and Adam."

Artemis nodded "We'll meet tomorrow?"

"Sounds fine to me." She sighed, and mumbled something about Persephone. I excused myself to go celebrate the birth of my very first child.

*The Next Day*

Demeter and I met at Adam's house. He came to the door on the second knock. He smiled when he saw me at the door.

"Adara! What brings you here?" he asked.

"Oh me and my aunt Delphina came here on account of business. When you told me that if you only had a daughter, you wouldn't need anything else. Delphina was kind enough to volunteer to witness, so we could give you a daughter and you wouldn't have to worry about money."

"But Adara, you told me you vowed never to get married." Adam said.

"I can make a baby without breaking my oath, my aunt Delphina is an oracle. The goddess Hecate gave her a spell that would make a baby. Now, hold out your arm." He did as I told him. Demeter made a gorgeous moon orchid bloom all the way up to my chest. It opened up. I pulled out a dagger and sliced his arm, then I sliced mine. We each poured some of our blood into the moon orchid. Then Demeter spoke.

The binding of bloods at this here rite,

Shall be the beginning of a new human being.

Half-god half-man, the girl shall be,

With powers of the greatest, she shall defeat.

Now my gorgeous moon orchid,

Close together at last,

Until nine months time,

A baby shall pass.

But listen until then,

You must be kept safe,

And open up to bring a new being.

The flower closed, and I swear I could see it pulsing. Then Demeter handed me the crescent moon necklace I had carved the night before. I draped it across the flower and a bright light shone, like a force field, forever protecting the baby. When ever she took it off, it would transform into a silver bow and arrow. Adam was aghast, and wouldn't stop looking at the flower.

"I will leave you now." I told him "But I warn you, I will not be back." I said as I turned and went out the door.

Adam nodded, as if he understood.

Outside, I pulled around my chariot. When Demeter didn't follow, I said, "Aren't you coming with me?"

"No. I figured since I was already here, I'd go visit Daniel."

"Daniel?" I asked her.

"A mortal I met. His sister is seeing Poseidon and we're goin on a double date. Did I tell you Dionysus has another mortal wife?"

"Did I tell you my big-headed brother is seeing Calliope again?"

"No you didn't. We must talk more often, you spend too much time with your hunters."

"I suppose I do." I took one last look at Adam and my soon-to-be baby, then took off into the night.

Hope the readers don't mind the change in dialogue. I tried to make Artemis and Demeter's conversations sound a llittle less valley girl, and alittle more goddess like.