Summary: The Tsukimori family had adopted a little boy when Len was only 8 years old. 12 years later, Len's adopted brother got a bit disturbed by Len's actions and thoughts. He decided to play a little game, a game that will control Kahoko and Len's fate... on the process he didn't know that fate itself is playing tricks on him as well.

KahoxLen... OCxOC


Chapter 1

Hoping that he's not too late, the azure haired lad ran as fast as he could to reach the crimson haired lass. "Kahoko!", he yelled but it wasn't audible enough for the lass to hear it.

"Your beloved will leave this world soon", the voice said then another batch of screams were heard.

"Stop saying that! She won't! I don't believe it", the azure haired lass shouted, panting.

The twilight became darkness as Len ran towards the old-fashioned mansion. Memories kept on bugging his mind. He doesn't believe in what he's already facing yet he was so scared. He ran and ran yet he can't reach the mansion, his legs already felt numb to him. "I don't believe it!", he shouted.


Everything has been peaceful and quiet to me but after having such a weird dream, I can't think straight anymore. I looked at Len who was sitting on the sofa, book on hand, he seems to be thinking of something since the past hour, he hasn't turned the next page of his book since then.

'I wonder how's she's been… it has been three years… is she still playing the violin? If she is, I wonder how much she has improved…', Len thought. Len must really miss that girl, to think of her too much since he moved here to Vienna. He took the opportunity to study here more and took him 3 years instead of 1 year. That really is a long time if you ask me.

"Kahoko Hino", I said the name of the girl he was thinking.

Len looked at me and another batch of thoughts came to him like 'What made you say her name?' and many more. He decided to say something different, "What?".

"Kahoko Hino… you miss her, don't you?", I asked. I know the answer but might as well hear it from his mouth.

He stared at me a little longer then said, "Why? Did mother asked you to ask me?".

I shook my head, and said "No…. I just remembered that girl you told me about three years ago, the one who has the ability to show how she feels by playing her violin, the one who, you said, love the violin with all her heart".

He gave me a small smile and said, "You remembered that? I thought you didn't pay attention to what I said back then". He closed his book and looked at me straight in the eye. He remembered Kahoko Hino again just by looking at me. "You two have a similar style in playing. You two play the violin with feelings and your music is heartwarming. A thing I cannot do while playing the violin", he said.

"Is that so", I said.

Silence covered the room. Len was again thinking of Kahoko Hino. I flipped over the pages of the book I was holding. Ave Maria by Schubert was their theme song. I don't agree with Len not able to play with feelings, I had seen one of his memories about when he was back in Japan; he was able to play such a heartwarming melody with Kahoko Hino. His music changes whenever Kahoko Hino was around him.

"Yes", Len said. I looked up to see him. "I do miss her…", he smiled at a memory he had with Kahoko Hino.

"I see", I said. To miss a person who is dear to you is normal.

Len's expression changed into a questioning expression. "I don't get you Yuu, you still talk in a small volume, try talking normally by speaking more loudly", Len said.

"I don't want to speak much louder than I had, it'll just be troublesome", I said standing up from my seat.

Len nodded and opened his book, and said "Okay". 'It would really be troublesome for you anyway, especially given to who you are. But at least when we're alone speak loudly, I can't hear you sometimes', Len thought.

"I'll try if you can't really hear me sometimes", I said.

Len looked at me surprised. "It's like you can read my mind", he said and after a few seconds paid attention to his book. His thoughts now were directed to the book, which is good. If only Len knew I have an ability to read minds. But I'd rather hide it from him; he might think I'm not giving him some privacy. If only I can control this ability, I would have given him privacy ever since we were young. Lucky for him there were times that I cannot use that ability, maybe lucky for me, whenever I'm with him and my ability to read minds is on, all I can hear from him was how Kahoko Hino was doing. Talk about madly in love!

"I'll go to my room", I said while heading towards my room. I just saw Len nodding in response.

I closed the door behind me and leaned on the door. I wonder if I should tell him that I'm going to Japan and especially I'll be meeting his beloved Hino in her university. I took a letter that was on my study table. Seiso University huh… Maybe I should and convince him to come back with me. It'll be interesting to see another side of him personally.

~1 week later- Japan~

I looked at Len who looked uneasy. He didn't even spoke even a word on the plane. Maybe I had surprised him by saying I'm going back to Japan yesterday and had forced him to come with me. Well, not forced, in fact it didn't took me too much energy to convince him to come with me. He was the one who even asked me if he could come with me right after I said the news. "Go look for your girlfriend. You might not know we'll be bumping on to her", I said.

Len looked at me and said, "Kahoko isn't my girlfriend". 'But I would be the happiest guy on earth if she was', he thought.

"Let me rephrase that, go look for your soon to be girlfriend", I said. I took my luggage, Len did the same.

Len glared at me for teasing him. "I'm not planning on leaving you here in the airport Yuu", he said.

"Yet you would want to leave and look for her", I said, somehow enjoying how Len looked. His cheeks has a hint of pinkish hue, he's blushing.

"True", he mumbled to himself.

Outside the airport Raven, my butler and driver, was waiting for us with Senri, my personal maid. "Young master", Raven bowed down before taking my luggage, "Master Len", Raven greeted, Len nodded and gave his luggage to Raven.

After a few minutes of ride, at last we had arrived home. Len opened the front door of the Tsukimori mansion.

"Welcome back!", a voice of a girl said. The next thing I knew was that a crimson haired girl was hugging Len, both on the ground. Len looked surprised and the girl was smiling yet crying.

"Miss Hino, it would be more comfortable for you two to be inside the house hugging than out here on the dirt", I said.

Kahoko looked at me. She was thinking who I might be.

"Yeah, inside is much better", Len said. "Hino please get off me, you're heavy", Len complained. Len was under Kahoko while Kahoko was on Len. Len was already lying on the ground.

"Ah, I'm sorry Tsukimori!", Kahoko said then blushed. She stood up and helped Len stand up.

We all went in the house. Just as I predicted, mother and father wasn't around, they must be in concert.

"Why are you here Hino?", Len asked, still dusting his clothes and rubbing some painful parts of his body from the sudden impact he had with Kahoko.

"Your mother said you were coming back. Your mother said that I can wait for you here", Kahoko smiled, still blushing.

"That made sense", Len said, looking irritated. 'I knew that mother has to do something with Kahoko being here', Len thought.

Kahoko looked at me and ended up staring at me for too long. Len looked from me to Kahoko. "He's Gabriel Yuu Tsukimori", Len introduced me to her. "She's Kahoko Hino", he introduced her to me.

Kahoko and I both nodded. "Nice to meet you", Kahoko said cheerfully, giving me a handshake. I nodded in response. Kahoko's hair is a bit longer than before. She has grown a bit taller as well.

Len was thinking whether he should tell Kahoko what kind of relationship we have. I decided to tell her myself. "I'm Len's…"

"My brother", Len and I said in unison.

Kahoko's eyes widen. "But I thought Tsukimori was the only son?", Kahoko said. 'Wow, Len's brother. Hmm… but they don't look the same…', Kahoko thought. I know we don't look the same. I know the reason.

"I was", Len said.

"He is", I said.

"Huh?", Kahoko replied.

"I'm not Len's blood related brother. I was adopted by the Tsukimori's when I was four", I explained.

"That was twelve years ago", Len said.

"Oh", Kahoko said.

I looked at Len while Len looked at Kahoko. I think I should give them privacy. "I'll be going upstairs", I said. Senri and Raven followed me leaving the two violinists alone.

"He didn't need to leave", I heard Kahoko say while I was at my room.

"He knows what he's doing, Kahoko, maybe he has something to do", Len said.

"Hmm… but it would be fun if we have him here as well, he looks cool. I like him!", Kahoko said cheerfully.

'Curse you Yuu, you even made Kahoko like you… what would she like about you? You two just met', Len thought, jealous.

"What's cool about me? Anyway… she likes me, Len, because she thinks I can play the violin as well… its true though", I mumbled while lying on my bed. I know Len wouldn't be able to hear me but I can't resist from answering Len's thoughts.

Two days after my arrival, I went to Seiso Academy to help Shinobu Ousaki with some violin lessons with some kids. Kahoko had asked me and Len to come. Now Len and Kahoko were alone in one of the music room, probably having violin lessons together.

I went to the orchestra room where Shinobu was. "Hi, you must be Len's brother", Shinobu greeted and let me in.

I nodded. There were some people in the room other than Shinobu. Most of them are violinist from the orchestra. All of them were looking at me. I greeted them then had myself sit on a chair.

"Here's the piece that I want you to play", Shinobu said. "You can practice it. We still have an hour before the kids come".

"Blumenlied", I said. I heard the song before but I haven't tried it on the violin. I stood up and took my violin in its case; I had put rosin on the bow and started tuning my violin.

"Need help in tuning your violin?", Shinobu asked. I shook my head and said, "No thanks".

I turned some pegs without checking the tune if it's right then started playing Cannon. Shinobu and the rest of the violinists in the room stared at me in awe. I know that it's unusual for a violinist to tune the violin just by turning the pegs without checking the tone of each string, but that's how I tune my violin. After playing Cannon I started to play Blumenlied. After my practice everyone cheered and clapped for my performance.

I decided to check out the school and excused myself, leaving my violin in the orchestra club room. I wondered around the school without knowing where I was heading. After a few minutes I was in front of the school bells which looked old. Then I noticed a girl behind the bells. She was sleeping on the grass. She would catch a cold if she stayed there. I went near her. I studied her features. Looking at her face, she reminds me of someone I met when I was a child. She had short black hair and was wearing a general department uniform. I shook her a little and said wake up. She opened her brown eyes, still looking sleepy she asked, "What's wrong?".

"You'll get sick if you stayed here", I said.

"No one would care if I get sick", she said.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Then I remembered my dream, the girl I saw in my dream looked like her but she had a long hair and was covered in blood. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Why would you say that?", I asked.

"It's true", she said and stood up, and she left me alone.

That was weird. I stood up and looked at my watch. It's time to look for Len and Kahoko. I saw them in one of the music rooms, both holding their violins. I knocked then opened the door.

"You've improved but you always forget your posture", Len said coldly.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll try to remember", Kahoko said. Both hadn't notice I was there.

Len had said some of Kahoko's mistakes and Kahoko ended up apologizing even though she didn't need to.

"Correct her gently Len", I said when I felt it was time to say something.

Both looked at me and stared at me. "How long have you been there?", both asked in unison.

I looked at my watch and said, "About three minutes and twenty eight seconds".

"I didn't hear you knock", they said in unison again.

"I knocked before entering. Do you two plan on saying things in unison?", I asked.

"No", they said again.

Both looked at each other. Then Kahoko laughed while Len scratched the back of his neck.

"Is it time?", Kahoko asked.

"Yes. It's time for Len to handle some kids, one of his nightmare", I said making Kahoko laugh.

"You didn't need to say that", Len said glaring at me.

"Your glare doesn't hurt me. I'm used to it", I said and went out the room.

"You don't like kids?", I heard Kahoko asked.

"No", Len answered quite honest of him.

"Then, you should like them! Let's see what's going to happen to you later", Kahoko said cheerfully.

Kahoko is the cheerful type of person and Len is the opposite. So it's true that opposite attracts. It's good to know that Len has someone like Kahoko. He'll completely change if they end up together. For now, I want to see Len's expression after seeing some kids later. Maybe act like a cupid for them, I have an idea... which i think Len would end up hating me... or maybe he'll thank me.

In this story, if you had already guessed, Len and Kahoko here are now 20 years old and Len's brother, Yuu, is 16 years old.

I hope you people like this story :D It's mainly about my OC Yuu and another OC which you guys will be reading on the next coming chapter...

But this story will be around Kahoko and Len as well!

Please review so that i may know whether i should continue or not... :D