A/N: This is my very first fan fiction ever. I have read FF for a while but I haven't ever felt like writing any.

Harry: That's why your writing is pure shit.

Taryn: I know v/v

Read, Review, but don't flame, bash, or hate. Critics are welcome. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. THIS WILL BE SLASH! And Harry is a creature. And this may have big or little lemons, I still haven't decided. Also, I haven't decided is Harry will have one mate or two. PM me or review on what you think about the mate thing. Severus will defiantly be one. Maybe Lucius or Draco? Oh and don't expect an update next week, I have exams ALL week and the next. Kill me now. This chappie is short x.x

Disclaimer—I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER.(Sniffle). JKR does. If I did lots and lots of sexing would be happening on set, off set, on the floor, and in the woods.


Why is everything dark? Maybe Uncle Vernon finally killed me. I know he has wanted to since the day I showed up on their doorstep. No, I do not think I'm dead. He didn't come and beat me tonight, I would have remembered. Ahh. It's my birthday. Happy bir-.

There was a soft thunk as the seventeen-year-old boy-who-lived fell to the floor unconscious. If people saw him now would they laugh at his bruises? His scars? Maybe the words carved into his skin? Or the burns on his arms?

No, they would gape at his wounds and scars. However, they would be terrified at the sight of sleek black cat ears on his head, and the tail on his arse that curled around his prone form.

Onlookers would have watched, amazed, as his height grew and he became slender and feminine instead of extremely emaciated and broken. Sadly, though, no one was there to watch.