*Bella POV*

Have you ever been cremated before? If not I could tell you what it's like, it's like a million searing hot knives being stabbed into you over and over again.

That is what I felt, for how long though, that I don't know but it was never ending.

The dire had just begun leaving my feet and my hands when I became aware of others around me.

*Carlisle POV*

"Esme it will still be a few more hours, go and hunt, we may need all the strength we can get"

Even I couldn't garuntee what personality a newborn vampire would have, even though it was our Bella we still couldn't trust her at first, that was why we sent Emmett and Alice away with the children, with Masen being human and the yet to be named infant being half way so...it just wasn't safe.

Esme had left and been gone for two hours before Bella's heart rate picked up dramatically she was only moaning in discomfort now instead of screaming in agony though she began to scream again shortly after I'd imagine she'd be awake shortly as I knew all too well what she was feeling.

A sharp hiss escaped her lips as her heart beat it's last thud and all was silent except for her rapid breathing.

I stayed completely silent and waited for her to open her eyes, Jasper was already next to me and was sending calming waves in her direction already.

*Jasper POV*

I watched her closely and felt the air for what she may be feeling all I could sense was curiosity and a tinge of relief.

before we could blink she was sitting upright and looking at us, at first the expression on her face was shocked and there was the slight flutter of fear coming from her, I knew this was from my appearance but she was already well away of my scars, though any recollection she had of them would be in her foggy human memories.

Suddenly all I saw were her teeth and she lunged and was wrapped around Carlisle, I ripped her off of him and had her pinned against the wall, she could have thrown me off easily but she didn't move, the air was thick with fear and it was rolling off of her in waves.

*Bella POV*


I only thought about sitting up and suddenly I was it was so strange!

I looked straight ahead and felt fear hit me in chest, hey I remember them! Wow Jasper was right he does look pretty scary with all of those scars, but they are strangely beautiful too.

EEE! Carlisle! I felt the huge smile spread out on my face and I was pressing him against me in a tight hug.

"Oof" Why am I against a wall? oh my god they thought I was attacking them! Oh my god their going to hate me!

Oh my god Jasper looks pissed!

I stayed pressed against the wall afraid to move, I didn't want them to think that I was feral or anything I could tangably feel how the fear I was feeling locked me in place.

Jasper's face changed from a look of pure rage to one of confusion to one of surprise.

*Carlisle POV*

It all happened so fast Bella smiling and lunging at me and then Jasper pinning her to the far wall laving a Bella shapped dent in the plaster, then Jasper was stepping back and Bella was standing exactly as if he'd still held her there.

"Can I move now or are you going to kick my ass for hugging Carlisle again?"

We heard a booming laugh from downstairs and suddenly Bella was crouched and she almost sounded like a leaky air hose with the hiss that was escaping her lips.

Why she hadn't smelled him up until this point I don't know but she was suddenly very aware of him. He responded to her hiss from where he was.

"Bells chill out! Just because you are indestructable now doesn't mean that I can't still whoop your butt!"

Her face broke into the brightest smile that I have ever seen on her face.

Jasper put his hand on her shoulder to stop her from rushing down the stairs and called down to him.

"Dude I think it would be best if you came to her instead of the other way around"

then came the cautious but still heavy footsteps on the stairs I'm sure we were all holding our breath until he rounded the door frame and I heard Bella sqeal in a very Alice-ish manner.

*Bella POV*

Oh my god no way! What the hell did I just Squeal?

I looked pointedly at Jasper and he shook his head in disbelief and released my shoulder I walked as slowly as I could towards him and barely touched him as I wrapped my arms around his impossible tall frame.

"I missed you so much!"

He returned my hug and buried his face into my hair before pulling away with a repulsed look on his face.

"Jeez Bells you really DO reek!"

I pouted and pushed him lightly.

"Well you are no bundle of flowers either Jake!"

He hugged me again and I leaned my head on his chest, we heard a frustrated sigh from beside us and we turned and looked at the source.

*Jasper POV*

"I just don't get it! you are supposed be going bat shit crazy for blood and you are standing there with a werewolf talking about flowers!"

I threw my hands up in frutration and then crossed my arms over my chest, I knew I was pouting but even someone my age can once in a while.

Next thing I new I had a facefull of hair and Bella had her amrs around me.

"Well Jasper, I believe it has a lot to do with you and your emotional magic"

She beamed me a dazzling smile and I returned the hug.

Carlisle was pacing back and forth and we all three looked at him in unison when he let out a surprised... "Hmm!"

Bella looked excited and bounced up and down in a way only Alice could...much like the squeal from only minutes before.

"What is it what is it?"

Carlisle shrugged like it was the most obvious answer.

"Well Bella you have had years to prepare for this, so it isn't surprising that you are handling it so...no pun intended...humainly"

We heard the door open and close downstairs and less than a second later Esme was in the door way.

"Oh! oh Bella you're beautiful! not that you weren't before dear but...the change suits you very well!"

Bella giggled and slowly crossed the room to Esme, she waited for her to make the first move so when Esme opened up her arms, Bella eagerly stepped into them.

Bella gasped suddenly and stepped back looking carefully at everybody.

"Where is Masen? where's my baby? Where are they? I can't hear them!"

She was beginning to get defensive and crouching slowly, I sent calming waves to her but she glared at me, it was scary enough to make me step back bumping into the table her phone fell off the corner and bounced to the floor.

Before anyone could blink she had it in her hand and was crouched defensively in the corner dialing Emmett's number.

*Emmett's POV*

We'd been driving around for a while looking for a place for the family to come to after Bella'd adjusted, it put a pain in my chest to think I wouldn't be able to see her for a couple of decades, and that our children would be grown by then, our daughter had already grown tremendously and only in a few days I e-mailed pictures to Carlisle daily as well as a video or two.

He'd said something about the two different genetics, she was half human so she would grow but she was also half vampire so would would be like a super human! Though we wouldn't know what this meant for her life span but we were to cross that bridge when we came to it.

I looked in the rearview mirror and I saw two pairs of eyes looking at me from the back seat, as impossible as it was my little girl was already half the size of Masen.

Alice placed her hand on my arm and started to say something, but my phone ringing cut her off.

I expected it to be Carlisle checking up on the baby.


The snarl that came out of the phone had me on the defense.

"You bring them back to me Emmett! If you don't I will find you!"

I knew it wouldn't be the best idea so I tried to reason with her

"Bella, Love...I really don't think-"

Another snarl ripped through the phone

"Bring her back! Bring Tiffany back to me!"

I nodded into the phone though I knew she wouldn't be able to see me

"Y-you named her huh..."

I hear what sounded like a scoff on the other end.

"Yes I named her I had two names in my head...one for a boy and one for a girl...she's a girl so her name is Tiffany Rose...I hope that's okay...but...bring her back before I hunt you down..."

With that the phone beeped in my ear and the dial tone played loudly.

*Alice POV*

He turned to me and looked at me like he wanted to know if he would be okay, I checked our future and was shocked that it would turn out much better than just okay.

"Emmett, she is going to be phenomenal! we have to go back now, Acctually we're going home home, Forks, I'll call Carlisle and they'll be there a day before us! EEE I am s excited!"

I turned around in my seat and touselled the curls of the beautiful child next to Masen who was now napping.

"Hello beautiful little one, that was your mommy on the phone, she's decided what your name is!"

It was astonishing how smart she could be she leaned forward in her car seat expectantly, though not saying anything.

"Tiffany Rose McCarty Cullen"

The smile that spread on her face was dazzling, I turned to Emmett and he was deep in thought I taped him on the shoulder and he smiled and shook his head.

"Nah I'm alrighty just...thinking...she named her after rose in a way...I love Bella so much, she has the biggest heart I know...why don't I pull over and let you drive...please"

I nodded and we switched, he spent the entire ride playing with the children in the back, he never took his eyes off of them.