~Bella's POV~

I slammed my biology text book shut with a little more force than necessary, I stared at my hand for a moment spread out on the cover, my fingers taut with frustration.

"Edward...I wasn't asking permission, Angela and I are going to Port-Angeles to see a movie on Friday and Charlie is going to come with us!"

His Topaz eyes flamed with the irritation that I knew was eating away at him but I had to take a stand, I couldn't allow him to continue dictating everything I did based on his obsessive need to keep me in one piece, it wasn't like he wasn't allowed to be there I had invited him along, just because Alice had a vision of Friday being sunny keeping Edward indoors didn't mean everything would turn out badly!

"Absolutely not Bella...I won't have you out of my sight not even for a couple of hours!" he trailed his fingers from my temple to my jaw which made me shiver involuntarily.

"Stop trying to distract me Edward...I am not changing my mind, and if you do anything to stop us from going, I won't be the funnest human to be around for the next little while..." I stared up at him with just as much intensity as I was receiving and I refused to blink...of course he would win the staring contest because he had no physical need to blink but that didn't stop me from trying...

He blew cold air between his lips and raised his eyes to the ceiling before speaking to me.

"Bella...I wish you could see my side of this, to save an argument I am going to consult with Alice on this matter before I deci-" a sharp buzzing noise cut him off and I smiled to myself as he answered his phone.

I watched as his lips moved next to the mouthpiece but I could hear no sound, he raised his eyebrows and looked at me before nodding and handing me the phone.

"Alice would like to speak to you Bella" I couldn't help but smile wider as I took the phone from Edward's outstretched hand and placed the cool plastic to my ear. "Alice?" there was a short pause on the other end of the phone before I heard the wind chimes of her voice. "You and Angela are going to love the movie, and you are going to have Italian for dinner...Bella..." I couldn't help but hear concern in her voice as she said my name I felt my brows draw together and the smile drop off of my face..."What is it Alice?" Her voice sounded almost far away before I heard the beep of the disconnected call.

I handed the phone back to Edward and he gave me a questioning look. "What did she say?" I didn't quite understand why she'd said it I thought she understood that I already knew I guess it was because of the fact that Edward and I were having a disagreement and she wanted me to remember that he was only concerned about me. I shrugged as I looked up at him. "She said that she just wants me to know that you all love me very much"

Edward looked confused and then shrugged himself and then started laughing. "She is probably going to drag you out on Thursday to by the perfect outfit and wants you to remember that before you get too mad at her." I laughed as I realized the possibility of this outcome and sat back down at my desk to open up my biology text book again.

I was working for another hour and a half before everything was finished and I was wrapped up in my quilt on the bed cuddled into Edward's side.

He was humming my lullaby into my hair and I was beginning to drift off when suddenly I felt him shift and I was alone on the bed, my curtains fluttering at my open window. I jumped when Charlie appeared in my doorway.

"Hey Kiddo I ordered a pizza so you don't have to worry about cooking for us tonight, oh and Alice called, you have my permission to go tomorrow, don't know why you were nervous about asking, I know it's a school day and all but you're allowed to play hookie once in a while" With that he left and I was left utterly confused and suddenly the pixie herself was standing in the middle of my room.

Before I could blink she was on my bed and bouncing up and down. "Bella I am going to find the most perfect outfit for you! EEE I am SOOO excited thank you for agreeing!" and just as quickly as she had arrived Alice was gone and Edward was perched at my desk shortly after with an 'I told you so' look on his face. "Go get something to eat Bella, you will need your energy for tomorrow" he then kissed my forehead and was gone.

~Edward's POV~

I was getting increasingly irritated at Alice for being so determined that Bella's trip to Port-Angeles happened but if Bella really wanted to go spend the evening with her dad and one of her best friends, I really couldn't stop her, that would only make her unhappy with me.

The house came into view and I entered and went straight to my piano and began composing a new song to emulate my feelings of the moment.

~Rosalie's POV~

I could feel an unease settle around the house, I know that I am no Jasper but he could be projecting this feeling of dread but who had these feelings for him to read in the first place? I glanced around at my family and they were all pretty relaxed, Edward was composing on the piano, Esme had her nose in an interior design book, Carlisle writing in his journal, Emmett yelling at the referee on TV, Alice was looking in a fashion magazine and Jasper was flipping through an old journal of his from his confederate army days.

I bent my head back down to the masterpiece in front of me and smiled to myself as I finished the top coat on my shiny red toenails.

I heard him approaching but didn't look up until I felt a slight pressure on top of my head, I looked up into the golden eyes of my love and smiled as he bent to lay a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I expected him to continue down the side of my face to my jaw then my lips as he usually did but he simply returned my smile with a sad on of his own and nodded towards our family then gestured towards the door and began walking at a human pace until I followed him.

"Em...what's going on?" He didn't answer me until we were quite a distance away from the house, he turned to me and rested his hands on my shoulders. "Rose, I love you, I have for a long time, that is never going to change, but all day I haven't been able to shake this feeling that something bad is about to happen to our family...the feeling that we are going to be torn apart in some way, I just...I'm so scared Rose...I don't know what to do" To see the person that I felt to be the strongest of us all, so worried put me on edge.

"I feel it to, I just don't know what or when, but something is coming and it's not going to be a pleasant surprise when it does, we need to speak to Alice to see if she has seen anything." Emmett nodded and took my hand and we ran back to the house together, Alice was waiting for us when we got back, all activity in the house had stopped and everyone was seated at the dining room table.

~Alice's POV~

I felt bad to be lying to everybody, it was especially hard to keep Edward from seeing the truth and even worse to lie to Jasper about my conflicting emotions but it had to be this way nobody could know what was going to happen before it occurred, if anyone but me did anything to prevent it from happening, more than a few of us would die, it was already heartbreaking enough knowing that if we did anything we would all be gone but that if I did nothing I was more or less choosing to let two people in my family die...

*Flash Back*

We were frozen in place all of us we couldn't move because we couldn't see, what was wrong! my skin crawled as I heard her bored child like voice I could see her face behind my blindness as I clenched and unclenched my fists, then I heard the sound of tearing skin and drinking, when it slowed and eventually stopped, that was when the screaming began, shrill and continuous... the source of these heartbreaking screams wasn't known to me because I couldn't see, then what came next was most heartbreaking to me I heard the sharp keening sound of vampires being torn apart, from what I could tell the noise came from behind and in front of me so they were attacking my family ! I tried to move but found myself bumping into Esme who was trying to move about as well, then I felt the warmth from the fire, I heard murmuring and another scream as my vision began to fade away from me...

"Alice...Alice what did you see?" Jasper was hovering over me a worried expression on his face, he had felt all of the emotions i had emitted while having my vision.

I almost told Jasper but as I opened my mouth to speak I was taken over by another vision...

It was the same except for there was more vampires being torn apart in this vision my sight came back to me but I could do nothing my family was in pieces around me when I looked at my feet I saw jasper's body strewn on the ground I sank to my knees as I felt a sharp pain in my neck then the searing heat of the fire enveloped me and all went dark...

I was shaking after this second vision and looked into my love's eyes and put a nervous smile on my face. I couldn't tell him the truth of my first vision or the second would come to fruition and I just couldn't let that happen, I couldn't lose Jasper, that would be my end.

" Well you know how Bella wants to go to Port-Angeles on Friday if she drives, there will be a horrible accident, I will talk her into letting Charlie drive, nothing bad will happen then..."

*End Flashback*

"So Alice...have you seen anything in your visions that might explain this dread that we have all been feeling today?" Carlisle's voice was smooth and full of respect as he questioned me, I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"It's nothing big I saw Bella driving herself, Angela and Charlie to port Angeles on Friday and getting into a bad car acci-" I heard Edward's jaw snap shut as he released a ow growl.

"That. Is. Not. Nothing. Alice" He was angry with me and i understood why but he had cut me off and that made me ticky i sent him special words in my mind to let him know to be more patient, he relaxed a little as I cleared my throat.

"As I was saying if Bella drives there will be a really bad car accident, but if Charlie drives, all will be fine! I am gong to take Bella shopping in Seattle tomorrow and explain this to her so she knows to let her dad drive them all"

Jasper visibly relaxed at the same time as everyone else in the room must have, I couldn't help feel a little guilty about lying and I knew Jasper felt that but I didn't look up to meet his curious gaze.

Early next morning

~Bella's POV~

Somebody was shaking my shoulder but I refused to open my eyes, I was tired and I knew from the lack of light that it couldn't be any later than four in the morning so I groaned and tried to roll over but the hand on my shoulder was firm.

"Bella! Stop being difficult you know you are going with me today whether you walk to the car yourself or I drag you so get up and get dressed your clothes and toiletry bag are already in the bathroom..." I peeked through my eyelids to look at Alice who was perched on my bed staring at me, as usual she was perfectly dressed her hair neatly coiffed and she was just...as usual...perfect.

"Ugh Alice please, just fiiiive more minutes pleeeeaaase?" I knew whining was immature but my sheets were comfy. Alice pouted down at me and shook her head.

"We have three and a half hours of driving to do Bella after you get showered and dressed and have something to eat it will already be five thirty and I want to spend the whole day just you and me, there won't be any sun today so it is going to be perfect now stop ruining it and get up!" before Icould even agree she smiled, thanked me and skipped out of my room.

I groaned as I rolled off the bed and started shuffling towards the bathroom, before climbing into the shower I inspected the clothes that Alice had chosen for me, I didn't recognize them and for good reason, they still had the tags on them, they weren't totally horrible, the jeans were from a store that it cost more money to breathe in than buying a regular pair of jeans would, the tank top was a red wine coloured silk but she had given me a nice white zip up hoodie sweater that fit my style perfectly..well that's a lie it wasn't as loose as I would have liked it but it was nice.

I turned on the shower and stepped in, enjoying the hot water as it began running down my back.

~Alice's POV~

If I could cry I would, my best friend was upstairs in the shower getting ready for a day out with me...the last day we would have together for a very long time, but everything was going to be fine once it was all over and Bella would be a stronger person because of it, choosing between that and the deaths of everyone I loved made this seem like the obvious choice. I would not regret this!

I heard the shower turn off and it was another ten minutes before she made her way slowly down the stairs, she hadn't put up any fight about what I had chosen for her to wear because I went through twenty outfits and almost just as many visions trying to find the one that would cause the least fuss, luckily I liked this outfit and Bella looked great! She should really consider wearing clothes that showed her figure more, I know for a fact that Edward would appreciate it though he would never tell her how to dress to please himself.

After Bella ate I put her dishes in the sink and brought her outside to my car, I ran my fingers gently over the glossy yellow paint before opening Bella's door for her and running around to the other side, I was disappointed that I would have to adhere to the speed limits all the way there though. Yesterday afternoon had been filled with visions of police lights flashing and me pulled over at the side of the road with a mortified Bella in the passenger seat.

I could see how nervous Bella already was at the idea of me driving, I sent her a mischievous smirk and poked her gently in the ribs.

"Don't worry Bella...I'll behave"

And just for a bit of show I accelerated quickly out of her driveway but regained a more modest speed as I came to the end of the road.