Disclaimer: see my profile

A/n okay kiddies... Here's the last chapter. Please enjoy. Thanks again for your support and your kind comments. This chapter is dedicated to my wonderful beta REIDFANATIC

Tables Turned

Reid collapsed back in his seat like a balloon losing all its air at the same time. She'd actually got up and walked away from him after… How could she just do that to him? Did she want to kill him?

He shook his head in disbelief, his beer completely forgotten at his elbow. He had fifteen minutes to get under control before he could think about moving. He tried his deep breathing exercises again, but they weren't working this time. He still felt like he was going to explode in his pants. The feeling of Emily's foot on his aching erection wouldn't go away. He wanted her toes to finish what they started, but she wasn't there. He should get up and walk out. Why was he letting her get away with torturing him? Had he turned into some kind of masochist?

He decided to watch the other patrons for a minute. If he could stop thinking about her, wonderfully talented toes… His breath began hitching in his chest.

Stop it!

He wanted to listen to his inner voice, but his body had other ideas. He looked at his watch. Another five minutes had passed. He looked back at the people milling around the bar. A couple at the table just a few feet from him was sitting very close. The man had his hand on her shoulder. He was whispering in her ear and she was laughing. He noticed that the woman ran a finger down the man's tie. She obviously adored her partner.

Why can't I be smooth like that with Emily?

He frowned, checked his watch again, and realized that he was two minutes away from whatever Emily had planned for him. He got up with his coat in front of the - less then prominent but still there - bulge in his pants and headed for the elevator.

The ride up to the 12th floor took forever, mostly because he was in the elevator with that same couple from the bar. They were kissing as if no one else was in the car with them. They'd embraced as soon as Reid hit the button for their floor. The man had his hand up under the woman's skirt, cupping her backside. Reid coughed, and tried to pull his eyes away from them but he couldn't look away.

This situation was not helping his current state of semi excitement. He'd never thought it sexy to watch other people in intimate embraces, but now it was as if his libido and his brain were rebelling against good sense and logic. In fact, the only thing his brain seemed to be capable of doing right now was letting him know that he wanted desperately to be with Emily no matter what she had in mind.

Finally, the couple exited the elevator and he could breathe again. His forehead, the back of his neck and the palms of his hands were sweating profusely. He wiped his hands on his slacks and tried to slow the beating of his heart. If Emily could see him know, she'd probably laugh.

He got off the elevator at the twelfth floor and headed down the hall looking for the right door. He wiped his forehead and sighed. His mind wanted him to hide for another fifteen minutes, but his body pulled him forward. He had to go forward because there was something he had to do and it might as well be now.


Emily still wore the dress he'd seen in the bar, but her feet and legs were bare when he unlocked the door to the room. She smirked at him as he entered the room. Low, golden light fell across a room twice the size he was used to staying in for work.

Emily started to speak but he stopped her by striding up to her and taking her arm. He led her over to the rose colored velvet love seat in front of the king sized bed. "I don't want to play anymore games Emily."

His tone wiped the smart-ass smile from her face. "Reid… I don't -"

"I'm tired of all of this." He gestured around the room as if it encompassed the whole world. He stood up, went to the big fireplace at the opposite end of the room, and stared into the gas flames.

"I'm sorry… I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Emily said. "I just thought it would be fun to play a few games."

He turned around and started pacing the room. He tossed his suit jacket on the little sofa back as he passed it. He ignored the small table with a tray of strawberries, whipped cream and champagne. He went back to the bed and sat down.

"Emily… Please come over here."

She joined him on the bed pulling her legs up, curling up like a cat. She put her head on his shoulder.

"I went along with the games because I enjoyed them." He began. "The truth is that our physical relationship isn't what turns my brain to mush like you said. It's all the everyday things you do that leave my breathless and unable to think."

"Spencer I -"

"Shh…" He stroked his long fingers into her hair. "I love your passion for our work and the way you quietly suffer for the victims."

She started to interrupt again, but he kissed her firmly on the mouth. "I love the way you don't let Morgan get away with teasing me."

She smirked at him, which made him laugh. "I like waking up next to you after making love all night long. You have this look on your face that always reminds me of a satisfied cat."

She smacked his arm, hard.


"That's what you get for being a smart-ass."

He rubbed his arm as Emily faked a sympathetic frown.

"I love your sense of humor and the fact that you speak four different languages. I like losing to you when we play strip poker at home."

"Spencer Reid I swear I'm going to -"

He reached behind her and lowered the zipper on her dress."

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"I should think it obvious." He said with some asperity. "After all we've been lovers for a few months now."

"I know what you're doing. I just thought that -"

It was her turn to stand up and pace the room. "I'm sorry I was mad at you for the bus station and that I've tried to torture you since then. Most other guys wouldn't stand for it. You're so sweet."

He got up off the bed and met her in mid pace, pulling her into his arms. "I'm a man Emily. I enjoyed your brand of torture. Any man would enjoy it."

She made to smack him again, but he grabbed her arm in time. "Now I know you're a man." She complained.

"You like men." He reminded her as she let her gown fall to the floor. "Believe me… I know that for an undeniable fact."

"Shut up and kiss me Reid." She ordered.

"Why don't you go sit over there?" He couldn't speak above a whisper because she wore a lace thong that matched the color of her gown and nothing else.

She stuck her little finger in her mouth then pulled it out with a pop as he toed off his shoes. She wiggled it in a 'come here' motion. "No…" He shook his head. "This time it's my turn."

Her eyebrows went into her hair. "Bring it on Dr. Reid."

He stood there for a few seconds just drinking her in as she curled up on the bed again. The satin comforter on the bed, which matched the upholstery on the little love seat shifted as she moved. Her long, lean body glimmered in the soft light. God, how he loved her legs, they seemed to go on forever. The inconvenient erection from the bar came back vigorously, but he decided to ignore if for a few minutes just to drink in her beauty.

"Spencer…" She purred. "Are you going to stand over there all night?"

He pulled off his tie and tossed it to a chair against the wall. "I'm just drinking in your beauty for a minute," He said unsteadily.

At least his voice wasn't squeaking like an old door.

She turned over on her back and turned her head to watch him approach the bed. Her dark eyes, made black by her wide-open pupils tracked his every movement. He climbed up and straddled her. Her hands reached for the bulge in his pants, but he stopped her. "Not yet," He breathed.

His face lowered to kiss her lips. Her hands twined into his hair holding him to her until she couldn't breathe. "That was great for starters." She panted breathlessly.

He kissed her jaw, then began feathering light kisses down over her chin to her neck, finding the hollow of her neck where she loved him to suck.


His hands slid lightly down from her shoulders to her breasts. His nails scraped over the hard, erect nipples and her hips bucked up off the bed into his hard length that still strained in his slacks.

"Oh baby…" She gasped.

"Do you like that?" He asked softly.

"Yes… please don't stop."

He grinned down at her flushed face. "I wouldn't dream of it."

His long fingers flicked over her sensitive nipples, scratching and tugging them until she cried out his name again. His erection ached and throbbed, but he held back with all his concentration as she writhed under him. He replaced his fingers with his mouth, sucking her left nipple, tugging it between his teeth.

"Oh…" She bucked under him like an unbroken stallion. "Yes…"

"Not yet baby," He crooned. "I want to be inside you when you cum."

She reared up and kissed him, laving the inside of his mouth with her tongue, while her hands pulled on his zipper, pushing his slacks down. He yelped as her hands pushed his boxers away and began stroking his weeping, rock hard length. "Now…" She growled in his ear. She dropped back on the pillows, her breasts heaving for breath.

He shifted, rid her of her thong, pulled her legs up, and back as he slid inside her with a loud grunting cry. He held her hips off the bed with his hands on her firm ass as he slammed into her fast and hard. Her hands clawed into the bedspread so hard her knuckles turn white. Her breasts swayed, the bedsprings creaked and the headboard hit the wall of the hotel as he rocked into her heat.

He tried to make it last, but found that he couldn't hold off his overtaxed excitement. He saw her orgasm begin just at the point when he couldn't stop his own release. She screamed his name. He didn't hear what he said or groaned in reply because the pleasure was so great it roared in his ears like a jet engine readying for flight.


"Now that was fantastic." Emily said. "I like it when you take charge." She smiled at his flushed face.

"I like it once in a while too." He said.

"So what do we do now?" She asked.

He got up and pulled off the clothes he hadn't bothered to remove before their lovemaking. He ignored her whistling at his naked body. He picked up his pants and felt the pocket, much relived that the small box hadn't fallen out. He retrieved it and turned around.


"I have an early Christmas present for you." He said, feeling more nervous now than he had the first time they'd made love.

Her eyes went big when she realized what he carried back to the bed. He sat down, tucking his legs up under his chin. "I know we haven't talked about this yet, but I really love you Emily. Will you marry me?"

She pulled the box eagerly from his hand and opened it to see the one-carat princess cut diamond solitaire ring. "Yes… I will marry you Spencer Reid."

He just stared at her until she laughed. "What's wrong Spencer?"

"Hmm… I think you might have succeeded in your mission. I can't think of a single statistic or odd tangent for this moment." He confessed going very pink in the cheeks.

"Well that's just great. If I'd known accepting a marriage proposal was all it would take -"

He stopped her with a warm wet kiss that lasted and lasted. "How do you know I didn't manipulate all of this for this outcome?" He said when they parted.

She stared at him as though he'd suddenly begun to speak a foreign language. Then she shook her head and chuckled. "I don't think you're that devious."

He wrapped her up in his arms as she looked at the ring he'd put on her finger. "You'll never know." He said confidently.

"I don't have to know. I know you." She said simply, kissing one of his arms.

"Do you?" He asked.

Her dark eyes, sleepy and satisfied surveyed him seriously. "Yeah… I know you pretty well Dr. Reid. Still… I like the idea of taking the rest of our lives to learn all there is to know about you."

"I'm glad!" He enthused. "I feel the same way about you."

"You better," She teased.

"I love you more than I can explain."

"When did we become a couple of saps?" Emily asked as they both climbed into the big bed.

"I'm not a sap," Reid complained. "I'm just… well I'm in touch with my feminine side." He tried to keep a straight face, but couldn't as she gaped at him.

"Very funny…" She smacked his bedclothes covered knee.

"Seriously Emily… I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. There is one big problem though. Which one of us is going to tell Hotch?"