Disclaimer: Once Upon a Time there was a girl named Cloudy. She did not own Dead Poets Society. The End.

Living Like A Dead Poet

Chapter 30: Double Feature

Charlie's really not sure what he's doing here sitting on the crappy old carpet in a puddle of what desperately hopes is soda. In front of him Neil jumps from foot to foot with anxiety and from calf-height it's a little bit terrifying to look up at him. "Stand still!" He calls up at him.

"The line's moving!" Neil says excitedly bobbing up and down on his toes to get a better look, like a 6 foot gopher. "C'mon! Get up!" He tugs at Charlie's arm halfheartedly.

"Alright. Alright." Charlie says getting up with a loud cracking in his knees. He surveys the lobby of the theatre. It's pretty packed, especially since they're playing a movie that's already been released. He ducks just in time to dodge the elbows of Pitts whose somehow managed to carry five red plastic movie trays filled with popcorn and drinks at once.

The crowd moves and jostles in a wave and Charlie gets knocked the the side by Todd. "Sorry." He says flushing and moving so he's pressed closer to Neil. Charlie rolls his eyes.

"So, okay, Todd's here because of Neil. And Meeks and Pitts are here because this is their scene, but what the hell are you doing here?" Charlies asks turning to stare at Knox who's dressed up way too much for the occasion. His hair combed back neatly and his jacket neatly folded over his arm.

"Knox's trying to get to second base with Chris." Meeks supplies helpfully not looking up from the replica laser blaster he's been tinkering with since they got there.

Charlie snorts and sips at his giant cup of soda. "Good luck with that Knoxious. It's going to be a bit hard to get to second base with her if she's not even here, now isn't it?"

Knox shoots him a cold stare but he can't quite pull it off in his suit and tie get up. "She's coming! Probably! ...later." he frowned and grabbed a bag of popcorn from Pitts. "Screw you Dalton."

"Neeeeeeeeil" He whines, "Come on, we can't seriously be wasting our Saturday night going to a see a movie you've all already seen! It's our youth! Our prime! Neil it is Carpe Diem Hour!"

"Wait, when's Carpe Diem Hour?" Pitts asks around a handful of popcorn which he's inhaling at an alarming rate.

"Uh, well it's from about 11 to 2 o'clock I guess. When we have our meetings. That's Carpe Diem Hour."

"Technically," Meeks says still not looking up, "It can't be Carpe Diem Hour for multiple hours." He glances up quickly, "That just doesn't make any sense."

Charlie refrains from throwing his half full drink at him by some act of god. "Yes, thank you Meeks, what would we do with out you-"

"Be wrong all the time."

"Fine, fine! It's Carpe Diem O'clock then! Happy!"

("Yes" Meeks mutters)

"Neil! It is Carpe Diem O'clock! Are you going to waste it doing this?" Charlie grabs onto Neil's shoulder, trying to give him his most passionate and convincing look.

Neil sighs, like he's an all-knowing all powerful being and Charlie's a sad insect on the face of the earth. "Oh Charlie, I'm not wasting my time. It's Shakespeare. In Space. I believe if Shakespeare himself were here he would say;" Neil clears his throat and prepares his special Shakespeare voice, "Fellow do go forth into that auditorium and seek out the wisdom of the ages."

"That didn't sound very Shakespeare-y to me." Charlie says pouting as the line once again shifts as all the nerds tried to cram into the theatre at once.

"Stop pouting, there's a hot chick in it so what do you care if it's Shakespeare in Space?" Meeks says finally stashing his screwdriver in an indiscriminate location and tucking his fake blaster into his holster. "There's like a whole scene where she's swimming naked and the rest of the time she's wandering around in tunics pretending to be dresses.

Charlie pauses. This of course is a valid point.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" He shouts diving through the people in front of them in line.

Meeks rolls his eyes. Typical.

A.N. If you can tell me what movie they're going to see I will write you a 1000 word drabble of your choice. (Googling is cheating kids)
