Author's Warning : You hear that sound? it's the sound of your childhood memories being raped. Anything sweet and fuzzy you remember about Yu Gi Oh is about to be torn asunder. I think I could make a darkfic out of Tetris, so this story is no different. It contains graphic sexual content, abuse, angst, and over all darkness. It also contains brief mentions of incest and pedophilia.
As for the cannon-ness of this story: This story begins around season two/three, when the gang disembarks from the blimp.
Title is from "Better Man" by Pearl Jam. Totally recommend groove-sharking the song before you read.
Pairings: Focused on abusive SilentShipping. Potential side pairings.
It was only for a moment that I saw his form, tall and thin like a lightning rod. It barely registered in my mind — after all, my brother was this close to drowning — but that doesn't change how he affected me. I imprinted on him like a baby bird, a weak and fragile creature cowering before his awe-inspiring defiance even as the world threatened to crash around us with the weight of an anchor, taking two lives with it.
And somewhere in my mind, that's why I fell in love with him. If my world was in complete darkness, and my life in the harshest of storms, he was the lightning. He was the violent and sudden light that tore through the world, my body, and my heart in sharp spears.
There's nothing more dangerous and beautiful than being open and vulnerable to a lightning strike.
Definition: Imprint is used here as a psychological/biological term. It is the phenomena in which a young of a species attaches itself to, and emulates, another older animal.
Redone and re-uploaded thanks to my wonderful Beta.