Hello! ok since everyone is doing these oneshot collections, mostly of Kogan, so I'm gonna do one of Kames, which is my favourite slash pairing ever! Ok so this one isn't really M rated, there's nothing in it. This is my first oneshot, so i hope it's not really bad! It's just to see how many people want to read this; I've already got a few more done already.

Hangover: James wakes up to see a certain blonde lying next to him

When James woke up, he noticed three things. The first thing he noticed was that he had a pounding headache. God, he hated hangovers so much.

The second thing he noticed was that he wasn't alone in his bed. He could feel that his arms were wrapped around someone, and their legs were tangled together.

The third was that he was naked.

James groaned silently. Clearly getting drunk last night hadn't been such a good idea after all. He opened his eyes slowly, grimacing, because the sunlight shining through the window didn't do much for his hangover. Then he saw who he was in bed with. And almost screamed out loud.

Kendall was still asleep, although every now and then the fingers of the hand squished against his chest moved slightly. James was terrified. What the heck happened? How was this even possible? Kendall was straight; he had a girlfriend, for crying out loud! Well he did, until she swapped spit with Jett. And James liked girls too!

No, wait. That was a lie. James loved Kendall. He'd loved him for . . . well, forever, really. But he'd pretty much given up long ago. Well, he'd given up when Kendall started dating Jo. Not that long ago at all.

Whatever. He'd leave the statistics to Logan. Right now he was hopelessly confused. Kendall had never shown any signs of feeling the same way. So what was he doing there?

James knew why. And he was scared. Kendall had been drunk too; how was he going to react when he found out what had happened? He would probably never speak to James again.

Well, then he couldn't find out.

James carefully crawled out of bed. He found his boxers and pulled them on. He also found the source of his problem; an empty bottle of wine. Grrr.

He grabbed a change of clothes and ran out of the room to the bathroom. There was a bathroom in the room he and Kendall shared, but he wanted to stay as far from that area of 2J as possible. He locked the bathroom door behind him, stripping again, getting into the shower and turning it on, not caring that the water hadn't heated up yet and the cold stung his skin a little. He couldn't believe he'd actually had sex with Kendall. Now what was going to happen? Kendall probably didn't remember; James found it all a little blurry himself. But surely Kendall would suspect something when he woke up naked in James's bed. Dammit! James would just have to make something up and hope he fell for it.

He got out of the shower, dried himself and pulled his clothes back on. He went back to the kitchen and stopped short. Kendall was sitting on the couch, already showered and dressed. He looked up at James. "Morning."

James grunted in reply, busying himself by taking a carton of juice out of the refrigerator and a glass from the cupboard. "I left the apartment last night to go get fruit smackers from the vending machine in the lobby," James lied. "When I came back you'd fallen asleep in my bed. I didn't want to wake you so I just slept in your bed."

Kendall shrugged, looking at the floor. "Ok." He stood up. "I'm going to the pool. See you later."

"You're not eating anything?" James called after him, but he'd already slammed the door shut. James sighed and gulped down his drink. What was he so moody about? He didn't remember anything, did he?


James spent the day with Camille and Guitar Dude. They'd gone to the beach for a while, and he'd had fun, but he couldn't stop worrying about the night before. His hangover was gone which made him feel a little better, but it didn't make him forget. He was also starting to remember tiny details from the night before. What if Kendall was too?

"James?" Camille leaned forward from her place on the backseat. "You totally zoned out. You didn't hear a word Guitar Dude just said."

"Sorry," James said, blushing as he turned to Guitar Dude. "What were you saying?"

Guitar Dude laughed, watching the road ahead of him. "I said that you're a really good surfer. Before you and the guys showed up I was the Palmwoods champion."

James laughed too. "Well, thanks. My dad taught me to surf when I was twelve." He heard his phone go off and took it out of his pocket. It was a text from Logan. K's been acting weird all day. U no wats rong w/ him?

James stared at the phone for a second, his heart pounding. He quickly texted back: Wat kinda weird?

Just moody. Said he was tired. I don't believe him.

James swallowed, feeling his worry increasing. It couldn't be because . . . oh crap, what if Kendall remembered the night before and he was freaking out because his best friend had fucked him!

Probly just 1 of his bad days. U no wat he's like.

James turned his phone off and looked back at Camille. "So, Camille. Who taught you how to surf?"


When they got back to the Palmwoods, the first thing he did was go to the pool. He saw Logan and Carlos sitting on sun loungers. They seemed to be having a debate about who was better at hockey.

"Hey!" James interrupted them. "Where's Kendall?"

"He went back to 2J," Carlos said, looking up at him. "He said he wanted to get some sleep. It was really obvious that he wanted to be alone. I dunno what's up with him!"

"Like I said, probably one of his bad days," James muttered, turning and heading back to the lobby and towards the elevator. He went up to the second floor, going straight to the door of 2J. He stopped in front of it. If Kendall was really upset about this, it was only right to talk to him, wasn't it? He pushed the door open and shut it behind him, heading straight to him and Kendall's bedroom. He quietly opened the door and peeked in. Kendall was lying on his bed, staring straight at the ceiling. There were a few tears silently streaking down his cheeks.


Kendall's wide green eyes focused on him. "What?"

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" James stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I'm not," Kendall muttered, sitting up and drying his eyes with his sleeve.

"Yes you are." He smiled in spite of himself. "And you're a terrible liar."

"What does it matter?" he snapped. "You're not much better yourself! Fruit smackers my ass!"

James froze. "Huh?"

"You know what I'm talking about!" Kendall let out a shaky breath, glaring at him. "What, was it the same with anyone else you fucked? Once you're done you just leave them there and act like it never happened? Like you don't give a damn about their feelings?"

"Oh . . ." Now James got what Kendall was upset about. "So . . . you would've preferred if I stayed?"

"I just wish you'd acted like you cared. Like it wasn't just random sex for you." He looked down at the bed sheets, blushing as another tear fell. "Like you weren't just using me to get off," he whispered, more tears falling.

"Oh, Kendall. Don't." James sat next to him, taking the blonde in his arms. "It did mean more than that. That's why I acted like it never happened. I thought you'd hate me . . ." he gulped before continuing. "Because I love you."

Kendall looked up at him in shock. "You love me?"

"Yes." He smiled at him. "I wouldn't have slept with you if I didn't, no matter how drunk I was."

He watched Kendall carefully, waiting for a response. Then Kendall put his hands on his shoulders, reached up and kissed him lightly. "I love you too."

James smiled at him. "I'm so glad to hear you say that."

How bad was that? Review and tell me!