Happy Ending?

Sakura didnt know what to do... she was lost. She really wanted to vanish from this horrible world. She was sitting on a cherry blossom tree, where she and her students were training. Her thoughts were about Sasuke and Neji.

Why did have to turn this way. Why didnt he tell me that he had feelings for me, before. Why does he have to make me feel confused. I've never seeen him in that way... I have only had my eyes on Sasuke... And my heart has always been with him. He should have known it. Why did he had to tell me that he loved me! WHY! Oh god im loosing my mind! I really dont know what to do?

''...sigh... why is evryhting so complicated...'' Sakura said in low voice.

''im sorry to make it so complicated for you...'' She heard a very familiar voice under her. She looked and saw, Neji, with a sad face.

She jumped down the tree, and stood infront him. ''No, dont think like that. Im the one who made it so complicated for myself...'' she looked down at her feet. She felt so guilty...

''Sakura...'' he took her chin, and mowed her head, to look at him. '', dont you dare think like that. Im the one who did this stupid thing. Im sorry. I just wanted you to know that i loved you. But how it looked like, last night. Where i saw you two...together...'' he shook his head, away from the image.''I just didnt want you two together again. And i wanted then to breake that love between you two. And the best thing was, if i told you that i loved you, and made you confused. And hoepfully you would come back to me...'' he felt now more guilty then Sakura.

''So thats how it is. Your the one who made my Sakura sad?'' a male voice said, behind Neji. He past him and stod beside sakura. Pulled her a little away from him, and was now hugging her from behind, more protecting her.

''Uchiha!'' Neji growled his name. ''What do you want, Uchiha!'' Neji asked through clenched teeth.

''I was worried, where Sakura was. She was gone a little too much away! And now i know who the reason is.'' Sasuke said, still hving Sakura in his arms.

''Sasuke, I was just talking too Nei-kun, nothing all!'' sakura defended Neji.

''Fine, i believe you. But next time tell me, what is going on, i dont want too see that sad face of yours, i like your smile more then anything!'' Sasuke told her.

Sakura was happy, that he believed her, and she gave him a smile.

''Okay, this makes me sick, to watch. So i am just going to leave you two alone.'' he turned his back from them. Sakua got out of Sasukes arms, and hurried, to give a hug to Neji, from behind.

''Im sorry, Neji-kun! I am really sorry! If Sasuke didnt com back, you had sad that way before, wo knows what would ave happened to us two.'' he heard what she said to him, he felt loved in some way. He took Sakuras arms, and turned at to look at her. He gave her a smile and a kiss on her forhead.

''i will always love you. No matter what! I will always be there for you.'' He said.

Sasuke who was standing in the background, didnt like that he kissed her on the forhead. Sasuke went over to them, too breake that tension that is going on by them. ''I think she got it.'' he said, and gave him a wicked smile.

''hn! Fine. Listen Sakura if ever breakes your heart, one more time, he really is going to get beaten up!'' Neji said.

''I dont think that is neccesery.'' Sasuke said. ''I will never breake this heart'' he promised him.

''im just warning you.'' Neji said, now with a wicked smile. Then he looked at sakura, and gave her a smile.

''Thank you Neji-kun.''Sakura said, and smiled back. Then he turned around, and went home.

''So that guy, really loves you?'' Sasuke asked, feeling a little sad about it.

''Dont think about it. Its not important, we have now each other!'' Sakura said.

''But i dont like that he loves you. Im the only one that should love you.'' Sasuke said, now angry.

''Oh, my! Is Sasuke Uchiha, jalous?'' she turned at him, too look closer, he was all red. ''And oh, my! Sasuke Uchiha is all red!'' Sakura teased him.

He didnt like to be teased. So he turned away from her, and walked away.

''Wait, Sasuke! I didnt want you to be mad at me! Please come on!'' she ran after him, and suddenly he stopped, turned around, and took her up, on his shoulder, and carried her home.

''Sasuke, put me down! Dont you dare to carry me like this! This is embarrising!'' He stopped, and turned his head to the right, and kissed her mouth. She was surprised, when his lips touched her lips.

''Now you and I, will be together, for ever. No matter what!'' he gave her a smile, and gave her one more kiss...

Okay this was short... :((( But i wanted to make an ending. And i think, i stopped pretty good. And i hope for the people, who read this, enjoyed this fiction story. And now, i cant wait to begin with a new story. I really have to put my brain together, and think of a good story.

So people thank you for reading, and i hope you liked it :))) And a happy new year, for everyone :D

Please review if i should make a sequel, or just review if you liked it, even though it is pretty short :P