Looking Lucas up and down Nathan arched his eyebrow as well and stepped in front of Kelly. Ignoring the weird look Kelly was giving him he extended his hand to greet Lucas.


Lucas looked very pleased as he stepped forward to meet Nathans grasp.

Gripping his hand and clasping his hand overtop Nathans he cheerily spoke, " Ah I knew there were gentleman around here somewhere"

With a quick side glance at his sister he continued, " What did you say your name was again? Nick?"

Standing straighter and breaking the handshake he spoke boldly " No. My name's Nathan, Nathan Young "

With a relaxed pose Lucas smirked and seemed to mull the name over in his mouth.

" Nathan huh, Nathan young."

The two of them stared for a little bit, Lucas not breaking his cool composure and Nathan keeping his rigid posture. Lucas was the first to look away as he looked just past Nathan at Kelly and slowly licked his lips. Nathans lips parted a bit in surprise as he saw this and his eyes turned into slits.

" And who is this beautiful creature?", he trilled in delight.

"Oh her?" Nathan said as he pointed his thumb in her direction.

He extended his fingers so Kelly could step forward and grab his hand. Stepping forward to meet his grasp she smiled as their fingers interlocked and she leaned into his side. His thumb rubbing her finger ever so slightly.

"I'm-" she began to say but was cut off by Lauren who answered for her.

"Kelly." she said with a giggle. " Lucas this is Kelly and I'm pretty sure this is her boyfriend Nathan. ...Nathan young from what you've established."

She seemed to be overly happy, it was as if she were a kid on Christmas morning who got everything she wanted.

"hehe quite sad too, he's quite cute" she beamed and batted her eyelashes.

Oh great Kelly could see his ego puff up right in front of her. He was about to make a witty remark and she knew it.

Nathan felt Kelly grip his hand tight.

" Ow woman, I don't know how much more of this spousal abuse I can take" he said as he pulled his hand away.

mmm yes, it is too bad Nathan's her boyfriend

Hearing Lucas think this her eyes bugged out and her mouth opened a bit.

"Uh Kelly if that's your face of apology you might want to work on it."

His eyebrows arched quickly as if he had an epiphany.

He sultrily whispered in her ear.
"pull that face you did last night and I promise I'll forgive you every time."

Ignoring Nathan and addressing Lauren she spoke "Why yes Lauren he is quite cute, especially the morning after"

She stared smugly at lauren sporting laser eyes before she turned and grabbed Nathan by his curls.

"ahhg-", his protests cut off as Kelly attacked his lips.

She was claiming her territory and though Nathan wasn't aware she was also claiming his. Pushing him against the lockers he let out an "oomph" with impact.

Slowing the kiss romantically and staring into her eyes he pulled her into a hug and let her calm down in his arms.

Kissing her on the forehead as Simon entered the room. He stood still in his tracks, kind of like a deer in headlights at the scene before him. Two new people and what seemed like Nathan and Kelly in an embrace. "um" is all he could seem to get out. At the sight of Simon Lauren lit up like a Christmas tree.

" Hii! I'm lauren and this is my brother Lucas" she said with a curtsy.

When Simon stared dumbfounded she spoke again.

" What's your name?" she said nibbling her bottom lip.

"Simon, uh I'm Simon." he said looking away as his cheeks flushed.

"Nice to meet you Simon" Lucas spoke with a friendly tone.

Looking at his sister firmly and then turning to Simon he asked "Which lockers will be ours?"

Simon slowly fixed his bangs, a nervous habit he's formed, and answered " In theory you can choose wherever I guess. When the probation worker gets here all she'll give you is a jump suit and a strip of tape with your name for your locker."

He shows Lucas and Lauren each of the gangs lockers and quietly excuses himself mumbling something about changing.
Lucas and Lauren are talking amidst themselves and Nathan and Kellys lips were on visitation again when everyone was startled by shouting.





Nathans snickering was growing out of control as he was listening to the shouts.

"Wait what's going on? I don't understand why your'e laughing." Lucas asked bewildered.

"Because the two missing delinquets were just found having it out in the toilets, isn't it obvious"


Nathan continued to giggle. "I mean If those two were smart they'd at least get a gag ball. OUCH" He exclaimed seeing as Kelly hit him for that one.

"Nah mate I think your'e the one who needs the gag ball"


"Shut up Nathan!"

Lucas smirked at Nathan being scolded and asked " So what happens to them now do they get kicked out or what?"

"Is that a serious question mate?" Nathan asked with a laugh.

"If all I needed to do was have some loud sex in the toilets to get out of this dont you think I'd have done it. I mean seriously I wouldn't even need another person, I could pass it all by myself"

"Your'e disgustin" Kelly said laughing.

Making kissy faces at her he said " Oh you know you love me. Try not to, I dare you"

Alisha, Curtis and the probation worker entering the room ended their banter.

"Hello everyone. Ah in case you don't know, these two are Lucas and Lauren and they will be joining us. Lucas, Lauren meet Alisha and Curtis but dont follow their example please." Handing them each an orange jumpsuit and ripping off a strip of tape she gives orders. " Put the tape on the locker you'd like and choose wisely please. As soon as I leave you may get changed and the others can brief you on the rules here. Don't listen to Alisha and Curtis seeing as they obviously have no clue on what they are. Today gang we are holding a talent show for the teens of the community and you will be setting everything up. Alisha and Curtis will see me for the dirtiest jobs to be assigned seeing as they like to get dirty. I'll see you all in about 30 minutes feel free to get ready now"

With that she left as quickly as she came leaving 7 teens in her wake.