~first fanfic, Had to get this story out, review for more~

Looking into those lustful eyes Nathan knew it was finally time.

"I don't like very many girls Kelly, you should consider yourself lucky really. But in all seriousness I consider myself lucky too. At first you were just a chav who might be good for a quick shag and forget. Now you are so much more than that to me and I want you to know. I want us to be together tonight and I don't want either of us to be drunk."

Kelly stared at him just silently processing what he had just said. When it finally clicked there was no stopping her. She pulled nathans slim body against hers feeling every bit of him rub against her.

" Ah well this is more like it" said Nathan as she cut off his speech with a kiss. There wasn't much room in her bedroom, seeing as her bed filled up most of it. She took this opportunity to flip him around and push him onto her bed. Running her fingers down his chest, belly button, and then grazing his cock ever so gently. He twinged at how good she made him feel, he wanted to shag her so much his balls ached. Kelly decided to tease him a little longer. Getting on her knees she kissed his legs, left and right higher and higher till she was right at the target. Since he was still wearing his clothes this was just what she needed to keep it going. Slowly she trailed her hands up his thighs, towards his cock and then changed directions.

She kept at this until nathan was practically begging her. "Kelly, come on you cant keep doing that it's not fair!" He whined.

Kelly smirked and just pulled her hair down. "I'm not playing fair tonight Nathan, I'm playing very very dirty." And with that said she began unbuttoning her top after one she she said " Tell me I'm beautiful" Without him saying it out loud she undid her second button. She could hear him in his head, all those dirty things he wanted to do to her and she couldn't help but want him even more.

She was already wet and he hadn't even touched her yet. "You're brilliant" Ah he had caught on, another button gone and now her breasts were exposed with her pink lacy bra. Nathan was staring at her hungrily and she loved it. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, "Kelly I'm getting very uncomfortable in these jeans.." Looking up she saw her handy-work, Nathans cock was so hard she could see it in his jeans. Pulling her shirt off she swept her hand onto his leg, stroking his cock through his jeans she said "mmm is that for me now?" Nathans moans were too much for her and she straddled him still in her jeans. As she grinded his erect cock through the jeans she whispered " You want me Nathan?"

Between moans of pleasure Nathan managed to get out " Ahh Kelly mmm yess" One hand up his shirt and the other went between her legs to grab his stiff cock. Nathan gasped when she grabbed his dick, He loved her, oh god he loved her. When she let go Nathan whimpered a bit and rubbed his cock against her love-puddle Kelly threw her head back and moaned grabbing Nathans hips for support. It was time for these clothes to go. Nathan grabbed her by her waist and rolled her over so she was lying down. Kelly pulled at his shirt first and when it slid off she had to admire his cream like skin and star tattoos on his hips. She wrapped her legs around him pulling him in close and kissed him her hand traveling down his belly and under his jeans.

He twitched in the kiss and Kelly could hear him thinking "Uhhhg yes there, I need to get her pants off." So she unwrapped her self and let Nathan have his way. He lifted her bum up and had her hook her legs on his shoulders as he unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off to reveal matching panties. She had soaked her panties and Nathan was loving it, "Ah Kelly looks like you were a bit uncomfortable too" Looking her in the eyes he brought his head down and licked her clit through her panties. Smiling as he heard her moan he decided it was time to tease her a bit too. "mmm Kelly shouldn't have done that earlier love, now it's payback time" but Kelly wasn't going to have that now, she flipped onto her stomach and got on all fours. She used her bum and grinded on Nathan stiff cock, "mm really Nathan, you sure you don't want to fuck me right now?" she said through a naughty smirk as she began thrusting backwards into his dick and grinding some more.

At this point Nathan couldn't handle it, He grabbed onto her hips and and grinded back. If it was possible he got harder from all this. " k kel Kelly I need you now" Turning around she sat up and unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down, He was wearing those black and white striped briefs she loved and she kissed his cock through the underwear. Licking the length of his cock she made her way to the elastic and grabbed it with her teeth. Hands and teeth included she slid them off to leave this 8 inch wonder rod in her face. She grabbed the base and kissed the tip with one fast lick. It was enough, with a groan Nathan pushed her onto the bed and kissed her, His fingers trailing her ribcage and scratching at her back. She rolled on top of him and he reached around and unclasped her bra. "Well now that those are free, only one more thing"

One hand twisting her nipple his other hand felt adventurous and traveled right into her underwear. She was so wet his fingers slid across her pussy like he was ice skating. He rubbed on her clit for a bit loving the way she moaned and bit his lip. Then he brought his middle finger to her entrance and slid it partway in, curving his finger as he went. She was so tight inside his fingers would have to warm her up for big boy. As he got his rhythm going in her pussy he brought another finger in, Kelly gripped his shoulders and bit his neck. This made his whole body twitch, "for fucks sake Kelly how'd you do that?" He removed his hand from her pussy and brought it to her breast as he licked all around them and bit at her nipples. "wot Nathan, this?" She said as she pulled him near her and bit his neck again. " aw fuck you asked for it!" His hands moved lightning fast and gripped the sides of her panties and basically ripped them off. " Oy those were my favorite pair!" But now she was naked and so was he...