The Apprentices of Baker Street

Year of Enlightenment: 1866
Leeds Row, London

"I don't think you quite grasp the situation, Minato…"

The voice came somewhere from within the black flames, somehow drowning out the burning and the screaming… the roar of the chaos. Nothing else was audible except for patronizing, monotonous voice that dripped with false sympathy.

"Your wife is dead… you are dead, or rather dying, and I'm taking the ring. None of this would have happened if you'd just given it to me willingly."

Minato couldn't think clearly. He tried to blink away the fog which was clouding his vision, but it only seemed to get thicker, darkening with each rise and fall of his eyelids. Even that small movement was taxing, they felt so heavy... and his limbs wouldn't move. Slowly the room went out of focus, like he was drifting into the depths of some dark, unseen pool.

"What… could you… possibly want with… the ruby?" he choked out.

There was an odd sound, something akin to laughter, but it echoed cold and hollow in the dark. "Everything," the voice responded, "It is the key to our freedom, our liberation from years of servitude… it is the key to power."

"We are servants… of knowledge…" Minato whispered, "We… do not seek… power…"

"No…" the voice snapped coldly, "You are nothing. Just a corpse. I am the one who decides what we are."

Minato couldn't disagree, and in a rush of cold, numbing heat… his last thoughts were wiped from existence.


And this starts my latest project. I'm currently editing chapter 1, and I'll have it up somtime later today (After I've slept). Hopefully this has your interest. ;)

Basically this is going to be an AU fic, that using a great deal of 1800s British history, myth, and fiction... and throws it together with some of my own twists and plot devices, add in your favorite Naruto characters, and you get a story which I really love. The plus side to this story? I have it fully outlined. It's got an ending, unlike Naruto: Kurashio (my other fic) which doesn't look like it will ever end. So, if AU stories are your thing... stick with me cause I have a hella great plot lined out for this, plus the lore is all completely me... so you've never seen anything like this, I promise. More details about my projects can be found on my profile.

I love reviews, and I response to each review personally. Much love,