
Deirdre sighed, the speakerphone making her voice sound tinny, though loud. "Look, it's just like the doctor said. You shouldn't feel discouraged."

"What should we do, then?" Guardian Hathaway asked briskly, looking indefatigable despite the dark circles surrounding her eyes.

"Try again." Was the too-optimistic reply. "I'm willing to bet that Rose's memory will hold out longer this time. And when – if – it restarts itself, then you try again, and again, and again, until it just stops happening."

Adrian and I exchanged meaningful looks from opposite sides of the little huddle that had formed around Mr. Mazur's phone. "What if it doesn't?" he asked.

"You count your blessings. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Rose is lucky to be alive, right?" Deirdre confirmed.

Lissa nodded, "Yes."

"Alright, then. Think of it this way: what's a ruined memory compared to losing her?"

Guardian Belikov – Dimitri – took a disappointed step backwards, because, well, Deirdre obviously didn't understand. As far as we were concerned, we'd already lost Rose.

Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry for taking so long =( Forgive me, guys. I love you. I didn't mean to.