Ichigo Kurosaki had always loved his twin brother; that was nothing new. Though they were born only minutes apart, he could always look up to Hichigo as if he were years older. Ichigo didn't mind that he wasn't as talented in sports as his brother; he had AP classes and still made better grades. His brother had an overwhelming sense of confidence, while he was calm and reserved. No one bothered the twins, and Ichigo was especially happy for the indifference people gave them. Everyone was content with their quiet, secretive relationship, until one day, a visitor arrived.

Hichigo POV

"Damn, it's cold." I hear him curse, blowing hot air against his palms in a desperate attempt to warm them.

"Watch your mouth." I mumble back. I hate it when he swears; it doesn't suit his innocent personality at all.

He looks away from me, trembling at the cold. I made sure he put on at least three layers before we left the house and he's still shuddering against the light winter breeze. It must be because he's so skinny... It's my fault, I know it. If I would only work harder, I'd be able to feed him what he needs.

Sighing with self-disgust, I shrug out of my patched winter coat and drape it around his thin shoulders.

"You know I don't get cold like you do." I explain with a smile, interrupting his protest.

He doesn't argue.

We walk in silence, our steps unconsciously in time. My thoughts wander back to our money problem; no one needs a part-time student without any parents. My two crappy jobs are just barely getting us by. I'll probably drop out of school this year to get a full-time job for once. I'd love to see the look on his face when I tell him we can finally afford a car, a real house, his college tuition...I take another look at his face, noticing the way his cheekbones show more than they should. Food, I add to the list. I feel worthless.

His laugh suddenly breaks the silence, and I glance up to see what could possibly be funny. He points out two squirrels fighting over territory, bickering loudly back and forth. I laugh despite my mood. It isfunny, actually; Ichigo and I used to think of the same things at the same time, but as I'm thinking of how we're going to starve to death, he's laughing at squirrels.

We stand at our bus stop until the bus arrives, late as usual, then take our seat in the back. One day I decided to just show up later than usual, since the bus came late every day. It figures that that was the only day it arrived on time... We both had to walk ten miles and were late to school. Ichigo was sore the next day; we think he had torn a ligament walking up the steep hills to school. I promised I'd never put him through that again; I knew it was my fault.

We take our usual seat in the back, and the noise of the school crowd drowns out our whispers.



"Are you stressing over money again? I told you, you don't have to worry about it. We're really doing fine, at least I am. I'm sure we-"

At this point, I tune him out. Sometimes he goes on these rants- attempting to comfort me with the happy lies he makes up in his head. Maybe they aren't lies to him, maybe he really feels this way, but I know better.

"Hichi?" He hisses, dragging me out of my recently-darkened mind.


His eyes peer into mine, making sure I'm paying attention. They sparkle with too much happiness for the situation we're in.

"I love you." He says quietly, suddenly laying his soft cheek against my shoulder.

My heart drops painfully in my chest.

Ichigo POV

The usually calming low roar of the hallways in the morning is no comfort today. Hichi is stressing again. One of my hands rests on his tense arm as he walks half a step ahead of me, always in the lead. He grudgingly drags me to our lockers.

He's completely distracted while he drags his textbooks out of his locker and drops them carelessly in his bag. I stare at my shoes, trying to think about how I can fix the problem this time. I always feel disgustingly helpless when he's like this. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have a need to sulk.

I suddenly notice that he isn't banging his books around anymore. I glance up to see his eyes directed across the hall to a group of football guys he never talks to.

"-new girl? What's she like?"

"I heard she's rich. She's got a house up in Ascott for God's sake..."

"Ha, who cares about the money? Shes got one hell of a body..."

"Easy for you to say, your parents have enough money to buy the city. I heard she hands out cash like its nothing."

"You're an idiot."

"You know what...?"

So, there's a new girl. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the regular gossip that hangs around those groups. So if it's nothing, why is Hichi so tense all of a sudden? He slams his locker door just as the warning bell rings, and grabs my arm as he walks past, pulling me behind him again.

"Hichi?" I ask as he pulls me through the door to our math class.

"Just be quiet and pay attention." he orders as we take our seats.

I stare at my lap for lack of a better place to hide my confusion. The sound of the bell is lost through my clouded head. The teacher begins to talk and I consider letting my mind wander where it wants to, but I can't find it in me to disobey him; there are too many childhood fears linked to disobeying him that my mind won't reject.

I sit up and pay strict attention; just like he asked.

Hichigo POV

My eyes trail over her; she isn't as great as they said she was. Then again, I'm not really the type to drool over anyone. Her eyes meet mine and flick away just as quickly. I turn and scoff; she's not the typical rich kid if she doesn't have an ego to match her house. People are already inviting her into their groups; by the end of the week she won't bother to dirty her vision by looking this way.

Then I understand... of course her icy eyes are flicking over here every time she thinks I'm not looking. We're The Twins; the main attraction when there isn't someone new to gawk at. She must have heard all about us by now.

I glance over at Ichi; he looks startled at my expression. I shake my head at him before he can ask, because I know he will. This isn't going to work unless I can find a way to get away from him for a while. Can I get her schedule somehow? My thoughts seem to race wildly through my head, but the bell rings in no time at all and suddenly I'm walking Ichi to his next class, just like always.

"You better hurry," he warns, dragging me out of my plans. "The first bell just rang, and you don't want to be late again..."

"Don't worry about it, it's fine. Just make sure you're paying attention in class, and ask questions if you don't understand. I know you're shy, but this is your hardest class, and you need to make sure-"

He interrupts my lecture with a tight hug, and his warm body against mine soothes my racing heart. I bury my face in his soft orange hair and my worries are all but forgotten.

"Bye, Hichi." He says softly as he walks into his classroom.

The bell rings seconds after I begin sprinting to my class.


"Hichigo, how nice of you to join us" Spat my English teacher as I took my seat in class. "I've taken the pleasure of assigning your partner for you." He said with a smile, gesturing across the room to a newly-familiar face.

Well, it looked like I was going to get to talk to her sooner than I thought...


Ichigo POV

Once again, I couldn't help but do what he told me. It was a natural reaction now, though I couldn't help that my mind wandered to him a few times. He had never acted this way before. I picked up my heavy bookbag off my desk and walked into the hall with the rest of the crowd. I'd have to ask him about it... he always waited for me around the corner, so I took a deep breath before I rounded it.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My heart actually skipped a nervous beat.

Of course he was there, just like always. But this time he was with someone. It was her, the new girl, right? She had her hands up against his chest, smiling a wicked grin that couldn't mean anything good. What was worse, he was smiling too; whispering in her ear, hands around her waist...

What was this?

His mouth opened to whisper something else, but her lips caught his in a disgusting smother.

I didn't realize that his name coming out in a strangled cry was from me until a few seconds later.

His eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't push away from her at all.

"Ichigo," He said slowly, using my full name for once. The girl's acid glare bore onto my face without mercy while he spoke. "you can take the bus home by yourself today, can't you? Amber and I want to go somewhere tonight."

I had absolutely no control over my lips when they agreed. It was just instinct now, doing what he told me to do.

My legs were numb during my walk home from the bus stop. His absence was quantifiable. I could feel that something was missing, and it wasn't just the fact that someone wasn't walking beside me.

How could this happen? He only loved me. No one else. He was only supposed to love me... He wasn't allowed to touch anyone else like that, that was against the rules, right?

I couldn't grasp it... Was I not enough for him? Did he want something more? Before I knew it, it was dark and I was laying on my bed, our bed, and there was nothing to stare at but the ceiling. I heard the front door creak open and finally glanced at the clock.

2:18am, it screamed at me in it's angry red numbers. Enough time to do things he's only supposed to do with you, it taunted.

I moved over to my part of the bed, on my side so there was enough room for him, and pretended I was asleep.