Chapter Two:

Sam's Spanking

"You know I'm much too old for a spanking!" Why don't we think of something else to do instead?"

"No Sam a spanking it will be missy. This is going to happen now or Carly's Grandfather agreement to let her stay here in Seattle is off." Freddie Mom brooked no argument.

The disciplinary oriented Mom had pulled one of the red vinyl kitchen chairs out in the center of the room and sat down. She patted her lap and Sam concluded that all hope of getting out of this with her butt in tact was nada.

Realizing her goose is cooked she places herself over the maternal lap with a reluctant pout on her face.

Sam had asked best friend Carly be present for moral support during her

upcoming spanking!

She was thankful that Spence and Freddie would not see her spanking, but she would need to keep her "Ouches and certainly cries to the bear minimum. Sam was very certain they would hear her reacting to her spanking from across the hall in the Benson Apartment if she made a fuss during her punishment.

Mrs. Benson further raised Sam's bottom positioning her so only the tips of her fingers and the toes of her shoes touched the floor. The eighteen year old teenager with long blonde brown hair waited for the first spank on her bare bottom to land.

The shame and humiliation Sam felt made her cheeks red before a single spank.

Freddie's Mom rested her left hand near her slim neck, while her right hand rested on one of the smooth maturing baby fat moon globes which would soon be a brilliant red and scraped with blood blisters.

Sam felt the muscles beneath the skin tense and relax as she anxiously awaited the first spank.

Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat!

"Ohhhhh!" Sam exclaimed as Mrs. Benson's hand began to spank firmly with purpose on her bottom building a steady burn.

Sam was surprise how much the hand spanking was hurting already!

Spank! Slap! Spank! Splat! Spank! Whack!

The spanks were given with gusto as Freddie Mom's now was getting busy with burning her butt!

Spank! Slap! Spank! Splat! Spank! Crack!

The spanks were given with gusto as Freddie Mom's now was getting down to busting her growing butt with gusto. Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat!

Spank! Splat! Spank! Splat! Spank! Spank!

By now Sam was being to understand the serious sting a hard hand could impart and she had lost all control over her body. This was noticeable as her teen femme butt was beginning to turn bright red and her legs were kicking and scissoring as the heat built in her caboose.

Freddie's Mom took the opportunity to land a couple of real stingers on fresh found behind skin located on the tender inside of her thighs.


"Yeow, Ouch!" "CRACK" "WHACK" "SPANK"

"Sheesh" Sam howled in pain as each hard spank landed developing a cumulative inferno heat she now felt, yet something else was happening. Sam was beginning to realize she was deserving of the ongoing over the knee spanking now in progress.

Freddie's Mom could tell the spanking she was giving the naughty young lady was evident to her from the heat radiating off her reddening ass, but as Sam was about to find out she was about to bring it up a notch!

End of Chapter Two

Will the heat on Sam's bottom equal Carly's


Will it be taken up a notch?

Bringing It Up A Notch

It took her several seconds realize Spence had stopped spanking her and that he was just sitting there quietly thinking about how he was losing Sam, because he had failed to act like a parent!

Carly listened as Sam cried and continued to sob. It just felt right to do this to the deserving bratty Sam, who she had witnessed getting her Freddie in jams for years. Now it was her snarky ass in the cross hairs of her wooden spoon.

"May I get up now? Sam asked through a veil of tears and sniffles as her head hung down between her arms, her shoulder length blonde brown hair just brushing the floor.

"No. Not yet, I haven't finished your spanking yet." Freddie's Mom answered.

"Oh Please no more!" I don't think I can stand anymore of this!"

"My poor bottom is on fire. I want be able to sit down for days!" Sam pleaded.

"But Sam should have saved her breath for the screams that were soon to come.

"I'm afraid that was just your warm up. Your butt is barely red. Why there isn't even a purple bruise on it yet." Surely you don't expect to get off that easily for all the bad girl stunts you have pulled over the years and never spanked for not a darn one of them!"

"Besides I'm, well um on my period and have a tampon in my vagina."

Really Sam don't concern yourself, that's normal, you will be lying over my lap when I pull your panties down."

"Um, Mrs. Benson she doesn't like it when you call her underwear panties." Carly chirped in.

"Like it give two farts, what she wants me to call her panties!"

She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of Sam's light blue panties worked them down over her round bottom and down her legs to her ankles. Ingenuously her panties would act as shackles to prevent her from kicking, so much as her real spanking began.

Spank! Swat! Splat! Whack! Splat! Swat! Spank! Splat!

Sam's spanking was about to take a turn for the worse and that was something her already burning bottom would feel soon. Without warning Freddie's firm mom picked up a large thick wooden spoon and rest it on Samantha's round red bottom. Sam flinched as she felt the cool wood balanced on her bottom cheeks. "what's that?"

Ms. Benson picked up the spoon tightened her grip on Sam and began to spank her upturned bottom cheeks sharply with the back of the spoon hard, yet still not as hard as she could.

Sam threw back her long curly blondish Brown haired head and yelled at the top of her lungs as the searing pain began to spread across her ass cheeks.

Crack! Spank! Splat! Whack! Splat! Swat! Spank! Splat!

Sam kicked her legs with vigor hard as she tried to escape her punisher's grasp that her panties went flying across the living room. But, no matter how hard the teen struggled.

Freddie's Mom was able to keep a firm grip on her wrist up her back to keep her from squirming away.


Freddie's Mom continued to spank Sam's ass until it was bright, flaming red and felt like hot lava had been poured over her rear end skin.

In fact the pain was so bad that she lost control of herself and a "Fart" sounded from her open puckered pink hole like a trumpets roar.


Freddie's Mom heard the fart, but in deference to Sam's feelings did not mention the the unfortunate toot, or the tampon string hanging between her slightly spread legs.

Spank! Splat! Spank! Crack! Whap! Whack! Spank!

Splat! Spank! Splat! Whack! Spank! CRACK! Splat!

Sam turned her head whipping her long blonde brown hair out of her face, so she could look back up at Freddie's Mom. There was a questioning look on her face, wondering when her spanking with the awful stinging spanking with the dastardly wooden spoon, which was hurting her still baby fat bottom real bad.

Freddie's Mom now accented her lecture with sharp spanks of the wooden spoon, which left distinct oval marks across her defenseless now trembling cherry red bottom.

Spank! "Your" Crack! "little girl plot" Splat! "resulted in" SPANK!

"Carly", Spank! "being" Splat! "spanked", Crack!

"Corporally Punished" "WHACK!"

"Your", Spank! "Behavior", Smack "Has" Crack! "Influenced" Splat!

"Manipulated", Spank! "My Freddie" Crack! "and Carly", Splat!

"To Behave" Spank! "In A Deplorable", SPANK! "Manner", WHACK!"

Sam had trouble comprehending the level of pain that radiated from her bottom. The eighteen year old teen had thought the pain from the first part of her spanking had been terrible, but that was nothing compared to what she was experiencing now. How could she have gotten herself in this mess and agreed to being spanked like this. Being a part of sting certainly had more meaning to her now!

"YEOOOOOW!" Sam's alto voice screeched, sobbing blubbering.

"I am so sorry I have learned my lesson." Thank you I am sorry you had to spank me."

Freddie's Mom put down the spoon and declared Sam's spanking over with a sense of satisfaction in her voice as she rationalized the stern spanked state of eighteen year old Sam's bottom.

When she had her back to Spence, he could see that her bright red ass cheeks showed clearly.

Sam still sniffling pulled up her panties over very red cooked sore spanked butt with an audible wince. "Oh, Woooochee."

Sam looked at her brother looking for a reprieve to having to pull the tight fitting denim jeans over her now swollen red 'n' purple colored bottom cheeks.

Freddie's Mom gave her no such reprieve, so Sam painfully with a pout pulled her tight tan pants up, scraping her red blistered with light purple bruise tinted behind.

Sam gingerly waddled across the hallway, pushing the button for the elevator and entering the lift when it arrived.

Resigned with the help of a very hot, red bottom to mend her ways. The elevator doors slid open. Sam's mouth opened verbalizing her pain a properly spanked young lady took her very red and burning bottom home.

The End: