Disclaimer: see 1st chapter and my profile
The entire team was at the theater. The case was over and during the case it came out that Garcia belonged to a community theater troupe. She was still a little irritated with Hotch for telling everyone that little secret, but that didn't stop the whole team from coming out and watching the performance that evening. No one noticed that Reid and Emily sat next to each other or that they held each others hand during the performance.
As she held Spencer's hand, Emily's finger stroked the ring he wore. It was a slender silver band, and it was hardly noticeable to the casual observer. That ring had incredible significance to Emily, since it was the sign their secret engagement. As she touched that ring, she knew he was hers. They made the plan that the next time Reid went home to visit his mother, she would go with him. That's when they would get married, in secret.
It was a hard decision to make, but they decided they had no hope of staying on the team if Strauss ever found out. Sure, Hotch would probably fight to keep the team together. He would try, but if JJ's removal from the team taught them anything, it taught them Hotch couldn't protect any of them from Strauss. They thought long and hard about if they were willing to be separated professionally, and decided they didn't want to. The reason was two-fold.
First, despite the sacrifices they made by continuing to do their job, they both liked working at the BAU. The crazy hours, the emotional toll taken by facing the unsubs, the whole crazy business of being the people who had a deep understanding of the worst of humanity, this was all part of the job they loved and didn't want to give up. They didn't think either of them should have to give it up, either.
The other reason was more pragmatic. Given their desire to remain with the BAU, being on different teams would make maintaining their relationship all but impossible. The crazy schedule was part of the reason relationships with people outside the team were hard to maintain. Staying together on the team, therefore, was the best way to stay together.
So, they would keep their engagement and subsequent marriage a secret for as long as they could. It wouldn't be easy, but they committed themselves to do it.
Reid also stroked Emily's ring. Moments like this, when they were hiding their relationship in plain sight, were both nerve-wracking and exhilarating. It gave him pause about what Garcia had told Morgan. She had wanted to keep her acting a secret, because she wanted something that was hers the team didn't know about.
Morgan understood, since he had the same in the past. They all had secrets, not that any of the secrets were necessarily terrible things, but they needed them. Emily had become part of his share of secrets. To an extent he wished it were otherwise. He had no desire to keep her a secret, but he also had no desire to be separated from her professionally. So this is what they had, a life lived partially in secret.
After the performance was over, they let go of each others hands reluctantly.
The team went out for drinks after the performance, and they had a nice time. Emily and Reid were careful not to sit too close to each other or touch each other. After a while, the gathering dwindled until Reid and Emily were the last ones there.
"PG looks good as a blonde, doesn't she?" Emily asked after they were alone.
"I guess."
"You guess? You didn't notice?"
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Are you still pouting?"
"I was not pouting."
"Sulking then."
"I did not do that either."
"What was it then?"
"Nothing. It was absolutely nothing. I was standing in the train station with you and Hotch trying to understand what the unsub did, and you accuse me of gawking at women."
"One woman. And not so much gawking as ….no, gawking is the right word."
"I was not gawking!"
"What would you call it, then?"
"I was looking at people, that's all."
"It's okay Spencer. I understand."
"Is this going to happen every time I'm around women from here on out?"
"It's possible, but probably not. It will depend."
"On what?"
"Oh, a whole range of variables Dr. Reid. Ranging from the specific social context to whatever my mood is at the moment."
"That doesn't seem entirely fair."
"Do you still love me?" she asked in a sweet tone and a coy smile.
He started laughing. He just couldn't help himself. "Sometimes you're almost impossible to read, do you know that?"
"It's why you love me."
"I think I love you in spite of that, not the reason why."
"As long as you love me, that's all I care about."
He held onto her hand, and lifted it up to his lips and kissed it. "I do love you, very much."
"Then I don't care if you were gawking or not."
He smiled as he shook his head. "You are just impossible sometimes."
"But you love me," she said with a big smile, her eyes dancing with humor and mischief.
"Why is that again?"
"Do you want me to show you? Because, I actually picked up something at Victoria's Secret you might like."
"Oh?" His eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened.
"Why Spencer Reid, I do believe you're undressing me with your eyes you naughty boy."
"No, but I am gawking."
She laughed. "I love it when you gawk at me."
"So, what did you get at Victoria's Secret?"
"You'll have to come home with me to see."
"I could do that."
So they left the bar and went back to Emily's place. They had barely made it in the door before Reid starting kissing her.
"Oh my, Spencer. I don't even have the special garment on."
"You don't need a special garment to be sexy. Or to get me to stare. Or gawk."
"Oh my." She was blushing just the tiniest little bit, which made look just that much more sexier as far as Spencer was concerned. He allowed himself just a few seconds to enjoy watching her blush before he began the serious task of kissing her along her face and neck. She let out a gentle moan as he did so.
As he continued to kiss her, he unzipped her dress. The dress fell down around her. She stepped away from it. Reid began to embrace her again, but she batted his hands away. "Nuh uh uh," she scolded. "You have too many clothes on. Start taking them off."
"As you wish." He took off his jacket and shirt until he was bare chested.
"That's much better," Emily said. She wrapped her arms around him and started kissing him. After she kissed him on the mouth for a while, she began kissing her way down his neck until she came to his chest. She lingered here, licking and gently biting his nipples which elicited moans of pleasure from Reid. Then she worked her way down to his waist. She undid his belt and pulled his trousers and briefs down. He helped her remove them.
She now had complete and unfettered access to his fully aroused cock which she began lick and suck.
Reid never knew what to do when she sucked his cock. He always felt a twinge of guilt if he just sat there and enjoyed it. He always felt like he should give her pleasure as well. If they were in bed, this is when he reciprocate oral sex with her. Since she was on her knees right now, that was a difficult proposition. He didn't want to interrupt her, since she might take exception to that.
Plus, he was really enjoying her sucking his cock. After all, she was very good at it.
After a while, though, he leaned down and whispered in her ear,"maybe we should move this to the bed room?"
She paused for a moment and looked up at him. "That was my intention in the beginning, but someone was in a hurry."
"I just don't want you to hurt your knees. It's not good for them to kneel for long periods of time."
"That is so sweet," she said, "Why don't we move to the couch?"
Once they got on the couch, Reid took off Emily's underwear and began to lick her pussy as she continued to suck his cock. He put his tongue deep inside her pussy, to do as good a job with her as she was doing to him. However, as he was doing this, he felt his toes involuntarily curl. Suddenly, he could feel his legs to shake and shimmy from the sheer pleasure she was causing. He couldn't concentrate on from his task at hand. He could hardly do anything but keep saying,"Oh God. Oh God Emily, Oh my God."
He tried to disengage himself from her mouth, she spanked him on the ass, then her legs curled around his head, locking it in place close to her pussy. Suddenly, without the usual physical signs that signaled his climax, Spencer exploded in her mouth.
Emily swallowed the hot, white cum and began to lick his cock clean. Then she said patted him on the back. "Okay, your turn."
He hesitated. He was still reeling from his orgasm.
"Come on Spencer, I'm not letting go until you get me off, you naughty boy."
After a few moments, Spencer recovered from the orgasm and processed what Emily was saying. He shifted his body enough so he could put one delicate, long finger inside deep Emily's pussy, which caused her to gasp. He moved it in and out as his mouth went to work on her clitoris, sucking hard on it, which caused her to gasp even louder.
He kept going, until his jaw ached. He tried to move his head, but her legs tightened around him, and he felt her slit tighten as well. She started crying out and he felt wetness on his finger to let him know she was climaxing. He pulled out his finger and clamped his mouth on her pussy, sucking and licking up all of her juices.
When it was all over, Emily uncrossed her legs and Spencer climbed up to kiss her on the mouth.
"Now maybe we should move into the bedroom," Emily said.
"I need a little rest."
"Did I wear you out that much?"
"I just want to enjoy the afterglow is all."
"That's an even better reason to move to the bedroom. It's much more comfortable in there."
"Excellent point."
After they nestled themselves in bed, and Spencer pulled Emily close to him he said,"do you think the team suspects anything."
"Not yet. Do you?"
"I don't know. I think it's only a matter of time."
"Do you think we should tell them?"
He thought about it for a moment, then shook his head. "No. I think we're doing it the right way. The only downside is we can't tell anyone, not even our families."
"I know. What about your mother? I mean, it's not like anyone would believe her."
"No. It's better to tell her the same thing we tell everyone else. I mean, sometimes its hard enough for her, with out her being told a different version of the truth than everyone else. "
"Yes dear."
Spencer laughed.
"What?" Emily's toner was a trifle harsh. She hadn't expected laughter.
"I'm not used to you calling me dear. It's nice."
She nestled her head in the crook of his neck, and they stayed that way for some time. They didn't wonder anymore about telling the team or not telling them. They weren't entirely certain what the future would hold for them, but they were determined to follow the course they had decided on.
A/N: So this is the end of this fic, but not the series. I'll be writing a follow up to this one showing them living a double life. In the meantime, I'll be concentrating on my other Reid/Emily fic , Reid's First Last Lecture.