Chapter 1: The Last Good-Bye:

"If your mother finds out I've been giving you lessons with a blade, she'll kill me." Farah Cousland teased her young nephew, Oren, as she led him back to his room. Their secret lessons had been going on for months now and she was rather impressed with her nephew's skill. She wore a smug smile as she thought about his progress. His mother had forbid him to even go near a sword, but Farah would hear none of that. He was a Cousland. He would learn to fight young just as she did. Besides, Oren begged her to teach him, and she could never say no to her sweet little nephew. Farah looked down at Oren to find him lost within his own thoughts.

"But Auntie, mother couldn't even get close enough to touch you, right?" Oren asked in serious tone.

Farah laughed at his solemn face, "Hmmmm… I am much too quick for her." Farah said slyly as she jumped behind Oren and started tickling him. She wrapped one arm around him so he could not escape. Oren laughed loudly as pleaded for his Auntie to stop.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Farah laughed. Oren was trying to break free from his Auntie's hold but Farah would not let up. She continued until Oren could barely breathe.

"Farah Cousland! You let that child go right now, young lady!"

Farah immediately dropped her arms to her side. She knew that voice, and she knew when that voice meant business.

"And just what do you think you're doing, keeping this boy from his father? Your brother will be leaving soon. You'd think you would have enough sense to let his son spend as much time with him as possible!" Farah slowly turned around to find Nan standing with arms crossed and eyes narrowed. Nan, now the main cook, was once the nanny for Farah and her brother Fergus. She constantly kept Farah out of trouble when she was younger. She was always getting herself into some kind of mischievous misadventure. She was proud of the fact that she still manage to get herself into trouble. Nan's fits over Farah's behavior amused her deeply.

"You best be glad I don't tell Oriana what you have been teaching her son." Nan threatened as she walked towards the young Cousland and her younger nephew.

"Whatever do you mean, Nan?" Farah asked as she tried to hide her surprised expression.

Nan put her hands on her hips, "Oh, don't try playing coy with me young lady. Just because my hair is a littler grayer does not mean I don't know what wayward thing you've got yourself into now. It seems your vice has finally reached the boy."

Farah smiled proudly and high fived her little nephew. Nan rolled her eyes at their childish gesture and pushed Oren on his way telling him to find his father. Once Oren was out of sight she took Farah by her arm and led her to toward the main hall. Castle Cousland was in a state of chaos. Servants were running up and down the hallways while the cooks worked fiercely in the kitchen preparing one last meal for the troops. Everyone in the castle was doing their part to see the soldiers off. There was so much to do and so little time to do it in. King Cailan had made the call for soldiers only days ago, and Bryce Cousland, the Teyrn of Highever and Farah's father, would not let him down.

"Your father is looking for you, child. Had you not been corrupting your nephew with your….. Ahhhhhh!" Nan let out a scream as Nolan, Farah's Mabari war hound, came sprinting around the corner nearly knocking Nan over and running right into an elven servant making him fall backwards. He had a roast in his mouth and was followed by two more servants. Her playful Mabari was always getting into trouble, something he learned from Farah. Mabari were massive hounds, built for battle. They were short furred, ranging in colors from brown to black to reddish tents. Mabari had short snouts and pointy ears and stood very tall. Nolan had short brown fur with a tent of red. He was built like any other Mabari: burly and strong. Farah giggled as she helped Nan regain her balance.

"You would think this as funny." Nan growled. Farah shook her head in agreement as she helped the elven servant to his feet and told the others she would take care of Nolan. The Teyrn was a firm believer that everyone deserved be treated equally. He taught that belief to his children, though many nobles looked down on it. The servants in the Cousland's castle were treated with respect. Farah took pride in this fact and was extremely sweet to all the servants. She even helped with their tasks and errands and defended them when others who did not share her father's belief threatened them. The servants adored and respected her in return.

"Thank you, My Lady." said the elven servant as he went on his way. Farah called for Nolan and within seconds he came running around the corner once again to his mistress's side. He looked up at her excitedly. "Stealing roasts again I see?" Farah cooed at her hound. Nolan barked happily and jumped around. Nan shook her head in disgust and told Farah her father was in the main hall and he needed to speak with her. Farah and Nolan slowly made their way to the main hall as giving Nolan time to finish his roast. She stopped at the door and pressed her ear to it. She could hear Arl Rendon Howe and her father talking inside. Arl Howe and her father fought together in the Orlesian war. He was a trusted friend of the Cousland family and Farah's father relied on him greatly. She listened in on their conversation from outside the door. Nolan looked up at his mistress's curiously and whined. Farah put her finger to her lips to quiet her hound. Mabari were known for their intelligence. Nolan understood most everything Farah told him, whether it was by spoken word or gestures.

"I apologize for the delay, my Lord. This is entirely my fault." Arl Howe said.

"No, no. The appearance of the darkspawn in the south has us all scrambled, doesn't it? I only received the call from the king a few days ago myself. I'll send my eldest off with my men. You and I will ride tomorrow, just like in the old days." Teyrn Cousland said.

Arl Howe laughed, "True, though we had less gray in our hair then. And we fought Orlesians, not… Monsters."

Ferelden was being attacked by darkspawn, disgusting creatures of unknown origin. Though the Chantry teaches that it was the hubris of men that brought them into the world. Few believed this was a true Blight, but the darkspawn threat had to be taken care of. The last Blight ended over four centuries ago. Most had believed the darkspawn were no more, but they were wrong. They were a constant threat to the Dwarven kingdoms. It was believed that they nested in their Deep Roads, though no one knew for sure. Farah had never seen one in person, but the descriptions she had heard in the past were enough. Besides what the Chantry taught she knew very little about the darkspawn and wanted to keep it that way. They were terrifying. King Cailan sought to put an end to their raid in one epic battle at the ruins of Ostagar. Farah wasn't sure if that was possible, she was always told that darkspawn came in great numbers. She wondered if their army would be big enough to defeat them.

"At least the smell will be the same!" As Farah's father said this a solider opened the door she was leaning on. Farah tumbled her way into the main hall. She quickly regained her balance and straightened her light leather armor before anyone was any wiser as the solider apologized. Nolan looked as if he was laughing at his mistress. Farah narrowed her eyes at her hound, "Oh, be quiet."

"I'm sorry Fairy; I didn't see you come in. Howe, you remember my daughter, Farah?" Teyrn Cousland said. Farah walked towards them calmly with Nolan close behind. She smiled hoping neither saw her stumble in.

"I see she has grown into a lovely, young woman. Pleased to see you again, my dear." Howe said smiling.

"And you, Arl Howe." Farah said politely.

"My son Thomas asked after you. Perhaps I should bring him with me next time."

Not this again, Farah thought. "I have no interest in an arranged marriage." Farah stated plainly.

The Teyrn chuckled, "See what I contend with, Howe? There is no telling my fierce girl anything these days, Maker bless her heart."

"Mmmm, no doubt because you've trained her as a warrior. How… Unique."

Farah's father returned his gaze to his daughter, "At any rate Fairy, I summoned you for a reason. While your brother and I are both away I'm leaving you in charge of the castle."

Farah and her brother usually shared the responsibilities when their parents went away. Her brother would be gone this time though. Farah had only run the castle by herself a couple of times. "I'll do my best, Father."

"Now that's what I like to hear. Only a token force is remaining here and you must keep the peace in the region. You know what they say about mice when the cat is away, yes?" her father raised his eyebrow at his last statement and smiled sweetly at his daughter. "There is also someone you must meet." He turned to a guard and told him to show their guest in. A tall tan man, a little younger than the Teyrn made his way into the main hall. He was well armored and boasted a sword and dagger on his back. His hair was dark and slicked back in a short pony tail. He had strong features and a confident face. There was something about the man that made Farah think he had seen many battles in his time, and won them all.

"It is an honor to be a guest within you hall, Teyrn Cousland." The mysterious man said as he walked toward them.

Howe looked nervously at the man, "Your Lordship, you didn't mention that a Grey Warden would be present."

A Grey Warden! That explains it, Farah thought. "Duncan arrived just recently, unannounced. Is there a problem?" the Teyrn asked his friend.

"Of course not, but a guest of this stature demands certain protocol. I am… at a disadvantage."

"We rarely have the pleasure of seeing one in person, that's true. Fairy, Brother Aldous taught you who the Grey Wardens are, I hope?"

"They're an order of great warriors." Farah said in awe.

"To say the least. They are the heroes of legend who ended the Blights and saved us all. Duncan is looking for recruits before joining us and his fellow Wardens in the south."

The Grey Warden cleared his throat, "If I may be so bold, I would suggest that your daughter is an excellent candidate."

Nolan let out a low growl as the Teyrn stepped protectively in front of his daughter with a grave expression, "Honor though that might be this is my daughter we're talking about."

Farah placed her hand on her father's shoulder. Joining the Grey Wardens would be an honor, but her place was here with her family. She couldn't leave her nephew anyway, she need to corrupt him further as Nan would say, "Its ok, Father. I've no interest in becoming a Grey Warden."

"Do you hear that Duncan? My daughter is not interested. So unless you intent to invoke the Right of Conscription…?"

"Have no fear. While we need as many good recruits as we can find, I have no intention of forcing the issue." Duncan reassured the Teyrn. Satisfied, Farah's father returned to her side to give her instructions. She was to see to Duncan's requests while in her father absence. As for now she was to find her brother and tell him to lead the troops to Ostagar ahead of her father.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" Farah jested.

"We must discuss the battle plans in the south. Now, be a good lass and do as I've asked. We'll talk soon."

Farah smiled sweetly at her father and bowed to Arl Howe and the Warden before leaving the main hall. Nolan growled at the Warden following Farah out. Turning the corner, Farah and Nolan walked side by side to find Fergus. She knew he would be in his room with his wife and son, but Farah wanted to take her time. She never liked saying goodbye. She pushed a long dark brown curl behind her ear aimlessly. Farah watched her feet, as she often did, with her light eyes. Her eyes were gray with flakes of jade green and ice blue. Certain colors would become more definite depending on her mood. Today, they were mostly gray with a little color swirling about. Her brother and father's coming departure saddened her. She wrinkled her 'cute little round nose' as he father called it, at the thought of them leaving. A frown formed on her full lips as she once again brushed back a dark spiral from her snowy face. Farah was no taller than normal, but well-built for a woman, and had a thick waist and strong thighs. She wasn't fragile like all the other noble girls. Farah turned another corner to find her mother talking with Lady Landra, her son, and an elven woman Farah did not recognize.

"And my dear Bryce brought this back from Orlais last year. The marquis who gave it to him was drunk, I understand, and mistook Bryce for the King." Teyrna Eleanor Cousland laughed as her daughter walked towards them. She sure loves to talk, Farah thought. "Ah, here is my lovely daughter. Darling, you remember Lady Landra from your father's surprise birthday party a couple of months ago?"

Farah smiled politely, "Of course. It is good to see you again, my Lady."

"You're too kind, dear girl. Didn't I spend half the salon trying to convince you to marry my son?" Lady Landra said.

"And made a very poor case for it I might add." Lady Landra's red-headed son interjected.

"You remember my son, Dairren. He's still not married."

"Don't listen to her. It is good to see you again, my Lady. You're looking as beautiful as ever." Farah rolled her eyes and gave a reluctant thank you. Nolan let out a low growl at Dairren. Nolan was a very jealous and protective. He generally did not like men who showed any interest in Farah, or who even came near her.

"Be nice, Nolan." Farah said as she winked at her hound. Nolan looked at her curiously.

"And this is my lady-in-waiting, Iona. " Lady Landra said gesturing towards the blonde elven woman. "Do say something dear."

"It is a great pleasure, my lady. You are as beautiful as your mother describes." Iona said with a light, silken voice. Farah sifted uncomfortably at Iona's comment. She didn't like compliments on her looks.

Farah's mother laughed, "And she says this after seeing you whacking stuffed men in the courtyard, sweating like a mule."

"Your daughter's prowess with a blade is most impressive." Dairren said in an attempt to flatter Farah once again.

"I was quite the battle maiden myself in my day. But I think it was the softer arts that helped me land a husband." The Tryena said as she shot an implying look towards Farah. Eleanor Cousland was constantly trying to find her daughter a match, but to her dismay she was always met with failure. Farah managed to scare off every suitor, a fact she was very proud of. Men were overrated and she did not need someone else telling her what she can and cannot do. Besides, Nolan wouldn't let any of them near her. He had to be locked away in her room when mother brought suitors about.

"I can handle my own affairs, thank you." Farah said plainly to her mother.

"Ha, all evidence to the contrary." Her mother wittily retorted.

"I think perhaps I shall rest for now. Dairren, Iona, come. Let us leave the Teyrna and her daughter to talk in private." Lady Landra interrupted. Dairren bowed to Farah and her mother while Iona curtsied. The Teyrna waited for them to be out of ear-shot before she started at her daughter.

"You know Dairren is a good man. Well learned, polite, not that bad looking..."

"You forgot utterly boring." Farah snapped back.

"Uhg, there is just no pleasing you, is there?"

"Mother, if I ever do marry, and I stress the 'if' part, I refuse to marry someone as dull as Dairren."

"Fine," her mother sighed in annoyance, "I suppose my daughter deserves the best. Maker bless his heart. He has a lot to deal with when he finally finds you."

Farah rolled her eyes. "Did you know there was a Grey Warden here?"

"Yes, your father mentioned that. You haven't gotten it into your head that you want to be recruited?"

"No, mother. Judging from the way father reacted, I doubt I'd ever be allowed to, even if I wanted."

"Good, keep it that way. You have enough to do here at the castle without chasing darkspawn."

Her mother was right. Farah would have much to do over the next couple of months. Running a castle was no minor task, but Farah was up to it. She would do her part in this war, even if it was small. "Are you staying at the castle?" Farah asked.

"For a few days, then I'll travel with Lady Landra to her estate and keep her company for a time. Your father thinks my presence might undermine your authority."

Without a doubt, Farah though. "As you wish."

"Good, I was worried you might be nervous about running the castle alone. I needn't have been concerned."

Farah was a little nervous, but she shook it off quickly. "I should go. I need to find Fergus." Farah began to walk away when her mother stopped her with a surprising hug.

"I love you, my darling girl. You know that, don't you?"

"I'm hardly a girl any longer." Farah breathed into her mother's neck. The Teyrna loosened her grip to face her daughter.

"Indeed. I turned around and here you are, a fine woman in your own right. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. Now, go. Do what you must." Farah's mother looked as if she was going to cry, but she would not let Farah question her further. She pushed Farah on her way. Nolan and Farah were once again slowly making their way to Fergus. Farah opened the door that led to the bed chambers. All of the family's rooms were in the same area of the castle. Farah stopped in front of Fergus's room and leaned in the doorway to watch her brother and his family. She smiled happily as they spoke.

"Is there really gonna be a war, papa? Do you have to go?" Oren asked.

Fergus crouched down as he comforted his son, "I'll be back before you know it." He gave Oren a reassuring smile.

"I wish victory was indeed so certain. My heart it…. Disquiet." Farah sister-in-law mumbled. Oriana was always the worry-wart. Farah found it annoying, but perhaps for once Oriana had a point. Darkspawn were not to be taken lightly.

Fergus rose up, "Don't frighten the boy, love. I speak the truth. Now dry your eyes and wish me well." Fergus caressed his wife's cheek to comfort her, then leaned in and kissed her slowly. If Farah had to pick one thing she admired the most about her brother, this was it. His love for his family was strong and knew no bounds. However this lovey-dovey stuff nauseated her.

"Just let me know when you two are finished." Farah jested from the doorway when they stopped.

"Auntie!" Oren yelled as he ran to hug her.

Fergus chuckled never taking his eyes off of his wife, "When there is a man in your life, you'll understand."

"I prefer my freedom, thank you." Farah said as she and Oren walked across the bedroom to his parents' side.

"One day you'll meet someone who can handle you. Mark my words, little sister." Fergus informed her then looked thoughtfully off into the distance. "Poor guy."

Farah playfully punched her brother's shoulder and shook her head at him. "Do you really think the war will be over quickly?"

"Word from the South is that the battles have gone well." Fergus sighed. "There's no evidence that this is even a true Blight, just a large raid."

"Could that be true?" Oriana feebly asked.

"I'll see for myself soon enough. Pray for me, love, and I'll be back within a month or two." Fergus assured his wife.

"Did you know there was a Grey Warden in the castle, Fergus?" Farah interjected in an attempt to delay her brother further.

"Really? Was he riding a griffon, Auntie?" Oren asked with wide eyes.

"Hush, Oren. Griffons only exist in stories now." Oriana told her son.

"I heard that. Did say why he's come?" Fergus asked.

"He says he's recruiting."

"Oh? If I were a Grey Warden little sister, I'd have my eye on you. Not that father would ever allow it."

Farah laughed, "You should have seen him when the Warden said something about me. I thought he was going to lose it." Farah and Fergus laughed together. Realizing she could no longer delay her brother, Farah reluctantly told her brother their father's message.

"Then the arl's men are delayed. You'd think his men were all walking backwards." Fergus signed. "Well, I'd better get underway. So many darkspawn to behead so little time!"

"I would hope, dear boy that you planned to wait for us before taking your leave." Bryce Cousland said as he entered the room followed by his wife.

Farah's mother walked up to Fergus and put her hands on his shoulders, "Be well, my son. I will pray for your safety every day you are gone."

"You could have delivered your message yourself, father." Farah said with an eyebrow raised.

"And miss having both my children in one place before I leave. Not likely." The Teyrn said lovingly.

"Maker sustain and preserve us all. Watch over our sons, husbands, and fathers and bring them safely back to us." Oriana prayed aloud.

"And bring us some ale and wenches while you're at it!" Fergus said unthinkingly. "Err… for the men, of course." He added as he turned to his wife.

"Fergus! You would say this in front of your Mother!" Oriana objected. Fergus shrugged her comment off.

Oren looked up puzzled, "What's a wench? Is that what you pull on to get the bucket out of the well?" Farah let out a small giggle at her little nephew's question.

"A wench is a woman that pours the ale in a tavern, Oren. Or a woman who drinks a lot of ale." Teyrn Cousland answered.

"Bryce! Maker's breath! It's like living with a pair of small boys. Thankfully I have a daughter." Farah's mother said as she smiled sweetly at her only daughter.

Fergus laughed, "I'll miss you mother dear! You'll take care of her, sister, won't you?"

Farah snickered, "Mother can handle herself. Always has."

"It's true. They should be sending her not me. She would scold those darkspawn back into the Deep Roads."

"Well, I'm glad you find this so funny." The Tryena said disapprovingly.

The Teyrn was laughing at his family's playful bickering, "Enough, enough. Fairy, you'll want to get an early night. You've much to do tomorrow."

"Still getting sent to bed early I see." Fergus chuckled.

Farah narrowed her eyes at her brother, "Have fun on the long march… in the cold."

"Hmmm… a warm bed doesn't sound so bad now, come to think of it." Fergus signed heavily. "At any rate, I'll miss you, little sister. Take care of everyone and be here when I get back." Fergus hugged his sister tightly. It took everything inside of Farah to force herself to let him go. She loved her brother deeply and truth be told she was scared to let him go. But he must do his part, the same as her. Fergus hugged his parents, kissed his wife goodbye, and hugged his son. It seemed that everyone was having just as much difficulty letting go of Fergus as Farah did. The Teyrna was crying silently while comforting Oriana when Fergus finally left.

"Fairy, I want to talk to you in private before you get to bed." Teyrn Cousland's expression was solemn as his led his daughter into the hallway. Nolan stayed in Fergus's bedroom and played with Oren.

"I'll get right to the point, legends of the Blights tell of horrible things, Fairy. These darkspawn once threatened many lands and your brother and I go into battle, not an afternoon tea. If we can't hold them… You must be prepared for the worst."

"The worst?"

"I want you to have the men remaining prepared for battle. Just in case."

Farah knew what her father and brother were going into. She knew it was dangerous but she never thought that she might have to go into battle against darkspawn herself. She had always wanted a chance to fight in a real battle, but not like this. Fighting darkspawn wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but she was a Cousland. She would do whatever she had to for her country. "I'll do my best, Father. I swear it."

"I know you will. You are Cousland after all. But for now, we shall assume that all will go well and the Maker will watch over us. I will tell you however, you're my darling daughter, I love you and I trust you completely to carry on the Cousland name if the worst should happen." Farah's father wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter and hugged her as if he would never see her again.

"I love you too, Father." Farah said as he let her go.

"You should get to bed now, long day ahead." The Teyrn said as Farah's mother came to stand beside her husband followed by Nolan.

"Sleep well, my daughter. I will see you in the morning, bright and early." The Teyrna gave her daughter a kiss on her forehead. Oriana and Oren said their goodnights from across the hall way. Farah finally entered her room and plopped down on her bed without removing any of her leather armor. It had been a long day and it felt good to relax. Nolan jumped up to lay down beside her. Farah aimlessly pet her hound as she drifted off to sleep.

Farah was startled awake by Nolan angry growling and barking at the door. She wasn't sure how long she had been asleep but she imagined that some time had passed.

"What is it, boy?" Farah said drowsily. She was wiping the sleep from her eyes as she slowly made her way to her hound. "Is someone out there?" Farah could hear some kind of commotion going on outside in the bedchamber sitting room, and Nolan defiantly did not like it. She tried to get to the door to put her ear to listen, but Nolan would not let her. He was in a protective stance in front of his mistress and wouldn't budge.

"Nolan, get out of the way!" Farah said frustratedly. Nolan had always been protective, but this was ridiculous. He wouldn't even let her take one more step towards the door. Suddenly the door busted open, Nolan stood his ground and crouched into an attacking position. Farah jumped backwards and rolled over her bed to retrieve her weapons. An elven servant came running in, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"My lady! Help me! The castle is under attac…." The servant didn't get to finish his call for help, an arrow cut threw is neck and he fell to Farah's bedroom floor, gurgling. Nolan sprinted into the hallway, growling as he went. Farah could hear his snapping as she followed her hound out into the sitting room to find three men surrounding her hound. Farah charged the man closest to her. They clanked swords and struggled for a brief moment. The man overpowered Farah, pushing her back into a potted plant. Farah was still trying to shake the sleep from her; her reactions were a bit slow and sloppy. The man charged while she was still trying to regain her balance. Farah quickly rolled across floor and regained her attacking stance. She charged the man once again, and knocked his weapon from his hand. Farah hesitated for a second, then ran her sword through the man's stomach. She felt the rush of adrenalin as she watched the man fall to the ground. Panting, she looked around the room. Nolan had taken down one man, and was attacking the other. Farah ran to aide her hound. She flanked the man stabbing him in his back. He let out a painful scream as he fell to the ground. Nolan jumped on top, and silenced him with one chomp.

Farah looked her hound over to see if he was injured. His snout was dripping with blood and his brown fur was covered. Nolan seemed to be unharmed though it was hard to tell with so much blood concealing his body. Farah ran back into her room to retrieve her dagger. When she returned she found her mother leaning over Nolan, inspecting him. Farah's reentrance into the sitting room startled the Teyrna; she quickly drew her bow, ready to shoot.

"Fairy!" The Teyrna threw her weapon down and ran to her daughter. She hugged her tightly and spoke quickly into her hair. "I heard fighting outside and I feared the worst. Are you hurt?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" Farah panted. Nolan stayed in his protect stance and watched to door leading out of the bedchamber area.

"They never got through the door, thanks to you and Nolan. Did you see their shields? Those are Howe's men! Why would they attack us?"

Farah let go of her mother and walked over to the nearest dead man; she kicked his body over to look at his shield. There it was. The Howe crest covered in blood. Farah could scarcely believe it. "I don't know, mother. Maybe we should find Howe and ask him ourselves." Farah said angrily.

"If Howe is behind this, I'll cut his lying throat myself." Farah's mother said promisingly. "Have you seen your father? He never came to bed?"

"I was in my room. I haven't seen anyone, besides a servant and these men." Farah coolly answered.

"We must find him!"

"We should check on Oriana and Oren as well." Farah said starring at their open door. She gulped hard; an open door was not a good sign.

"Andraste's mercy! What if the Soldiers went into your brother's room first?"

Farah and her mother ran hurried to the doorway. Farah stopped before entering, closing her eyes tightly as she prepared for the worst. She slowly entered her brother's room, her mother following closely behind.

"No!" Farah's mother fell to her knees in grief and began to sob. Nothing could have prepared Farah for the scene before her. Oriana lay on her stomach in the floor of their bedchamber covered in her own blood. She had apparently tried to fight Howe's men off but failed and was stabbed in her stomach. Her wound was wide and deep. Oriana's soft features were masked with her bloody hair. She tried crawling to her son as the life-blood drained from her. Farah followed Oriana's path with her eyes. Oren was in the corner of the room. He looked as if he tried to hide from Howe's men as they slayed his mother. Farah could barely breathe as she walked over to her little nephew. She stopped and fell to her knees, unable to walk any further. She began to cry uncontrollably at the sight before. Her precious little nephew lay propped up in the corner with his head leaning, motionless in the lantern's light. Howe's men had shown him no mercy. They had slit her young nephew's throat, letting him bleed till there wasn't a single drop left. His white night gown was soaked in his bright red blood. His lifeless brown eyes starred, but saw nothing. His mouth hung open with blood slowly dripping to the ground. Farah buried her head in her hands, as she tried to speak, "Why…. would they do this?"

Farah's mother voice crackled as she spoke, "Howe is not even taking hostages. He means to kill us all."

Farah cringed as her mother spoke; her sadness was being replaced with rage. Howe's men slaughtered her young nephew in cold blood. They should him no mercy, and she would show them none in return. Farah leapt up from the floor and drew her weapons. The Teyrna acted quickly to stop her daughter.

"Fairy, wait. You can't go into battle like this."

"Get out of my way, mother!" Farah growled slowly. She was furious and planned on killing every soldier that crossed her path until she found Howe.

"We need to find your father… Listen, can you hear the fighting? Howe's men must be everywhere."

"Then we take the fight to them."

"Are you mad? No, we have to find your father and get out of here."

"But we can't just let Howe win!" Farah screamed. Her rage refused to subside. The Teyrna grabbed Farah's shoulders and forced her to look her in the eyes. Her mother's blood shot eyes were burning into Farah's sad gray eyes.

"Listen, darling, we haven't much time. If we can't find your father, you must get out of here alive. I will not have you running off into battle only to get yourself killed. Without you and Fergus the entire Cousland line dies here. If Howe's men are inside, they must already control the castle. We must use the servants' entry in the larder. Do you hear me?"

"I want Howe dead!" Farah yelled, pushed her mother's hands away.

"Then survive… and visit vengeance upon him." The Teyrna's words stopped Farah in her tracks. She turned around in the doorway to face her mother. Farah knew her mother was right. She was blinded by rage right now. She would get herself killed. Farah sighed, and nodded her head in agreement. She turned her gaze back to her sister-in-law and nephew. Her vision blurred as the tears came back. She wiped them away with bloody hands.

"Let's go. We need to move quickly." The Teyrna urged.

"And what do you propose we do?"

"The front gates, your father might be there. If he is not, we go to the larder and escape. We must check on Landra as well. She and her son may still be alive."

"And Iona." Farah added.

"Right, come on. We must go now."

Farah ran into the bedchamber sitting room. The Teyrna grabbed her bow from the floor and followed Farah to the door. They stopped before opening it. Farah looked down at her hound, he had been keeping watch. "Get ready, boy." Farah said sternly. Nolan let out a determined growl. Farah glanced at her mother. The Teyrna looked terrified, and torn apart with grief. Farah reached for her mother and the Teyrna gladly accepted her daughter's embrace. Their hug was brief but full of love. They pulled apart and Farah opened the door and sprinted in into the hallway. Four more of Howe's men were waiting. Nolan leapt off the ground and took down the closest one. Farah charged the second and killed him swiftly. The Teyrna stayed in the doorway and shot the other two soldiers.

They raced to the guest bedchambers, killing every one of Howe's men along the way. Some of the guardsmen that remained had already been killed. Others fought off Howe's men to give the Teyrna and her daughter time to escape. The front gates were somehow still being kept shut; it was only a matter of time, however, before all of Howe's men broke through. The guards in the main hall told the Teyrna and her daughter that they last saw the Teyrn making his way to the larder. They would keep the gates for as long as they could to give them time. Farah did not like the idea of them sacrificing themselves for her, but the Teyrna pushed her on. Nolan stayed ahead of his mistress, protecting her and the Teyrna as best he could. Nolan was a loving and gentle animal, but when someone threatened his family he became a ferocious beast that killed with brutal force and swiftness. The Teyrna proved to be 'quite the battle maiden' after all. Her shots were true, never missing her target. Farah's constant practice with her duel blades had paid off. She took down her target with just as quickly as her hound. Farah had never actually killed anyone in battle before, but her survival instincts were taking over. She was striking without hesitation and with ruthless force.

Farah, her mother, and her hound finally reached the guest bedchambers. The larder was two hallways away, so close and yet so far away. Or so it felt in a time like this. Hopefully Lady Landra, Dairren, and Iona had escaped long ago. Farah's optimism was met with sad disappointment. None of them had managed to escape.

"Dear Landra! If she hadn't been here! If she hadn't come to me!" The Teyrna was on her knees, sobbing again. Lady Landra, her son, and her lady-in-waiting had all been disposed of the same way Oriana and Oren had been. They were shown no mercy. Farah rubbed her sweaty forehead with her bloody hand. So much death… Farah thought, but there was no time to morn now. She picked her mother off the ground and told her they had to be strong. They still needed to find father.

Hope was draining from Farah as they made their way to the larder. She was beginning to fear the worst. They turned the corner to find a knight of Howe's waiting for them. Nolan let out a high howl, causing the knight to hunch over in pain. Farah and her mother were far enough away to be unaffected. Nolan charged the knight, knocking him to the ground, sending his helmet flying across the hall. The knight fought hard, trying to keeping Nolan's teeth at a safe distance. He eventually was able to throw the massive hound off of him. Nolan hit the nearby wall and yelped in pain. Farah quickened her pace and charged the knight as he stood. The knight was quick and brought up his shield just barely able to block her attack. He quickly retaliated. Farah found herself at a disadvantage. The men she had been fighting were not as skilled as this knight. He was a far more educated fighter than even her. She searched her mind for what to do next. The knight circled around Farah, intimidating her.

The Teyrna readied her bow and waiting for a chance to strike. Farah never took her eyes off the circling knight. She could feel her heart beating fast in her chest. The knight rushed Farah, letting out a battle cry. Farah awkwardly dodged his attack. She stumbled, giving the knight his chance to take her down. Nolan let out another dread howl, this one more powerful than the first. Farah covered her ears at the piercing sound. The Teyrna used this opportunity and shot the knight at the nape of his exposed neck. Farah regained her attacking stance and ran at the knight, taking him down once and for all. She knocked the knight to the floor and growled fiercely as she pushed her blade through the knight's neck. Farah staggered backwards, and her mother's hands caught her.

"Fairy!" the Teyrna cried.

"I'm fine, let's go!" Farah panted.

Farah busted through the kitchen doors, panting and franticly searching for her father. It was dark, the room was lit by a couple of lanterns. Farah heard someone groan in the corner. She turned her alarmed gray eyes to the source of the sound. Her father was lying on the larder floor in a pool of his own blood supporting himself up with one hand. His other hand held his stomach where blood was gushing out.

"Bryce!" The Teyrna screamed as she ran to her husband's side. Farah followed her mother and kneeled down on the other side, putting her knees in her father's red blood. She threw her weapons down behind her and told Nolan to keep watch.

"Maker's blood, what's happening? You're bleeding!"

"Howe's men…. Found me first. Alost did me in right there." The Teyrn choked.

"Why is he doing this?" Farah hysterically asked.

"He can't… get away with this! The king will…" The Teyrn let out a painful groan. Farah's mother helped support her husband. He was losing strength as the life-blood drained from him.

"Bryce! We must get out of here!" The Teyrna shrieked.

"I… I won't survive the standing, I think."

"Then we'll simply have to drag you out" Farah said as she stood up ready to pick her father up off the ground.

"Only… if you're willing to leave pieces of me behind, Fairy."

The Teyrna frowned, "Bryce! This is no time for jokes! Once Howe's men break through the gate, they'll find us! We must go!"

"Someone… must reach Fergus… Tell him what has happened."

"You can tell him yourself, Father." Farah said as she kneeled back down and began to pick him up.

"I… I wish I could." The Teyrn replied as he let out another groan, pushing his daughter's hands away.

"Bryce, no! The servant's passage is right here! We can flee together, find you healing magic." The Teyrna protested.

"The castle is surrounded… I cannot make it."

Nolan began to growl and bark angrily. Farah jumped up and grabbed her weapons taking a protective stance in front of her parents. The Gray Warden walked into the room ignoring the angry Mabari. He covered in blood and sweat. Farah did not relax her weapons but told Nolan to stand down.

"I'm afraid the Teyrn is correct."

"Don't take one more step!" Farah warned.

"It's ok, Fairy. Duncan... helped me get here." Her father painfully said.

Farah eyed the Warden, then out her weapons in their holsters on her back. She knelt back down by her father.

The Teyrna raised her eyebrow, "You are the Grey Warden, then?"

"Yes, your ladyship. The Teyrn and I tried to reach you sooner." Duncan calmly said.

"My daughter helped me get here. Maker be praised."

"I am not surprised."

Ignoring the Warden's comment she questioned him, "Are you going to help us, Duncan?"

"Whatever is to be done, it must be quick! They are coming!" The Teyrna cried.

The Teyrn moaned in pain, "Duncan… I beg you… take my wife and daughter to safety."

"I will, your Lordship. But… I fear I must ask for something in return."

Farah was surprised at the Warden's request. How could someone ask for something in return in this situation? Selfish… Farah thought.

"Anything!" Farah's father groaned.

"What is happening here pales in comparison to the evil now loose in the world. I came to your castle seeking a recruit. The darkspawn threat demands that I leave with one." The Warden explained.

The Teyrn's frowned and looked down at the ground, "I… I understand." He turned his sad eyes to his daughter.

It clicked in Farah's head who they were talking about, "Are… are you talking about me?" She asked.

"You fought your way to your father through Howe's men. I think the Maker's intention is clear." He turned his gaze back to the Teyrn. "I will take the Teyrna and your daughter to Ostagar and tell the king what happened. Then, your daughter joins the Grey Wardens."

"So long as justice comes to Howe… I agree." The Teyrn said as he turned his stare to his wife. The Teyrna looked down with knowing eyes and nodded.

The Warden looked at Farah. His brown eyes focused in on her gray sad eyes. "Then I offer you a place within the Gray Wardens. Fight with us."

Farah could not believe what she was hearing. She would not leave her father. Darkspawn or not. Her place was here. "No. I refuse! I'm not leaving my father here! I won't go." Farah objected.

"Fairy," The Teyrn sighed, "Howe thinks he can use the chaos to.. advance himself. Make him wrong. See that justice is done. Our family… always does our duty first. The darkspawn must be defeated. You must go. For your own sake… and for… Ferelden's."

Farah felt tears forming in her eyes again, "I will, Father. For you."

"We must leave quickly" Duncan said as he walked toward the servant's passageway.

The Teyrna did not move. "Bryce, are you…. Sure?"

"Our daughter will not die of Howe's treachery; she will live, and make her mark on the world." The Teyrn smiled up at his daughter, then began coughing up blood. Farah flinched at the sight.

"Fairy, go with Duncan. You have a better chance to escape without me." The Teyrna calmly said.

"Eleanor…" the Teyrn began to protest.

"Hush, Bryce. I'll kill every bastard that comes through that door to buy them time. But I won't abandon you."

"I won't let you sacrifice yourself!" Farah screamed.

"My place is with your father. At his side, to death and beyond."


"Enough, Fairy. Do as I say… Here, take this. It was supposed to be given to you on your wedding day, but you have to be so picky." The Teyrna jested. She took a pendant out of her hair. It was a diamond crested white rose with a golden stem.

"Mother…" Farah protested as the Teyrna placed it in her hand.

"Go," The Teyrna said sadly, "and take our love with you." Nolan whined sadly form the doorway. "And you too, Nolan." The Teyrna added.

They heard the front gate break open. There was yelling and fighting. Duncan walked over to Farah and placed his hand on her shoulder, gesturing towards the servant's passage.

Farah's vision blurred as Duncan pulled her up off the ground. "I love you, both" Farah cried. Duncan had to pull her away from her parents and led her out of the room. Farah could make herself move.

"I… I'm sorry, my love." The Teyrn said as Farah entered the servant's passage.

"We lived a good life. It's up to our children now." The Teyrna's voice was faint now. Farah could barely breathe. She couldn't think, and she felt completely numb. Farah cried uncontrollably, as Duncan lead her away from everything she ever loved.