Yumichika cracked his neck as his body relaxed inside of the big bubble bath. As he felt the tears pinch his eyes he slid down under the water and shook his head before reemerging and laying his head back on the head rest. The big Jacuzzi was probably his favorite place to be inside Byakuya's big bathroom. His second would be the large gold shower beside it, this bathroom was bigger than his entire room beside the barracks. The Jacuzzi where he could be alone and think, with steamy water and automatic bubbles Yumichika could drift into a happy world where he could escape the world.

Things had been going very well for he and Byakuya for the last few days that he had been there and sometimes Yumichika couldn't be happier. But Yumichika didn't feel like hiding in Byakuya's mansion anymore. There was only one person who was truly there for him and he didn't like to think that his captain just liked to keep him in there because he liked it that way. Byakuya was obviously still upset about the 'incident' and it showed. But no matter how much he brought up his zanpakto or even just walking out of the house he was told to make himself scarce. Really, how rude.

But that just had to be a conversation for another day because Byakuya didn't want to talk about it and if Byakuya didn't want to talk about something they wouldn't. The sixth division captain's way of resolving an argument was pressing him up against the nearest surface and fucking his brains out. But Yumichika had suddenly begun to just not care about it all. He wanted his blade back, when Byakuya had told him he was no prisoner he was lying and Yumichika was slowly coming to realize that himself.

It was all bullshit and Yumichika needed it to stop, either he got Rui'iro Kujaku back or he was leaving him. Simple as that. He knew it was a horrible thing to think but something needed to be done. The feeling of not having his sword was unnerving and it made him feel lonely. Kujaku would just sit around all day and tell him not to overreact about such nonsense but he strongly disagreed. Calm down Yumichika. His zanpakto hissed at him. You know he loves you, he loves you like no one else has and you want to ruin that? For what? Just settle down and learn the lesson your captain is attempting to teach you.

I want you back Rui'iro. It's the principal of the matter, it's not right to lock someone away for eight straight days of nothing! I don't want this for us.

Well then maybe you shouldn't have gone off and saved Ikkaku. Don't pretend like you don't know why he's upset, you should have had me with you. Then you wouldn't be in this predicament and you wouldn't have that little wound going through your belly.

Yumichika took a deep sigh and knew he was right. But that didn't stop the strong feelings that he felt for the situation. I don't want to be controlled.

Well do you want him to leave you! No one's ever done this for us Yumichika, please don't ruin it because your upset. Byakuya is your captain and he wants to teach you something-

Taicho's don't teach people things by locking them up in their houses and taking away their zanpaktos.

Like you would even know! Running around following Zaraki Kempachi around like he was a god himself and you think you know how people punish? Ha, you're very entertaining young one.

I don't know Rui'iro, this doesn't seem right.

Well go about things your way, my love. I'm going to spend the day with Senbonkun..maybe he'll listen to something I say for once.

The third seat sighed and blocked his zanpakto out. He didn't know if he could ever even tell the overbearing captain how he felt because anyways, what Byakuya Kuchki didn't want to talk about Byakuya Kuchki was not going to talk about. He would just shut down and leave the room.

Yumichika silently thought to himself about Ikkaku and Shuuhei. He wondered if it was the right decision to deny Shuuhei. He was so harsh on him when he and Byakuya had first started seeing each other and now the third seat knew he was pitiful for second guessing himself. He was stupid for listening to Byakuya who practically demanded that he never speak to him again. At the time all Yumichika thought was that Byakuya was just acting like a spoiled noble child who didn't like other people touching his toys. Which Yumichika came to find out was actually how Byakuya reacted to most of the things that went on while they were alone.

Ikkaku was a different story all together. The person he had spent over 60 years with and the man hadn't even thanked him. Ikkaku must have heard that he was still being treated. Who didn't nowadays? From what Renji had told him most of the Seretei now knew that Yumichika was staying with Byakuya whose guise was that he was 'educating a rambunctious seated officer'. Deep down Yumichika hoped that Ikkaku was fine, other than the bruised ego of course.

Izuru gave him a meek thanks a few days ago when Renji and the gang had snuck into Byakuya's back yard and beckoned him with rocks to his guest room. The same guest room that Byakuya snuck into every night because even he could not follow his own rules. He hadn't been surprised to see Shuuhei, Izuru, Szayel, and Matsumoto but when he looked around he couldn't keep the disappointment off of his face when he didn't see his former companion. Honestly, Yumichika believed that Ikkaku would at least say the smallest thing to him after he had saved his life. It didn't necessarily have to be a full blown speech, just something.

Yumichika wondered what Byakuya would do if Ikkaku ever spoke to him again. Would he kick something like a scolded child or would he just frown and attempt to keep the anger off of his face? Byakuya had several levels of anger you see, one was green annoyance, the safest for him especially to speak around. The next level was yellow anger, which usually resulted in Byakuya silently walking to his house and breaking something in the confines of his own room. Yellow anger is what happened when he came home from captain's meetings and was ordered to do something that would take far more time then he was willing to set aside. The third was angry red Byakuya, which always resulted in Yumichika being shoved into something and being taken a bit too roughly for comfort.

But that all thought, Yumichika had to think of where he wanted to be and if it was going to be happy for him or not. He knew he had to talk to Byakuya about this eventually, or maybe he could talk to sweet after sex Byaka which might go better for him. Eventually he knew Byakuya and he would have this conversation, they had to, Yumichika wasn't the type to sit back and take it. He was a beautiful flower that bloomed in his surroundings, not secretly be stuffed into some box. No matter how beautiful and large that box might be.


Byakuya sighed and looked down with his usual blank expression. He didn't feel like being here, he wanted to be home in bed with his beautiful peacock. Not standing here in annoyance in yet another captains meeting full of nothing but mindless blather. It was all useless information that went in one ear and out the other for most part. But he still listened intently, just in case his name was called.

As the meeting ended with nothing new learned Byakuya turned and walked silently out the door to meet his read headed Lieutenant.

"Abari" he nodded and began to walk in the general direction of the sixth division.

"Hey, Taicho.." Renji trailed off and followed behind his captain. Byakuya groaned and thought of a way to get this boy away from him so he could go home without notice. The day was almost over and he could only imagine what Yumichika was doing. Probably laying in the bed asleep or running himself a bath or swimming in the heated pool. You never really knew with the boy, always doing something arousing, he seemed to always have new ways to make him stand at full attention.

"Abari, I am tired..I will be returning to my residence and I sincerely hope your work is finished before you leave the office tonight"

"Hai Taicho" Abari nodded with a flush of red and took off. Byakuya didn't expect anything of him really, just to mostly leave him alone when he wasn't needed and he seemed to be good at that lately.

Byakuya walked into his mansion and relaxed his shoulders. He closed his eyes and let his body drift toward the reatsu he felt coming from the bathroom. The black haired man smiled as his eyes set upon the beautiful sight before him. There Yumichika lay in his large porcelain Jaccuzi with his hair and face wet looking like an angel. He took a second to look at the boy and revel in his glory, the boy had submitted to his every whim and he was finally his. There wasn't much need for convincing seeing as the boy really had no one else to lean on, it was easier now that everyone was out of the picture. Everyone except Yumichika and him, which was exactly how he wanted to keep it.

"Hello my love" Byakuya smirked as he leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. Yumichika's eyes sprang open and he smiled as he saw him.

"Byaka" he purred and swam in the captain's direction. Yumichika lay his chest against the side of the tub and reached his arms out in a bid to have the man come join him.

"Ah, am I now? But we haven't even begun" he teased and pulled the scarf from his neck to let it fall to the ground.

Yumichika smiled as he watched the noble slowly disrobe while taking steps toward him. He looked up at him with a grin as his under coverings were removed to reveal a long fully erect member. Yumichika stood and put his arms around him as his thighs came to the side of the tub and he lowered his hand to stroke the man against his stomach. "You're always Byaka to me" he whispered and stepped back as Byakuya swung his leg over and picked him up into his arms before sitting on one of the seats.

"So what have you been doing all day?" Byakuya asked as he let his hands roam over the tithe body who was rocking their erections together on his lap. Yumichika bit his lip and pressed their chests together as the captains fingers trailed up his ass cheeks.

"Thinkin about you" the noble's breath hitched and leaned his head down to start kissing his neck as he spread the cheeks and lifted him to rub his head over the tight hole. The third seat moaned and got onto his knees.

"Thinking about what that is hm?"

"This..you..ah Byaka! Stop teasing me, fuck me..then I'll tell you" Yumichika whimpered as he felt himself begin to be filled and wrapped his arms around his lovers neck. "Byaka" Yumichika's finger nails dug into the back of Byakuya's shoulders as he was fully sheathed and he began to ride him.

"I missed you" Byakuya panted as he clenched his hands on the hips working on him. "Ah, I missed you so much"

Yumichika rolled his hips and looked down into Byakuya's eyes as he set a slow rhythm. As they stared at each other his problems seemed to fade away. Though it was momentary it was serene. For Yumichika the most peaceful place was in Byakuya's grey eyes. Every time he found himself caught in the gaze. It was everything he could have dreamed of. Soft, loving, and honest. Yumichika gasped and twitched upwards as Byakuya pulled him close and thrust up into him.

With a twinkle of excitement his captain began to move with him. Soon they were in sync and Yumichika couldn't hold the intensity any longer. His captain's reatsu was swirling around the air like a wild fire and it was deafening. As his moans got louder Yumichika felt his body begin to tense up as the pleasure consumed him.

Pressing themselves closer, he ran his fingers through Byakuya's hair and carefully removed the pretty jewelry that was adorned on the top of his captain's head. "Fuck..I love you" the noble groaned out roughly. Yumichika let out a choked laugh and shiver's rippled through him. He tried to focus but it was mildly entertaining. Byakuya swearing was a rare treat.

The third seat gulped and slowed down as he was once again looking into Byakuya's eyes. He shook at the heat shone up at him, his captain held him down and ground his hips as far as he could get into him. With a whimper Yumichika released into the water and held onto Byakuya tightly as they came together. His hands came up to cup the other man's face and he leaned in for a passionate kiss that lasted a bit longer than he had anticipated it would.

"Love you too" he whispered back as he lay his head down on Byakuya's shoulder and closed his eyes. As Yumichika listened to the slowing beat of his captain's heart he eventually fell into a satisfying sleep with his captain once again still nestled deep inside of him. Something he couldn't help but think felt just perfect.


Yumichika collapsed to the side of the bed with exasperation. He was tired out, he had been in the bath, the shower, and now on the bed. It was just..wonderful. Yumichika looked over at his exhausted lover with a smile before turning and snuggling up to him. He kisses the sides of his cheek as Byakuya wrapped an arm around him and pulled him impossibly close.

"Mmm Byaka..we should do this more often" Byakuya chuckled and closed his eyes. The third seat ran his fingers through the damp hair and kissed him on his jaw. "Maybe next with Rui'iro.." Yumichika began and rubbed his hands over the toned sweaty chest. "Hm? Like we used to..don't you miss it?"

"Yumichika" Byakuya warned in a stern voice.

"Byakuya" he mocked back with a pout. Yumichika took in the furrow of the man's eyebrows as a sign of green yet continued. This was what he had been waiting for and he was not going to be intimidated by this fool. "It would be fun..multiple orgasms..little power up -"

"Yumichika we've had this discussion. Stop speaking immediately" Yumichika seethed. Fine, decision made. With a huff, Yumichika rolled to the other side of the bed and hopped off. He was pissed, once again the captain had shut down and he just wasn't going to deal with this. "What are you doing?" the monotone voice asked without concern as he whipped open the chest that Byakuya had given to him to put his kimono's in.

"I'm leaving you" he replied simply and pulled the green kimono over his shoulders. Yumichika briefly tried to think if there was anything in this room that he had wanted to bring with him and he shrugged mentally. Nothing in here was worth anything, most things in this room Byakuya had bought him so it was not needed anymore. Yumichika turned as he tied his robe and groaned as he found himself walking into a big wall like surface. "Move" he grumbled and tried to shove past the man.

Byakuya watched as Yumichika hopped off of the bed in confusion. He honestly didn't understand what he may have done. Why wouldn't the boy just accept? What was wrong with Yumichika being his and his alone? The captain really couldn't understand why Yumichika would want to defy him like this. Byakuya flash stepped behind the flamboyant boy and waited as he slid the brand new kimono over his shoulders. The nerve of the boy, threaten to leave and steal the clothes that he himself had bought him?

Yumichika moved back when he couldn't get past him and felt the tears sting his eyes. He was so enraged at the moment that he really didn't mind that he couldn't think straight and everything just came out. "We didn't talk about anything. You decided and that's just something..I just can't do this Byakuya! I tried, I did, I sat around and shut my mouth and I'm honestly trying to do everything you want but I can't! I can't do it..I need Rui'iro and I can't..I won't be kept locked away like I never existed to begin with. I just..please Byakuya..I need some time"

"Yumichika" he said slowly and took a deep breath as the boy turned and tried to get past him again.

"What you can't hear! Move!" Yumichika yelled and tried to walk around him. He yelped as a strong grip came around his wrist and yanked him to the bare chest in front of him. "Ow Byakuya, let me go!"

"What did you say" A shiver went through Yumichika as he heard the incensed tone. He shrunk away as Byakuya gripped his wrist harder and looked down at him with pure anger. Yumichika clearly didn't expect this, he closed his eyes and looked away after the first glance into the black eyes looking down at him with accusation.

"Byakuya you're hurting me" he hollered and tried to shake his wrist out of the man's death grip. He swore mentally and wondered how he missed yellow and red, this wasn't angry anymore. There was this strange white aura vibrating onto him and Yumichika's knee's nearly buckled from the intensity.

"Yumichika" he growled and shook the boy by his arm.

"Stop Byakuya! You're going to bruise my flawless wrist now let me go" Yumichika responded back with only about an ounce of his usual bravado. He couldn't think, the third seats heart was beating so fast he could hear it in his ears.

"Why do you want to leave me? Why would you say that? Do I not give you everything you need? I let you prance around here without rules, without structure, you are free to do whatever you please except one thing so why do you constantly want to defy me!" Byakuya yelled into his face. "Do I not love you enough? No that can't be it because no one loves you like I do..so why do you do this Yumichika? What have I done?"

"Fuck you Byakuya! Maybe your right, maybe I'm just some selfish whore who gets spoiled. So what! Well then maybe I don't want to be coddled, I don't want to be kept in here and I don't want you " Yumichika screamed back and was finally let go of. He looked up into the angry eyes of the noble and flinched as he was suddenly backhanded.

Yumichika hit the ground with a loud thud and winced as he landed right on his injured side. Instantly brought his hand to his left cheek and his other to his wound. It wasn't until right then that he really understood how strong his captain was. The spiritual pressure pressing down on him was breath taking and the heat that swelled on his cheek burned him. He felt tears spring to his eyes and he knew he was helpless. Yumichika couldn't move, whether it was out of fear or the power holding him, he just couldn't do anything.

Byakuya let out a sigh as he watched the boy on the ground. The way the cries fled his body softened Byakuya's heart and he felt horrible. The noble took a deep breath and knelt beside him, he really didn't mean to hit him so hard. A small slap never hurt anyone though, especially after the disrespect that the boy had thrown in his face like that. What else was he to do? Byakuya groaned as he attempted to take the boy into his arms but he shrank away.

"Yumichika" he said solemnly and sat on the ground as he forced him to his chest. Byakuya felt a pull at his heart as the third seat lay tensed in his arms. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "Don't say those kinds of things to me Yumi, never say that to me. I don't want you to think I'm keeping you here. The thought of loosing you scares me, we're supposed to be together forever. I love you, you know that, I love you more than I've ever loved anything so can we just stop this? When the time comes you will get whatever you want. But until I feel safe with letting you go, we're staying like this"

Shakes wracked Yumichika's body as he buried his head into the bare chest and cried his eyes out. All talk of their argument had been forgotten and he was just focused on how his beautiful face would look in the morning. Byakuya, his gorgeous loving captain from the sixth division, had hit him. Backhanded him so hard that his head whipped back and he landed on his elbows in what must have been a second of movement. The bastard hadn't lessened his reatsu and Yumichika couldn't even move away to stop himself from being cradled into the violent man's arms.

Byakuya slowly dropped his spiritual pressure as he felt Yumichika relax into his arms. He moved the boy's short purple black hair out of his face and made a mental note to make sure he didn't cut it. It looked so beautiful when it was longer, it softened his face made him look all the more feminine. "And you're not leaving me. When you told me you loved me I told you it would be forever and you agreed. Don't turn your back on me now Yumichika, the repercussions will not be pretty"

Yumichika scoffed and found the strength to push himself out of the captain's arms. He wasn't going to sit around and listen to this, he was not a toy and he didn't have to belong to anyone if he didn't want to. This was ridiculous, yes he loved the man but that did not mean he was going to weaken himself for him. He wasn't like that anymore, he didn't bend to other people's wills. Yumichika was stronger than that, well he was when Ikkaku was around. But now he had to do it on his own. The third seat winced as his wrist was grabbed again and he looked down into the dark gray eyes.

"I need to take a walk" he mumbled and rearranged his clothing. He stood and turned to leave and was surprised to once again find that the captain had shunpoed in front of him. "What!" he screeched and put his hands to his eyes. Byakuya took a deep sigh and leaned down to kiss his bruising cheek.

"I'm sorry. Be back soon Yumichika or I will come looking for you" he said as he moved out of the way and let him pass. Byakuya looked down at the ground as he heard the soft footsteps and the side door to the yard close. He eventually sat down on his bed and felt himself grow sadder. He couldn't understand what had happened, one moment they were kissing and making love and the next he was screaming and shaking him. There had to be something wrong with the picture, why couldn't Yumichika just accept his word as it was?

It annoyed Byakuya to no end but soon the boy would understand and then they could be happy again.


Yumichika couldn't find the strength to run so he just lazily walked along the roof tops. His mind was racing and he pressed his hand to his cheek, still in shock. His lover had actually hit him and it hurt. There was this pulsating in his cheek and the burn made him wonder if Byakuya had actually punched him and the move was so quick that he just didn't realize it.

"Yumichika?" a voice questioned from somewhere behind him. Yumichika swore in his head and continued to walk. He couldn't be bothered with this, he didn't feel like explaining the mark on his face. He just wanted to go home, wrap himself up in his blankets, and sleep for the rest of his life. "Hey!" the voice said and flash stepped in front of him.

"Yes Renji? What can I help you with?" Yumichika asked and feigned ignorance. He turned his head so that his hair covered most of his face, including the hand that was currently clutching his cheek.

"Are you alright? I felt the captain's reatsu and thought...you don't look-"

"I look amazing Renji, I really don't have much to say. I'm tired and sick alright? Get out of my way boy before I whip the lesson into you" Yumichika snapped and pushed him aside to flash step over to the next building and continue to walk.

Renji lifted an eyebrow and watched as Yumichika slowly stepped from rooftop to rooftop, looking depressed and well, a lot like Izuru. Renji hadn't actually felt anything, it was something he wasn't proud to admit but he had once again skipped his paperwork to go out drinking. It was Shuuhei who had felt his captain's reatsu from a bar in the sixth division and got worried about Yumichika. After all, there was only one person who was around the easily irritated captain at the moment and that person wasn't someone to be pushed around without a fight.

So he, Shuuhei, Ikkaku, and Kira had walked out and stood on the roof to see Yumichika walking around like nothing was happening. He had seemed to be in deep thought as he walked right beside them. Ikkaku walked back inside the bar and muttered something about him being just fine, being followed by Izuru. Shuuhei would have gone and spoke to him but after the whole Izuru/Shuuhei incident they both decided it would be a bad idea so it was Renji's turn.

Renji jumped back down to the ground and walked back into the small bar with an angry groan. He hated it when Yumichika was shut off about something, the flamboyant peacock always seemed to just yell at him for no reason. He had only seen the third seat once after he was taken to Byakuya's mansion to get treated after getting injured and he seemed the same.

"Is he ok?" Shuuhei asked immediately as he sat down. Ikkaku growled and took back another cup.

"I don't know, he's..irritated about something"

"Aw poor Yumikun" Izuru drunkenly giggled and rested his head on Shuuhei's shoulder.

"Shut up..what did he say?"

"Nothing" Ikkaku yelled and slammed his cup down on the table. "Probably just bitching about some more lies he came up with"

"Well he really didn't say anything, just called himself amazing then turned and left" Shuuhei's eyebrows knitted in confusion. That wasn't like Yumichika at all, it usually didn't matter what emotion he was going through at the moment. Yumichika always went out of his way to throw his beauty in someone's face, not just walk around with his arms around himself and his reatsu stinking up the place.

"That's weird"

"Let's stop this conversation now before I puke" Ikkaku said and went back to drinking. Shuuhei sighed and agreed, he really didn't know what was going on with Yumichika. Maybe he would go speak with Szayel or something. But then again after what he did it was really none of his business anyway.

Ikkaku wasn't going to say anything outloud but yes he had felt Yumichika's reatsu some time ago. Being in the sixth divison they had been close enough for him to instantly detect the upset third seat. But after he had felt Yumichika's captain's right after he had suspicions of what it might be about. He fondly remembered when he and Yumichika used to fight over petty things. It was most likely about the fact that Yumichika had been confined to the Kuchki estate since the fight a week ago.

But he didn't care so it didn't matter. Why would he care about their meaningless love spats? He didn't care when Shuuhei and Yumichika used to fight so why would this uneasy feeling not leave him? Maybe it was because Ikkaku had actually seen them together. Maybe it was because Byakuya had seen him see them together.

The bastard smiled at him. Actually grinned a little asshole grin and if that man wasn't a captain it would be over for the noble. Not because it was Yumichika who he was buggering, but because it was a challenge. In those few second's that their eyes had connected in that dark room Ikkaku read the look clearly. It was like a growl from a dog when you got too close to their bone. Ikkaku had been trying to get that look out of his head for days and nothing was working. If only Byakuya was not him and Ikkaku was someone else as well.

"..I'm yours.."

What kinds of thoughts were these anyway? Ikkaku had washed his hands of Yumichika long ago and he would be damned if he allowed himself to be so easily baited. No, Byakuya Kuchki wasn't going to get under his skin and when the time came that smile would come back to haunt the noble if Ikkaku had anything to say about it.



Totoromo: Yeah..just a bit. lol. Thanks for the review!

Feathers Fall like Snow: Yes! He did! *gasps* About the Byakuya vs Ikkaku..well we'll see..*manic laugh*

Kasia-chan: Thanks for the reviews!

CrystalAmethyst: Yeah..take that Ikkaku.

via87: Just a bit. Thank you so much, im glad you liked it.
