"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."

- Aristotle

Elena POV

It's been two days since I've seen Damon. I've been trapped in my head and I wanted to just scream. I knew what I had to do, what I needed to do. But I couldn't push past the insecurities and doubts I had. It wasn't Damon's fault for these feelings, it was my own. I knew I was fucked up. I knew that there was something emotionally wrong with me after my parents died, but I also knew, things didn't have to be like that with Damon. He was my chance, but it came at a cost. Being with Damon would be the most serious and intense relationship, I would ever experience. Was I mature enough for it? Damon is technically an old man, who has probably been with and have met some amazing people. Would I be good enough? What if he got bored?

Only in the back of my head did I realize that there will always be 'what ifs' in any relationship. There will always be a possibility that I will fall on my face. But isn't that exactly what love is? Taking a chance on someone you know can destroy you and putting that trust in them? Isn't that what builds the strongest relationships? Overall, it's what I wanted. And that nagging feeling that I was wasting time wouldn't go away. I knew what I wanted. I knew who I wanted. Now I just needed to know how to be brave enough to go out and get it.

I was walking around the town, looking at some shops and walking past the Grill when I froze at seeing the exact person who has been in my thoughts all this time. I stood still on the sidewalk not knowing whether this was a sign from God to make a move, or a chance to run away. I wanted to face my problems head on, but I necessary want to face Damon head on. Maybe he would be mad at me for denying him. But did I actually tell him no? He said he'd give me time and even though it had only been two days, I felt it was enough. I knew where my heart lay and I knew it was impossible to just forget all that has happened.

With a sudden surge of confidence I quickly walked over to Damon who was completely oblivious. I saw him eye his car that was across the street when I suddenly stepped in front of his gaze. His eyes went wide and I saw him almost take a step back before he gained his composure.


"Would you really love me?" I cut him off before he could even fully say my name. "Forever?" I took a deep breath, finally letting it crash on me that this approach may have been a little bit bolder than what I was unconsciously preparing myself for. "I mean, do you really want to love me forever? Am I really worth it?"

"I think you already know that answer." He said while not dropping his gaze as his perfectly blue eyes bore into mine. It should be a little intimidating, but it wasn't.

"You would leave Katherine and forget all about her? For me? I'm just girl, I can't measure up to her. I'll never be able to be her or that fantasy you made up in your head. Just because, it wasn't what you thought it would be like, doesn't mean you have a chance for it with me."

"Katherine doesn't even compare to you. I don't want what I had with Katherine, I don't even want the same things that I did before I opened that tomb. I wanted to tear the world apart with her. I want to experience it with you. I want to live again...with you.`Only you. I think anyone could see how madly in love I am with you." I felt the warmth of a tear slip down my cheek, but it wasn't from being sad. I was just overwhelmed. "Why are you crying?" He he had a small smile on his face while one of his hands grasped tightly to mine while the other wiped away the tear.

"I just... You don't even know how hard I tried to make you fall in love with me." I slowly brought my hand up to rest on his that still rested by my cheek. "I can't believe you actually chose me."

"So does this mean you've had enough time to think some things over."

"When you left I was hurt and I did my best to put myself together but I later found out I could love someone again. But I knew that I could never love them the way I'll always love you. I'm never going to deny that. I wanted to be able to tell you that it was going to be the end of you and me. I wanted to say I couldn't love you, but I know that it's not physical possible for me to do that."

"Elena, you don't know how desperate I've become in these last two days. I just want... I just want you to love me. And the fact that I know you do is just driving me crazy when I have to be apart from you." I couldn't help myself from snicker a little at that. Here, Damon Salvatore actually let his guard down and felt something for just a little seventeen year old girl.

"It's nice to know even the baddest of the bad have their weak spots." I pulled him a little closer to me, while our hands still were locked together. "I'm ready to give you all I got. Are you?"

If Damon actually replied, I would never be able to tell because I was suddenly being wrapped up in an earth-shattering kiss while I was literately being lifted up in the air and into Damon's arms. I hung on to him as I kissed him back and finally felt whole for once in my life. I felt the missing piece of me I've been searching for as I knew, being in Damon's arms was exactly what I've been desperately seeking. I thought I lost a part of myself when my parents died, but in reality I just realized I was never completely whole. I never actually had it all together and their death just made me realize that I was missing something. But now that I had Damon... I was one, I was truly myself.

His quick little kisses just blurred the gap between reality and fantasy as it was utter bliss to be actually connected to someone and myself. For once, I knew I would be happy, because I had exactly what I needed.

"I feel like a big hypocrite for going against all the horrible things I've said about PDA." I said while breaking from our kiss and leaning my forehead against his, not even caring that there was a possibility we were being gawked at.

"Well, you are just going to have to get used to it, because I don't think it is possible for me to keep my hands off you." He gave me one last peck and set me back down on my feet. "Does this mean you chose me over Stefan?"

"You are joking, right?" I said while laughing. We both knew there wasn't even a chance to compare the two, but I could sense it really bothered him that his brother was even possibly in the equation. "You don't have worry about Stefan. There is only one Salvatore I want." I smiled and leaned up on my tip toes to kiss his again. Kissing Damon would never get old.

"Now I'm going to take you home, and show exactly how much I love you. " I started giggling as he wrapped his hand around mine and quickly dragged me across the street to his car.

I don't know why it took me so long to finally admit that I wanted this. All my doubts vanished because there was one thing that I could never deny or second guess, I loved Damon, and he was mine.

AN: The End. I love all of you for sticking around and reading this story. It may not be the most popular fic but it was probably my most favorite to write. I want to thank everyone for reviewing and reading, it seriously means the world to me.

I will be starting another new story soon, along with another one I just started. If you want, check them out.

Review one last time:)