Ah, I'm afraid the greater majority of you are correct.

My ending completely and utterly sucked.

No other way around it; it was awful. And it was a waste of time

So I decided to get off my lazy arse and write a second ending.

Maybe there'll be a sequel. Maybe not. Depends if you like this. And I do appreciate all of your honesty.

Ahhh, I apologise deeply for the bunch of crap which was ending number one.

There's a light breeze sweeping the streets as I climb from the vent and jump onto the cracked pavement. Walking silently, I let my feet carry me on into the unknown.

Hot tears trickle down my face as I remember the looks on the faces of those I hold dearest.

Even my own mother can't stand the sight of me.

I wipe away the tears impatiently, feeling so lost; so alone.

Miserable, I wrap my arms around my stomach and gaze at the sunrise, which is casting a husky, warm glow over my surroundings.

But I don't feel its warmth. I only feel the complete despair that has taken over my soul.

My breath catches, and I come to a halt, as I see six familiar figures climbing into a sleek, black van.

Five of them clamber inside the van, but the last one turns, as if he feels my presence, and our eyes lock for an instant. Dark, gorgeous eyes, which look so haunted and betrayed, gaze into my own unremarkable blue ones. And, although I'm hidden in the early-morning shadows, recognition dawns in the darker pair.

But before I can register any emotion on his face, a voice within the van calls out, in a flat voice, "Zach, come on."

He tears his eyes away from me and then he slides into the back, slamming the door after himself.

I stand, frozen to the spot, for a few moments; my heart aching. I continue my slow walk, wishing with all my heart that everything is just a dream – or nightmare; that none of it really happened. But I know that only happens in the movies. I won't wake up soon and realise that it is all in my imagination. It's all true.

Seeing a piece of blank paper fluttering along in the cool breeze, a small – and rather pathetic – plan forms in my mind. It won't do over what has happened already, but hopefully it will do something.

Searching the pockets of the shorts I'm wearing, I find the stub of a pencil. I sit against the wall in a darkened alleyway, which the sunrise hasn't lit up yet, and bite my lip. The sun has risen slightly more now, making the area seem magical and perfect. But then a bird caws somewhere, bringing me out of my trance.

Sighing, I press the pencil against the paper and write what comes to my mind. Who knows if it will help? Perhaps it will only make things worse.


Wait, scratch that.

To Rebecca, Zachary, Rachel, Joseph, Elizabeth, Jonas, Grant and Macey,

You all hate me.

And I don't blame you. You're good spies – the best there are – and so you don't trust anyone completely. Even less a pathetic, unexceptional girl who has made an absolute mess of her life, and who you suspect of being a traitor.

I will respect your wishes – or rather, commands – and you will never see or hear from me again. You don't deserve the sort of pain that comes from seeing an old friend, who you despise, again.

To Macey – Thankyou so dearly for everything you did to help me find Bex. You are a true friend, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. Thankyou for believing in me when no one else did.

To Rebecca – You always were the best friend anyone could have. You always had my back, and I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you. I hope you have a happier life now that I am gone from it.

To Rachel – Yes, you're Rachel now. Why? Because, judging from the look I last saw on your face, I am no longer your daughter. And someone who doesn't have a daughter doesn't appreciate some random girl calling them 'mother'. You were – and still are – my idol. Thankyou for being so brave and strong.

To Grant – Oh, the good times we had at graduation. I'm sorry to say that we won't speak again. You always were the one to cheer me up. Thankyou for that.

To Jonas – Your intelligence has always scared me. I hope you use it for good, and not for bad. Remember that you'll always be my friend. Thankyou for the times you made my day with a smart-alecky remark, or some weird statistic.

To Elizabeth – Thankyou for helping me escape the CIA. Without you, everything would have gone wrong. Remember, even though you aren't out on the field, you work behind the scenes, and without you nothing would turn out right. What I'm trying to say is that you're essential. Thankyou for being an essential part of my life.

To Joseph – I've lived without a father for so long I've almost forgotten what it feels like to have one. It's such a shame that I'll never experience that again. But thankyou for making my mother happy again; she deserves to be.

To Zachary – I really believed we would have something after graduating. I actually believed that you would care about me. But then I had to go and stuff everything up. I thought I was protecting you all, but obviously I made things worse. There are so many things I need to thank you for, but I'll say the one I feel the most strongly about. Thankyou for letting me fall in love with you.

Like I said, words mean nothing, really. But as of this moment onwards, the world has no Cameron Morgan; she simply does not exist. But add another lost, lonely girl to the tally, for that's what I am now; lost and lonely.

There's a time to live and a time to die,

A time to laugh and a time to cry

But most of all, there's the choice that I

Have decided to follow on this lonely night

I'll tell you many things that I am; I'm a coward, I'm unimportant, I'm a liar. But there's one thing I'm not.

I'm not a traitor.


Ugh, I'm cringing right now at my pathetic attempt (or rather non-attempt at an ending). I don't think it's worth a sequel. Not sure, yet.

Just to let you know, I'm deleting that last chapter. It's something I should be ashamed of, and I am. So, yeah, let's all 'Boo' it and be happy to watch it go.

Gah, clearly I'm not a good writer, because I have to explain that Cam is not a traitor.

The Director knew he'd end up losing, so, in one final attempt to turn Cam's friends away from her, he slips her a drug and kisses her, so that they think she's on his side.

Hmm… I hope you liked this ending a little better… Anyway, review if you did (or didn't). If it's been a another flop, I think I'll be too disheartened to write another one.

Thankyou bunches and bunches to my awesome readers and reviewers
