Just saying, this chapter isn't necessarily finished, I just wanted the input of the community for the part that's already written. Review critically, I don't care for flames but it's your opinion and you can have it. Ja ne...

Sakura watched as Naruto's lifeless body fell to the ground with a heavy "thump!" The Akatsuki's cave that they were in only added to the reverberations of the noise. It seemed akatsuki had finally caught up to them. After all these years of sacrifice and hardship, it had all come down to this...to nothing.

Tears started to form along the edge of her eyes as she watched helplessly, her voice caught in her throat as she desperately tried to force herself to scream, but only tiny squeaks erupted as she broke down from the inside out. "Hehehe..." The akatsuki member known as Deidara chuckled to himself, the glee evident in his eyes. "What are you going to do now...Sakura?" He emphasized the name as if to mock her.

"There is no Lady Chiyo to save the jinchurriki's pathetic life this time. His fate is decided, un. Now that the final tailed demon has been sealed into the monument, the rebirth of a new world is at hand, Akatsuki ruling all Shinobi nations. Isn't it beautiful, un?" The smug look never left his face the entire time he was talking.

Naruto's body was starting to rapidly pale, she knew his soul was gone, stolen from him when the Kyuubi was sealed away for the Akatsuki's use. Tears fell from her crouched form, falling onto the blond's cold lips over which she hunched.

Sakura finally couldn't take it any longer. She mustered up everything she had and yelled "You fucking asshole!"

In a fit of anger she dove at the Akatsuki scout, standing on one of his many clay birds that he so often rode. The move was so sudden that he had no time to react, he was toppled over and knocked to the cavern floor, along with the pink haired medic atop of him swinging violently with the full punching force of an explosive kunai at point blank.

Deidara was only barely able to dodge them, she managed to graze him a few times but she was so enraged that her vision had begun to blur and she lost focus as well. Desperately he kawarimed with a loose rock nearby, Sakura's fist smashing into it and obliterating it as soon as it appeared in the way of her fist.

The enraged medic nin looked up with the fury of the world in her eyes. Deidara dug his hands into his clay pouch as quickly as he could. Clay sculpture after clay sculpture was thrown as fast as he could make him. "Shit, it's too small in here to effectively fight on the offensive with her. She's too fast to allow me to escape too. Why the hell did Sasori have to die back then?"

"I'm gonna have to use C4 on her, this isn't what I expected to happen!" he thought to himself panicking. The large amount of clay that came into his hands surprised Sakura. Deidara looked from both hands to Sakura with a smirk. "Let's see how you handle this eh, you little bitch!"

Sakura launched herself off of the monstrous face carved into the wall, the monument that held all of the tailed demons. The clay sculpture soared through the air towards her. It seemed to be in slow motion to Sakura as she twisted her body in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the white, clay bomb. It was just behind her when the yell "Katsu!" reached her. Her eyes trailed back in realization to the figurine as the explosion rocked her forward and bent her form from the blast. The flames nipped at her back as she flew through the air.

But a worse something was happening right then than the explosion, when compared to it, it was nothing. The ominous and demonic face now had a large gaping wound impacted into it, it seemed to also be falling apart, as if it was breaking down from the inside out. The two upright hands crumbled at the base and blew apart upon hitting the ground. Each intact eye that was still left on the statue began to glow...blue, white, gold, crimson, and finally orange. It was the final color, that as Sakura watched lying beaten and bloody and burnt upon the ground, gave her an understanding as to what was happening. The tailed beasts...they were escaping.

Five more colors began to grow from nothingness, joining the others in a swirling rippling typhoon in the air above Naruto's lifeless body. The colors combining to form a pitch black funnel.

The speed of the typhoon intensified drastically and quickly shot down into the lifeless body below them. The sight was spectacular and horrifying all at once. Sakura simply couldn't take it anymore, the stress that was put on her body and the sight before her forced her mind to go into shock, unconsciousness following soon after.

"Where am I?" Naruto looked from left to right, confused, yet calm as to what was happening. He had no clothes, no headband that he always wore, and it was simply a sea of white surrounding him. Everywhere he looked he saw an empty void. "I suppose I died, huh. Damn, wish ero-sensei or Iruka sensei were here right now. Where are they anyways, they should be here if I died! Here to welcome the hero home, huh?"

He closed his eyes and opened them, he looked around curiously for a second, it seemed as if the white void was not nearly as white anymore. It seemed to have turned to a darker shade. The void started to darken more and more until the only thing that he could see was the hand in front of his face, even that soon faded out of sight. A dark growl echoed all around him, it was familiar, yet different at the same time, it seemed to be made of several different tones at once. One he recognized instantly when he heard it.


"No longer mortal, your world's Kyuubi no longer exists and never did truly exist at all, your pathetic minds simply cannot comprehend the concept of such things. I am, Juubi"

Naruto looked on passively, not even phased by the intimidating voice around him. "Where am I then, you seem to be more informed than I am..."

"You have been here before...it is your mindscape."

"But I died, they pulled my soul and the Kyuubi's from my body. How can I possibly be in my mindscape if I'm dead?"

"I have seen fit to reward you, as the last remaining carrier of the demons. You have protected the bit of soul that was stored within you longer than anyone else. You're life will be restored...one word of advice, do not tarry upon religion and other such trivial obsessions, for nothing awaits you at the end. I am there...and nothing else."

Naruto looked on with cold eyes, he noticed his hands starting to fade away. Quickly he was gone...

Naruto's eyes sprang open, his lungs filled with air like he was just being born into the world, the smell of the earth around him filled his nostrils. He was reborn.

The first thing he saw was pink bubble gum hair, the girl that it belonged wedged between two boulders. Her eyes closed and unmoving. The second thing he saw was a blond haired man hovering at the far side of the closed off cavern on top of a white bird.

He glanced back down to Sakura's crumpled form. He started to shake, tears formed in his eyes as he looked on. He whispered to himself "Dead, she's gone, that's impossible. I came back, how could she have left?"

He once again started to tremble, only this time in anger.

He was once again transported into his mindscape, except this time it was different, the normal pipes that led along the walls were now gone, large silver and black tunnels connected throughout now, the paths were all the same though, so he figured he wasn't really lost. The water on the ground had disappeared and was replaced with a fine mist. He walked through the tunnels to Kyuubi's old cage, he expected it to be empty, but he was wrong. There the Kyuubi sat, snout pressed to the bars as always. The only thing was the room had expanded drastically and nine more cages occupied it. Each tailed beast sat in their separate cage, seething with anger.

The major change to the room though was now the circular onyx gate that took up all remaining floor area, extending to each cage and the opening of the room. Naruto could only guess as to what was inside of it, he's a pretty good guesser though and was right.

There lay the Juubi, the one rinnegan eye oozing with barely suppressed fury. "Well, what have you come here for?"

"I didn't, I was brought here against my will. What's happened, why are you and the rest of these demons here?"

"The seal, that wretched seal that sits atop the ceiling there." All ten tails pointed in unison upwards.

Naruto looked towards where they were pointing to see a large circular piece of paper with the world seal etched within. It was similar to the original except for the constant repeating of the Kanji for "Totality" all around the outside.

The blond smiled as he realized what this meant, after his training on the island with Killer Bee, Naruto had successfully learned how to control the Kyuubi. This though gave him the initiative to start studying seals and the art of sealing. The seal that lay above led him understand that he now had control over every tailed beast. He's not power hungry like Sasuke is, but the thought of it still made him giddy. He used to fear the Kyuubi's power, in fear of it hurting his precious people, but after learning to control it he no longer was afraid. Now that he had the Juubi on his side, he only felt more confident.

He came back to reality, still standing in the same spot, as if no time had passed. He felt down to his core, feeling for the usual demonic presence that usually resided within. The darkness that was originally there that came from the Kyuubi was nothing compared to that of the Juubi. He actually shivered from the pure evil that inhabited him.

Closing his eyes he started pull up and release the dark energy from within. His eyes widened instantly in pain as ten waving tails erupted from his back. They each latched onto the walls of the cavern around them, and lifted him into the air. His eyes soon became bloodshot from the intense pain, that never seemed to subside. The giddiness from before was no longer present. Each tail seemed to move on it's own, no control was able to be used.

The ten tails launched themselves off of the walls straight towards the hovering white clay bird. The surprise etched over Deidara's face was almost comical if not for the situation at hand.

The tails surrounded him instantly, no visible body party in sight, just the movement of the tails giving any indication as to what was happening, that and the constant spray of blood coupled with the screams of a dying and tortured man.

The pain stirred Naruto on, it no longer bothered him. Even though every single nerve felt like it was on fire, it didn't seem to be from pain anymore, more like the ecstasy of the kill. The giddiness was now back, something more along with it. Naruto walked over to the heap of mangled limbs, the blood still seeping through the ground. "Hehehe...Hahahaha...HAHAHAHA!"

The sanity from his eyes long gone as he laughed continuously.

The caved in entrance was pulled apart stone by stone by each pitch black tail. Naruto looked back into the cave, a demented gleam in his eye.

Sakura awoke to the smell of fresh air. The trees outside swayed back and forth to the rhythm of nature.

Looking around, she noticed Naruto's body was no longer laying where it had been. It was now gone and the cavern demolished, two large boulders had her wedged, but two swings and they were gone, no longer a hindrance.