DISCLAIMER: If I owned the show...why would I make a fan-fiction about it? -.-..lol.

AUTHOR's NOTE: *clears throat* Well this is another AU Fanfiction, quite similar in style to TO OWN YOU, also by me. This story is most likely going to be far from proper, hopefully my first 'M' fan fiction for reasons still unknown. XD. Just to clear a few things before you start reading:

1. It takes place in our modern era...like say, maybe , today.

2. Sebastian is a demon.

3. I'm not following the events of the season, just borrowing the characters really, hence it being an AU fan-fiction.

Now with those few things settled...Lets get to reading mayne :D!

I hope you enjoy reading it ^ ^. Please read, enjoy and leave reviews :)!

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Did you know…that blood looks quite beautiful on you?

Looks beautiful when it radiates against your porcelain-esque skin; nothing too overtly spilled, just the few drops they know you allow at most. The way this inner beauty streams out to trail along your surface brings only one word to mind-


Feels beautiful…and then all senses collide.

It is as twisted as it is fair, for from pain comes beauty; he that beholds such beauty gains pain…from beauty comes pain.

And as we slowly come to realize that the world turns around in cycles uncontrollable by even I, myself, we find that nothing is anywhere close to the one word we both strive to achieve-


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I closed the door quietly, walking towards my smiling contractor who watched as I came to a stop in front of the table before him.

"You called for me, Sir Vincent?" I said lucidly, waiting patiently for his reason for seeking for my presence, also knowing quite well what his next comment was going to regard.

The man unlocked his fingers, resting a hand against the papers on his desk in an almost weary manner.

"It's perfectly fine to call me Vincent, Sebastian. In fact, I would genuinely prefer it." The older man stated, more as a suggestion than an order.

It seemed as though not every person regarded formal designative titles as such to be a form of expressing power, because to my master, it was more of a waste of breath than anything else-

-And it was exactly why I enjoyed saying it regardless, to see one of the humblest of men allow the slightest contortion on his face, breeding displeasure because of the almost constant repetitions. It was quite amusing to say the least. Especially when he made honest comebacks like, "I don't expect such honors from you, I should be the one giving them" or "We are equals in this game Sebastian, feel absolutely free to drop the title" or even the more blunt approach he sometimes used, "This happens to be the twenty-first century, Master Sebastian Michaelis", with a warm smile that was void of vicious intent.

"I apologize." I said, adding a convincing smile despite knowing he was aware that they had never dared reach my eyes. Without bothering to look into them, he gestured for me to sit on the chair facing him. I sat, more puzzled by the suddenly serious expression on his face than the action itself.

I sat patiently for his next words, but couldn't help but lose a hint of the formal demeanor as silence stretched further, quirking an eyebrow in curiosity. As I slowly relaxed against the office chair to gaze into the man's eyes, his reason for calling me finally struck me.


It was finally time for me to begin my part of this two-month fresh contract. After-all, I really had not done much since the beginning of the contract, except assist the human with what he definitely was already capable of, or guard him from the danger that never seemed to befall him. What exactly he expected of me, however, I couldn't yet put my finger on.

"I have a favor to ask of you, Sebastian." Vincent said almost contemplatively, glancing for a short time at the scenery behind him- beyond his office windows, before returning his focus back to me. I quietly followed his words, relaxing slightly to ensure him that I was indeed listening. Listening to understand that this was not a favor. It was definitely an order, and from the man's intense gaze that could almost match mine, I knew it what he was going to say next would be regarding the basis of our contract.

I could not help but vaguely wonder every now and then, why this man chose to form a contract with me. Riches? Definitely out of question, of course. He was able to gain these riches as quickly and effortlessly as his son was capable of wreaking havoc upon the name that Vincent fought to build up to this fateful point.


His son.

For lack of inability to ascertain whether I found this new little information amusing or entirely irritating, I sighed, half-hoping that it didn't point out as rude to the speaker in front of me. Only half-hoping of course, because I was now quite assured that it would take a lot more to aggravate such a human as Vincent.

"I would like you to be my son's bodyguard." Vincent stated calmly but frankly, and though I had discovered that his order may have something to do with his son a mere minute ago, I couldn't help the slip of surprise on my features. I quickly composed myself, asking the first question that could come through to my head.

"I do not mean to sound rude, Si- Ah, Vincent...but didn't you specifically once inform me that your son does not accept anything you try to give to him?"

The man merely smiled despite the very humorless question, intertwining slender fingers once again, and resting his chin against them for support as his dark eyes gazed into mine.

"There is an almost perfect prospect of him accepting you."

This time I could not contain the light frown that lined against my lips. Almost perfect prospect? Even if his son decided to accept me without any given persuasion, which was very highly unlikely, how was I supposed to be a bodyguard to a rogue? And a very much skilled, modernized one, to say the least on the subject.

When my vision finally returned from my thoughts, I could clearly see that Vincent had noticed my frown, for his eyes were now pacing, ever so slightly, as though trying to study my next move. It surprised me to know that, unlike my previous masters, he wasn't doing so with caution...just plain curiosity. And I could tell very well that he expected me to ask him a question regarding his last statement.

"And why is that so, Vincent?"

Said man cut his gaze briefly away from mine to pick up his expensive pen, clicking it absent-mindfully- almost childishly.

"Because...Because I know you will find a way around it," He said with a smile. "Am I right?". A last click of the pen.

"I, of course am obligated to follow your order." I quickly added. "I wouldn't mind any further understanding as to the relationship between this issue and our contract, though I happen to grasp the basis of the situation."

The human nodded in agreement. "The basis...the basis it is." He paused, waiting, as though something were supposed to come to me from that statement, and since I showed no sign of enlightenment despite my actual understanding, he continued.

"You happen to remember what my ultimate desire was when we formed this contract." I urged a quiet nod, and he smiled, commencing the unmistakable pen-clicking once again.

"Well, the basis of the obstruction of that desire leans very much on my son, Ciel ...and my relationship with him. I can't afford to hope to gain the warm family which I once used to have ten years ago. My work...this life, in this office has cost me the most important things. But all I want for him is-"

"Happiness." I completed, smiling in understanding, and dark brown eyes brightened at the knowledge that what he was saying was passing across.

"And that is what brings us to this favor, and as I believe, your mission to gain my very soul is one task. The only thing unsettling the rapid conclusion of our contract is my unhappiness due to the guilt that Ciel can't see much things in this world in a positive manner because of me. I'll like you to teach him to see the whole picture in a new light...and if he hates me to that extent- give him a glimpse of the light without me ...if it comes to that..." Vincent stopped, his usual conduct swirling as his voice became heavy.

Despite my natural apathy to humans and the like, I couldn't help but feel the slightest brush of what would have been pity for the man. To be willing to sacrifice your very soul just to see the smile on another's face...

-how human-

I leaned forward, waiting for a quiet minute to pass by, in order for the man to gain his composure, before patting his shoulder reassuringly.

"What's a bodyguard to do?" I said with a smile which he returned slowly.

"Maybe I should assign a better name to this role of yours, 'sensei'?" And I couldn't help but nod in agreement.


Well...this is...different? I don't know much about Vincent's characterization, and especially since I don't read the manga, I have no idea if it has been explored.

It'll all sum together...


X.x Reviews are very much appreciated :D! x.X