Kelly's Neverland
Daddy, I'm in Neverland now
With mummy and Lucy dog too
Daddy, it's so great here
Daddy, you'll come, won't you
Daddy, now I'm in Neverland
I can stay your little one
Daddy, come and join us
Daddy, forever we'll have fun
Daddy, I saw you waking
In a desert, so so far
Daddy, I saw you crying
Daddy, you love us don't you Pa
Daddy, why do you cry?
At home and in your bed?
Daddy, I'm staying your little girl
Daddy, that's what I said
Daddy, I saw you pick up your gun
And shoot them one, two, three
Daddy, the men who murdered us
Daddy, they cease to be
Daddy, eighteen years have passed
Twenty-six I would be
Daddy, tell the truth now
Daddy, remember me?
Daddy, how many wives!
Not two, three but four,
Daddy, do not worry
Daddy, you'll have only one more
Daddy, I see you with a woman
And a child, or a few
Daddy, I'll be a sister
Daddy, I always wanted too
Daddy, I'm so proud of you
Fighting those who do bad
Daddy, we're never far away
Daddy, don't be sad
Daddy, why won't you tell them,
Why your eyes are red and raw
Daddy, go on tell them
Daddy, tell them what you saw
Daddy, I'm used to Neverland now
And its strange little quirks
Daddy, I'm good with Neverland
Daddy, I know how it works
Daddy, its not your time yet
You've got another adventure now
Daddy, the baby's due any day
Daddy, you'll cope, I know how
Daddy, I will wait for you
Behind Neverland boundaries
Daddy, when you come here
Daddy, I'll be the first face you see
Daddy, you're ninety-three now
Surrounded by grandkids galore
Daddy, always a story to tell them
Daddy, you're never a bore
Daddy, don't go to sleep yet
Don't you dare close those eyes
Daddy, you've got to listen to me
Daddy, go say your goodbyes
Daddy, there's few things I regret
In my short life of eight
Daddy, not saying goodbye was one of them
Daddy, you must wait
Daddy, you've said goodbye now
To all and everyone
Daddy, you can sleep now
Daddy, let final slumber come
Daddy, you're in Neverland
With mummy and Lucy dog too
Daddy, you've fulfilled my final wish
And daddy, I love you