Hey everyone! Here it is! Chapter three! three chapters in what, five days? This is a great way to make a come back after a major writing block. Hope you all enjoy. It's gonna be slow and boring this chapter, but it picks up in the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own the little vampire. All I own is Rebekah, and her friends.

Chapter 3: I live in the Twenty-First Century

Somewhere between my sadness and my thoughts, I had dropped to the floor and sat with my back to the washer. My knees were brought up to my chest and my arms draped over them, with my head dipped down. What was I supposed to do? My thoughts raced with ideas as I tried to push the sadness into the deepest, darkest crevices of my mind. I couldn't worry about my turbulent emotions; there would be other times to focus on them. But now, I have to worry about surviving, getting food, and my safety. A small laugh escaped my lips, a dry, almost humorless laugh. I was working from the bottom up to fulfill Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It feels like it was so long when I learned what that was – a diagram represented by a pyramid, describing how we start with basic needs, our safety, belonging, self-esteem, then self-actualization – when in truth, it was during my second semester last year.

Suddenly, an idea hit me. I live in the twenty-first century. There has to be another way of getting food to my house without going to a store. Using my left hand to balance myself on the floor, my right pushed off my knee and threw me into momentum. I stood up quickly and rushed upstairs. Throwing open the door to my new room, I fell on my knees in front of my carry on bag. I quickly unzipped it and began tossing, or placing, things. There, at the bottom of my bag, was my laptop. I smiled brightly and pulled it out of the bag and opened up the lid. I pressed the power button as I sat down on the blue rug with my legs crossed and my deep red laptop resting in my lap. The HP logo popped up as it started to load all my previous settings.

Popping up was my screen saver, which was a picture of me and some of best friends. I absolutely loved this picture. We had gone camping when the picture was taken. I was sitting on a rock overlooking a small lake with a stream that flowed into it. I was with one of my friends who was sitting behind me. She had been braiding my hair beforehand; she had covered my whole head with braids. But at the moment she was laughing and pointing towards the water, my own head was thrown back as I laughed as well. Five girls were on a rock, striking the Little Mermaid pose – you know the one where she's propped up on a rock out at sea, pushing up her upper body – and they had on these goofy faces. But that's not what we had been laughing at; we were pointing at two girls sneaking up on the others. These were my friends. Haley, Kathy, Karen, Teresa, Jackie, Vanessa, Morgen, and Vicky.

I sighed as I stared at the picture for another moment. I missed them already; I hadn't seen them in awhile, a few weeks. They had insisted on going to the funeral, so they could be there for me and though that was sweet, I didn't want that. I just would have cried more than I already did and not want to leave more so than I did. It was easier. If they were there the child service woman would've had to take me kicking and screaming, and my friends would not stand for that.

I whipped away a stray tear before it could leave a mark down my cheek as I quickly opened up Internet Explorer. The first site I went to was Amazon. They had everything. I moved my cursor to the drop down menu asking me what department I would like to search under. My blue-gray eyes scrolled the list and my face deadpanned. On the list, the eight one down after 'All Departments', was 'Grocery & Gourmet Food'. After all that freaking out, I didn't have to worry. An echoing SMACK was sounded through out the room as my olive skinned hand found my forehead in a forceful manner, and dragged down my face.

I should have known I could order food and have it delivered to my house, but I guess reasoning doesn't really work when you're fighting off billows of emotions. Sighing, I began to add things to my chart, but in a wise way. I examined the prices of various items, and then looked to see how much was included. I made as many good deals as I could. Once I was finished selecting different foods, towels, soaps, shampoo, conditioner, Cheer, and various things for work and whatnot, I went to check out. The bill was astronomical in my opinion, but it was to be expected. This house had nothing and needed everything. I leaned over to my carry on once more and pulled out my wallet; it was black and blue and it was duct tape. Opening it up, I pulled out a Master card. I typed in the number and clicked to continue. When I checked the information before I confirmed the order, I gasped as I saw the address. It was my old address. I quickly averted myself to the correct page to change that information, but I couldn't exactly do that. I had no idea where I lived.

Groaning, I moved the computer off my lap and stood up. I wandered down stairs and towards the kitchen. I started to open up various drawers and cabinets, hoping I would find something – anything – that would help me figure out where I am. I remember when we had pulled up, I saw a mailbox, but the numbers on it worn down and unreadable, but that was it. I opened up one drawer and a wave of dust floated into the air. I coughed, closed my eyes, and swatted it away from my face. Opening an eye and then the other, I peered into the drawer. There was a piece of paper on top. An envelope with a nice coating of dust. I pulled it out; the envelope had been ripped open long ago, yet it was still in the drawer. Holding it in my left hand, my right dragged across it in order to remove the dust. The letter had been addressed to my mom. Raising a curious eyebrow, I dusted away the top left corner. It was a college, Washington University in St. Louis. It was a college letter of acceptance. I smiled, but returned to the task at hand. Address. I read the address that was neatly printed in the middle of the white envelope. 8926 Clear Meadow Dr.

I raised an eyebrow at the address, but shrugged my shoulders and took the envelope up with me to my new room. Returning to my laptop, I quickly typed in the address and confirmed the order. I knew from experience that it would take roughly three days for it to get here. So, until then, I would be stuck with finding cheap places and going out to eat. Sighing once more, I leaned my back against the foot of the bed, and looked around the room. Three days. That was too long to wait to clean up. I couldn't live in a place so filthy. I groaned at the thought that passed through my head. I would have to go out to town and buy some cleaning supplies, and walk them back. I fell onto my side as I leaned to the right.

In front of my face I saw my carry on bag and decided to get my cell phone and iPod. If I was going anywhere, I wasn't going to leave without them. And my wallet. I grabbed the three things, placed them in my jacket's pocket – I forgot I had been wearing it. I turned off my laptop and tucked it under the bed. It was the only hiding spot I could think of at the moment.

With a grunt, I stopped up and stretched. I started walking back down the stairs and towards the front door. I had already opened up the door when the sun hit something to my right and it glinted brightly in the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw it was the key from earlier. With a roll of my eyes, I grabbed it, walked out of the house, and locked up. But I doubted that that would stop anyone. That is, if they wanted to steal from my house. What person in their right mind would try to rob a house that looked like it was deserted?

Knocking me out of my thoughts, a brisk wind raced around me causing me to shiver. I zipped up my jacket, and jammed my hands into my pockets. They would have stayed there if I hadn't begun to mess with my phone. Pulling it out, I turned it on and my eyes widened. Twenty-six new messages? Damn. I think my phone was about to explode, so I began to check them. They were from my best friends and most of them were on the lines of, 'I'm sorry to hear about ur mom, I'm here for u', to, 'Girl, you alright?' Their concern brought a small smile to my face, and I responded to a few.

After I deleted a few messages I looked at the date on my phone. It was July 18th. My birthday was exactly a week ago. I completely forgot about it. I forgot my own birthday. For the second time today I laughed. That's rather… sad. Not depressing, crying over something sad, but a little pathetic. I shook my head and continued walking towards the lights of the city I had seen earlier.

Suddenly, my hand began to vibrate and I realized it was because someone had texted me. I checked it, it was Karen. I smiled lightly as we began to carry on a little conversation. A small drop of normality in my hectic life. She asked me a few things, like where I live, what's my Uncle like – which I corrected her, he's my mom's brother, I was trying to distance myself as much as possible from Rookery – things like that. I answered her to the best of my ability.

Looking around from my current position, I found myself on a street with people moving every which way. I decided to ignore Karen's text messages for the time being as I looked for a store that looked like it would sell cleaning supplies. I had no idea where to go. So, I asked a woman who was about to pass me.

"There is a little discount store around the corner, missy, I hope it helps," her accent not as thick as Rookery's, so I had reason to believe she might not have lived here her whole life.

I smiled, "Thank you," I stated before turning towards the way she pointed out.

With my hands in my pockets, I turned the corner and instantly found the store she was talking about. It was like a K-Mart. A small smile tugged on the corners of my lips as I walked in. I quickly started walking down different isles with a basket resting in the crook of my elbow. Every now and then I pulled something off the shelf. Must of the basket was filled with Windex, Pledge, toilet bowl cleaner, dish soap, sponges, a small bottle of both conditioner and shampoo, a small bar of soap – the three looking like you would find them in a hotel as little compliments – some disinfectant wipes, rags, and a few boxes of Swifer wipes. Now I just needed the Swifer. Also, in my basket, were a bag of chips, instant ramen, a six pack of Dr. Pepper, and some chocolate. Just because I had order food online, and I was more than likely going out to eat every morning and evening for food until then, didn't mean I couldn't snack. Scanning the aisles once more, I finally found a Swifer and picked it off the rack.

I went up front and had my things rang up. I used my debit card this time for it; I preferred to use it to my credit card, because let's say I fail to pay it off completely before the end of the month, I had interest to pay, and my debit card allowed me not to overspend. The woman behind the counter handed me my things in three plastic bags; the Swifer was included in the bags because it wasn't put together yet. Mumbling a thanks to the woman, I walked out of the store, the three bags dug into the skin of my left hand, but it was a pain I didn't mind. I slowly made my way… home, taking my sweet time looking around the streets, trying to memorize where some places to eat where. I would be back in an hour or two for dinner.

My stomach disagreed with that idea and grumbled unhappily. I laid my right hand on my covered stomach and stopped my walk back to the house. I might as well eat now, save myself a trip I suppose. I walked the streets a little longer as I took in other restaurants. I really wasn't in the mood to try different moods. I wanted something I was used to. Something normal for me. Then, I saw it. I never knew how much I would love to see those golden arches. It was a McDonalds. I laughed at it. Normal. I didn't normally eat here, but it was food that I knew what it was.

Going inside, I ordered two cheeseburgers, a thing of medium fries, and a medium Dr. Pepper – yes I like Dr. Pepper. I sat at a corner high top and eat my food while minding my own business. I didn't want to bother anyone, and I didn't want anyone to bother me. I finished my food in a timely manner for that very reason. Picking up my trash, I threw it away and continued on my way… home. Where a truck load of cleaning awaited me.

I sighed as I reached the house. With my free hand, I fished out the key from my pocket and unlocked the house. In the morning, it wasn't all too welcoming, but at night it was worse. It almost seemed to scream at me to leave and never return. Kind of like a haunted house. No lights were on – because I didn't think I would be gone so long – and the air spelled like decay. I took a deep breath through my mouth in hopes not to smell the rotting smell as much.

I brought the cleaning supplies straight to my room, that's where I would start. I pushed open my door and placed the bags on the rug. I took off my jacket and my button down shirt, and was about to pull my cami over my head so I could change into a loose fit tank top, but I stopped. Feeling like I was being watched, I walked over to the windows, made sure they were closed and lock, then pulled the curtains close. I felt a little better and proceeded in pulling off my cami. This left me standing only in a beige bra and my jeans. Bending down, I unzipped one of my suit cases and found a gray tank top that was a little too big. Once that was on, I rummaged through my suitcase and found a pair of black sweats. I switched my jeans out for them. I placed my shoes back on, mainly because I didn't know what kind of nails or whatnot might be sticking out.

Now in comfortable clothes, I fished out my iPod from my jacket, and placed the giant classic headphones – the ones that covered your whole ear – and turned it on. As I listened to music I began to clean. The whole time, I had this odd feeling, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end, that I was being watched.

Okay, there it is. Hope you enjoy. I know, it was horribly slow, but it's not like I can jump so drastically, and I don't really like to have major time skips in the middle of the chapter. But the next chapter is gonna jump, but it will work better. It will be Rebekah's second week in school, and this is where she meets Tony.

Special thanks for reviewing goes to:

Mads - Oh, I'm sorry you didn't get my first chapter, but thanks. I've just been so wrapped up with this idea that I have to get it down as soon as possible.

Vic90 - I will never stop writing if I can help it XD I understand you perfectly. I would love to be able to discuss ideas for the next few chapters, somewhat privately. I don't want to give it away to everyone. XD

Rosewhip889 - Why thank, I try to keep them interesting, but like in this chapter, that can't always be the case.

Masscare kitten - Thanks. I'm trying to write longer chapters, it just seems like a good place to end every time though.

Fanfictionwriter28 - Thanks! That means a lot, and I won't stop writing.

YourItalianSister - Thanks girl. And I'm sorry but your 'kinky' moment isn't coming up for quite some time.

bluelover - Thanks, and I know. I wanted something different, I wanted my story to be unique and stick out.