When she opened her eyes, Marie saw Remy standing in the middle of, what looked like, a crater in the street with a long cane. Vehicles turned at odd angles surrounded him as perplexed motorists began slowly getting out of their cars to inspect them for potential damage.
Marie's vehicle had side swiped a guard rail and come to a rest on the side of the road. She jumped when Remy suddenly opened her door and pulled her out, "What were you thinkin', belle? What the hell's wrong with you?"
Marie trembled and shook her head as one of the drivers yelled and pointed at her, "You better not move, missy! I'm callin' the cops! All this is your fault!"
She normally would have said something really inappropriate back, but she was way too shaken up for that. Remy let out a breath and looked down at her, "We should get goin'."
Before he had the opportunity to move, a police officer who had obviously already been nearby and witnessed at least part of the would-be accident, came rushing forward, "Sir, have a seat on the sidewalk and keep your hands where I can see 'em...ma'am...step over here please."
Marie did as she was told. After the officer asked her a few questions and administered a sobriety test, which she failed miserably, he handcuffed Marie and put her in the back of the squad car.
Remy called after her, "I'll get you out, belle."
He cursed as he watched the squad car pull away with her in it, then turned back to her car and got in. He tossed her purse to the passenger seat, unwittingly spilling her phone onto the floor. Remy leaned over and picked it up to unlock the screen. When it lit up, he saw the text message from Logan and furrowed his eyebrows.
After pulling the car into a nearby parking lot, he hit the "Call" button beneath Logan's name in Marie's phonebook entry.
A gruff voice came through the other end, "Marie?"
Remy heard a threatening growl, "Who the fuck is this and why do you have her phone?"
"I'm her friend and I'm calling because she's in trouble...and I think she needs you."
Marie was jolted awake by the sound of a night stick banging against the bars of her cell, "D'Ancanto! You made bail. Get your ass up."
She breathed a sigh of relief and got up. Remy must have finally come through...hours later.
Marie ran a hand through her hair as she walked out to the sign out area. Seeing Logan there almost made her want to turn around and run back into jail...but the other part of her made her collapse against his chest in a fit of sobs.
From there, she didn't remember much. She remembered waking up in a hotel room with the sound of ice sloshing around in a cup of water.
She opened one eye to see him standing over her with a tall glass of water, "Got some Tylenol for ya, kid...it'll help."
Marie slowly sat up and rubbed her temples, "You're really here..."
Logan watched intently as she took the Tylenol and water, "In the flesh...thanks to your friend Remy."
She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes tight, "Oh god...I can't believe what I did last night...was anyone hurt?"
He sighed, "Thanks to Remy, no...but you'd be in some serious trouble if someone was. You could have killed someone...do you know that?"
"Thanks to Remy? Whaddya mean by that?"
Logan raised a brow, "You didn't know he was a mutant? He controls kinetic energy and used it to stop the accident."
"Oh god...wow."
He sighed, "Someone could've died last night, kid."
Marie put her face in her hands, "I know...I'm sorry for that. I don't know what I was thinking."
"You obviously weren't...what's happening to you, kid?"
She shifted uncomfortably and quickly changed the subject, composing herself a little more swiftly than he thought she should have, "I need to shower. Got any toiletries?"
He nodded, "There's a disposable toothbrush, some soap and deodorant I got you in there...LeBeau's gonna bring the rest of your stuff by later."
She murmured a thanks then disappeared into the bathroom. When she got out, she was wearing wet hair and a white towel.
Logan rubbed the back of his neck and stood, "I think maybe you need to see someone...this is bad-"
He quickly stopped talking when he noticed the look on her face when she turned around. Marie took a few sauntering steps toward him and draped an arm over his shoulders, "Why'd you come?"
Logan watched her with uncertainty as she slowly inched her body closer to his. He tried desperately to keep his wits about him, but Marie, virtually naked and still wet from her shower was a very distracting sight.
"Remy told me you needed help..."
Marie licked at his lips and smirked, "Did he now? And now it's big, bad Logan to the rescue..."
She reached down and cupped his manhood as he closed his eyes and grunted in pleasure. Marie grinned sinisterly as she began trailing sensual kisses up and down his neck.
After several teasing kisses, she grabbed him and tossed him down on the bed in front of her, before ripping her towel open and climbing on top of him. He attacked her mouth with a passionate kiss before flipping them over and running a hand down her naked body.
Marie whispered lustfully as she reached down to open his pants, "Oooh yeah...you're gonna fuck me, aren't you?"
He quickly lifted his head up to look down into her eyes with furrowed brows. He shook his head and cupped her face with his hand, "Marie...what are you doing?"
She laughed a little and arched up into him, "What does it feel like I'm doing?"
Logan quickly moved off to sit beside her on the bed and shook his head, "Darlin'...I miss you."
She sat up and leaned over to kiss his neck as she whispered, "I'm right here, baby...come on..."
Just when he thought he was about to fall under the spell of her sweet lips, he yanked away and stood up, "No! I miss YOU, Marie! The girl with the hope still in her eyes! The girl who still cared and felt emotion! That's the girl I knew!"
Marie grabbed up her towel and wrapped it back around her, "Well fuck her and fuck you!"
She started to turn to walk back to the bathroom, but he grabbed her by the arms and forced her look into his eyes, "Seriously, Marie! What happened to you? Huh? Tell me! What happened to the girl I knew?"
Marie suddenly screamed in his face and pushed away, "YOU KILLED HER!"
The force of her voice actually startled him, making him let go of her arms as she broke into angry sobs that she continued yelling through, "That girl? You wanna know what happened to that girl? She LOVED you...and you were just too stupid and too selfish to realize it! I became you so that I could survive you!"
He slowly shook his head, "Marie...I never meant to hurt you...I had no idea-"
Logan stopped himself as he looked into her eyes. He couldn't bring himself to lie to her. He knew she loved him years ago...but he wasn't ready to acknowledge it. He didn't want to admit his feelings because he knew he couldn't do anything about them.
He knew himself. He wouldn't be the type of boyfriend who would ask her about her day, tell her everything would be alright, or stay faithful...that just wasn't him. He could try...but he couldn't afford to break her heart experimenting on his feelings.
Turns out, he may have done more damage by shoving those feelings aside...
Marie's cries renewed when he tried to touch her, but that didn't deter him. Not even her shoves and hits were able to keep him from pulling into a firm, but comforting embrace.
She finally collapsed against his chest, crying and trembling as she continued to mutter curses at him.
Sorry for the length of the chapter! I hope you enjoy and please don't forget to review! For all of my American readers: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I'm going to be sitting back myself and enjoying a very happy holiday with my family and friends!