Sweet Misery

Rating: M

Author's Note: Takes place after X3. Marie's had the cure and we're assuming it's permanent. Same old "Jean is dead, professor's dead, Scott's dead...why stay?" Logan-attitude. Be prepared for a dark Marie and a slightly dark Logan. There will be shifty elements in this, so consider this a warning. Keep in mind that, in this fic, Gambit was not in Origins. Instead, he appears here, looking just as hot and delectable as he did in said movie.

Disclaimer: Don't own. Just playing.

"Stay...please, Logan..." she whispered.

Logan turned away from the piercing brown eyes that threatened to spill tears onto her pale cheeks. He couldn't keep looking at her. He'd change his mind if he did.

The kid was his main weak spot. She was the first person in a very long time that had the unique ability to get under his skin in a non-sexual way, and that was a pretty special thing. Typically, the only thing he wanted to do with the opposite sex was fuck, but with Marie, he found himself actually enjoying her company.

For a while, he thought he only truly liked her because she'd absorbed part of her personality, but then he remembered that their chemistry started back in the camper...when she asked him what kind of a name Wolverine was.

Their playful banter, constant exchange of light insults and innate desire to argue about virtually every little thing was actually the best part of being around her. But that didn't matter now.

Now, his internal clock had told him that he had stayed in one place for too long and it was time to go. He hated the fact that he'd allowed himself to get close to people again. It always ended badly...case and point: Jean and the professor.

Maybe if he left her now, he wouldn't be so upset if she died or something...Logan quickly shook his head at the thought and sighed as he felt her small hand on his shoulder, "Please? You promised you'd take care of me-"

He shrugged from beneath her touch, "I never wanted to adopt you, kid. You're almost 18. It's not my responsibility to stick around just cause you want me here. I need to get back to livin' the way I want without worryin' about affecting some impressionable young girl."

The look on her face made him falter only slightly before turning around and making his way out of the doors. The gnawing guilt he felt would disappear once he hit the open road...wouldn't it?

When she watched him walk away, she made a promise to herself to never trust anyone ever again. Three years ago, on a train, Logan promised to look after her. Now that she needed him most, he'd decided that he was through with looking out for her.

The three people she was closest to in the mansion had died, and he was leaving her as if it were no big deal. How could he?

Would anyone stick around for her? Would anyone ever think that she was worthy of being loved or cared for?

Probably not.

Her own parents had found her to be too much of a disgrace to live with and now Logan, the one person she thought she could trust to protect her, was showing her that she wasn't worth his time either.

That kind of treatment does something to a girl.

Marie immediately had the urge to drink...and do some other things that she'd never done before...mainly sex. Rough, dirty, meaningless sex.

The Wolverine in her head growled at the thought.

After a cold shower, she laid in bed that night, cursing Logan and the part of his personality that was all too conveniently gnawing at her.

When he was with her, it was easy to suppress the sex hungry animal that lurked within. He kept it in check.

Now that he was gone and the only one who truly understood her had abandoned her, she turned to the Wolverine in her head for companionship.

That proved to be a huge mistake...probably the biggest of her life.

An hour later, she turned up at Bobby's door, wearing some underwear and robe. Her washed hair hung in wild waves around her face and her eyes were darkened. Wolverine was definitely front and center.

He smiled confusedly, "Rogue...what are you doin' here?"



She pushed him backwards and shut the door behind her, "My name...is Marie." She pushed him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed, making him fall backwards onto the bed.

"M-Marie...what are you doing?"

She toyed with the rope on her bathrobe for a second before snatching it open to reveal her black lace underwear set, "I'm blowin' your mind, darlin'."

Marie began to lean over to kiss his neck, but he grabbed her arms and pushed her back, "Wait! Marie...I can't."

She furrowed her eyebrows and stood straight up, "Why not?"

"I...gosh...I don't know how to tell you this..."

Marie snatched her robe back on, "Oh god! It's someone else, isn't it? It's Kitty!"

Bobby stood and grabbed her arms, "No! It's...it's Warren."

Her mouth dropped open, "Are you kidding me? You're gay?"

"Bisexual...I think."

She threw her hands up, tied the tie on her robe and left the room without another word. Just as she disappeared down the hall, he called after her, "Would you mind keeping this between you and I?"

That night, Marie got dressed in her best "come fuck me" outfit, then snuck out of the mansion to take a cab to a bar.

She sat at the end of the bar, sipping on a water and looking around until a long haired man walked over to her, "Bonjour, cherie...this seat taken?"

Marie cocked a brow and shook her head, "I like your accent, cajun...what's your name?"

"Ah...fellow southerner I see...the name's Remy LeBeau...but it's my friends that call me Gambit. What happens to be your name, belle?"

A blush spread across her cheeks as she extended her hand, "Anna Marie D'Ancanto, but my friends just call me Marie."

"Well then...does this cajun have the privilege of callin' you Marie?"

She bit her lip a little, "You could if you buy me a drink..."

At this point, she knew Remy didn't care how old she was, and neither did the bar tender...as long as he was tipped well...so thus started a night of drinking with the suave and painfully handsome Remy LeBeau.

After a few drinks, Remy invited her back to his place. Following a brief internal battle, she agreed and climbed into the back of a cab with him. The Wolverine was horny, but he also didn't like other people touching her...

Truth be known, she was a virgin, but she didn't want Remy LeBeau to know that...

As they rode in the cab, he slid up beside her and abruptly stuck his hand beneath her skirt. Her eyes widened and she grabbed his wrist.

He smirked and whispered, "Relax, belle...Remy gonna take good care of you..."

Her breathing quickened as he slid her panties to the side and began gently rubbing her moistening slit. The death grip she had on his wrist slowly relented as he continued pleasuring her with his hand.

As soon as the cab came to a stop, he moved his hand away, paid the driver and yanked her out of the back seat. He barely seemed to be able to contain himself as he slammed her against the wall in the hallway of his apartment building and practically attacked her mouth with his own.

His hands greedily roamed over her body as the kiss intensified, making her shudder in anticipation for what was to come. If he was like this just kissing...what was he going to be like in bed?

She moaned softly as his lips quickly moved from her mouth to her neck, nipping and licking at the sensitive flesh there.

He moved away just long enough to unlock to door of his apartment and pull her inside, where he promptly hiked up her skirt and grabbed her thigh to lift it around his waist.

Marie gently pushed against his chest, "Protection..."

Remy picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, where he promptly and unceremoniously deposited her onto the bed. He grabbed a condom out of his nightstand before undressing and helping her out of her clothes.

After they were both naked, Remy sheathed himself in the condom and climbed between her open legs. She arched and cringed in pain as he pushed himself inside of her.

Despite the initial pain, her body began relaxing and undulating her hips in tune with his thrusts, just like she had seen the women do in her mind's eye when they were with Logan. Before she knew it, the warm, tingling sensation of a fast approaching orgasm began traveling from her stomach through her limbs.

Marie cried out and gripped onto him as she came. Remy followed soon after and kissed her neck after collapsing on top of her. She started to get comfortable in his arms, but quickly breathed out and gently pushed him off. She couldn't let herself fall for him or get used to being in someone's arms. It would only lead to pain.

Marie immediately jumped up to get dressed, "Thanks for the fun."

He raised a brow, "Leavin' so soon?"

She nodded and leaned over to give him a kiss on the lips, but he caught her wrist and grabbed a pen off of the night stand to write his number on her hand, "If you ever want some more fun..."

"Thanks LeBeau...I'll keep that in mind."

As Marie caught a cab, she realized that Remy could quite possibly be her go-to booty call.

Storm began to catch onto Marie's absence from school functions and soon caught onto her random, early morning returns to the mansion.

Marie sat in Storm's office, staring down at her nails. Damn...she was in need of a manicure.

"Rogue, are you even listening to me?"

She rolled her eyes and muttered, "My name isn't Rogue..."

"What was that?"

Marie crossed her arms and looked the weather witch in the face, "I said...my name isn't Rogue. It's just Marie now."

Storm sighed wearily and clasped her hands together, "Fine. Marie...I understand you're going through something that I may not understand right now, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. We all care about you. It's dangerous for you to just disappear at night. There are very bad people out there who can hurt you."

"No worst than the people in here who already have. Look, I know it's your job to care, and that's nice and all, but I don't put anyone else at risk with what I'm doing...I've never even invited Jubilee or Kitty to come with me because I know it'd only get them into trouble. It's my life...why can't I just live it?"

Storm would have said more, but Marie jumped up and stomped out of the office, slamming the door behind her.

It was true. Marie's actions weren't hurting anyone but herself.

1 Year Later

Marie glanced at the clock from her desk. She was now the school's secretary and had been exhausted filing paperwork for the dozens of new enrollments for the Fall. She needed a break and she knew it was coming soon...

As soon as the clock struck five, the kids began dispersing into their own little weekend activities and Marie left to make the short walk from the mansion to the townhouse she now rented. It had belonged to the professor and Storm seemed more than happy to rent it to her...probably because she was afraid her questionable lifestyle choices would rub off on others in the school.

Hours later...

Marie gasped and threw her head back as a man whose name she didn't quite catch thrust into her against the public bathroom door. She roughly raked her fingers through his hair and snatched his head back to look into his face. At least this one was pretty cute...

She arched as she came then quickly lowered her foot to the ground from around his waist. He disposed of the condom and panted as he watched her go over to the sink, reapply her lipstick, straighten out her skirt and walk out, "So...we gonna do this again sometime doll?"

Marie shrugged and threw him a flirtatious smile, "Maybe so...see ya 'round-"

He pointed to his chest, "Jonathan."

She laughed, "Right...right...I knew that. Jonathan. See ya 'round."

Marie walked back over to the bar and ordered a shot of whiskey before downing it and walking out into the brisk night air to light a cigarette. She liked to smoke after a good night of drinking and fucking...just like Logan had.

When she absorbed him on those two occasions, she'd been treated to a host of memories from his brief, meaningless encounters with random women from across the country.

The guy didn't seem to have a preference. He didn't discriminate based on race, hair color or literacy level. He literally fucked every female he found remotely attractive. After fucking these random women senseless, he'd help himself to a strong drink of whiskey and a cigar.

She looked at her watch and sucked her teeth...it was barely 10. Maybe she should have waited longer before letting what's-his-name drag her into the bathroom.

Marie returned to the bar, took another few shots, then took a cab back to the townhouse. As she drunkenly stumbled up the walkway, she sang loudly and off key...

"Want you to make me feel
Like I'm the only girl in the wooooorld
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever loooove
Like I'm the only that knoooows your heeeeearrrt
Only girl in the woooooorld!"

She walked to door and desperately tried to put the key in, but the whiskey had definitely affected her coordination.

Marie jumped when the door suddenly flew open.

And just like that...her good mood was ruined. He stood there, six foot two inches of hulking muscle and metal, glowering down at her as she straightened and cleared her throat, "What are you doin' in my home?"

He didn't answer. He just sniffed her, growled and picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. She kicked and hit him, but her tiny frame was insignificant compared to his powerful muscle as he strode up the stairs with her thrown over his shoulder, yelling expletives.

Logan marched her up to her room, set her down in the tub and turned on the cold water full force. She tried in vain to make an escape as she screamed at the shock of he water on her fully clothed body, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Have you completely lost it!"

He growled, "Sober up and wash that smell off of you! You smell like a dirty mechanic."

"He wasn't a mechanic!" she snapped as he snarled at her for good measure. Marie didn't know what what's-his-name did for a living...but she wasn't about to let Logan walk in here after a year and pretend he knew what the fuck was up.

This was HER life and it was no longer any concern of his. He'd demonstrated that.

"You want me to wash the smell off of me? Fine!"

Marie began stripping out of her wet clothes right in front of him, making him turn around and stumble out of the bathroom before slamming the door behind him.

He breathed out and sighed, "Jesus, kid..."

He'd returned just three hours ago and was greeted by Storm. When he asked where Marie was, the weather witch simply shrugged, "No telling, but chances are, she'll go back home drunk."

Logan's eyebrows immediately furrowed, "Drunk? What the fuck? And what do you mean 'go back home'? She doesn't live here anymore?"

"She moved into one of the professor's properties when you left. A townhouse just around the corner...I gotta warn you, she's kind of like the female version of you now."

He took a step forward, "Gotta key to this property?"

"I don't think-"

Logan held up a hand, "Save it, Storm. Marie's my business. Now are you gonna gimme the key or do I have to send you through the trouble of replacing the door on the place because I smashed it in?"

She promptly handed him the key and worriedly bit her lip as she watched him rush out.

Logan needed to see Marie drunk and unruly if he was going to believe it, so he decided to let himself into her place and wait for her.

He had no idea he would encounter the angry, scantily clad, overly sexed vixen that now stood on the other side of the bathroom door.

When she swung open the door, the didn't seem to give a damn about modesty, even in her sobering state. She simply held a towel to the front of her body and let her naked back and ass hang out as she gave him the evil eye and stomped over to her dresser.

Even the unflappable Wolverine was shocked at her lack of discretion. His eyes bugged out before he quickly spun around to avoid seeing her fully naked as she dropped her towel.

He turned back around when she began muttering curse words. Thankfully, she was now dressed in a nightgown, but sadly, still without the protection of undergarments.

"What the fuck are you doin' back here, Wolverine?"

To be called that by her struck a chord, but he tried not to let it bother him. He took a step forward, "What's this I hear about you gettin' drunk and hangin' out with random assholes?"

"What do you mean 'What's this you hear'? I go out, have fun and come back. I live my life and it's of no concern to you...or did you forget that you told me that a year ago?"

He growled and took another intimidating step forward, but she didn't seem at all affected by his formidable presence, "Marie. This isn't you."

She suddenly pushed him in the chest and growled back, catching him completely off guard by a sound that he only heard come from his own lips, "How the hell would you know...you self-centered bastard? You didn't stick around long enough to know what's me and what's not. You have no right to barge back in here to tell me what I can and can't do after virtually abandoning me." Marie marched over to the door and opened it, "Get the fuck out."

He began walking past her, but stopped, "This isn't over Marie."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah. Get. The fuck. Out."

Logan was shocked at her attitude...her sheer anger...the complete lack of modesty. Maybe he expected her to be a slightly darker version of herself after he had performed a tap dance over her heart, but he didn't expect this...a girl who was just as angry, growly and ornery as him-and holy fuck her body was amazing.

The soft curve of her ass as she strode purposefully past him from the bathroom to her dresser kept replaying over and over in his mind. It was so perfect...so round...so nice and full.

Logan shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind of the lewd thoughts that led to Marie's nakedness. He needed to concentrate on making sure she stopped being him and started to be herself again.

Please review!

Things you need to know for the future of this story:

1. You haven't seen the last of Gambit.

2. Victor is going to make an appearance. When he does, he's Liev Schrieber's version of Sabretooth from 'Origins', NOT the Sabretooth from X Men 1, ok?

3. Marie is going to kind of be a bitch at certain points in this, so be prepared for her to be difficult.