A/N: Okay, so I hope you enjoyed chapter three. I know that I haven't updated my stories in a while. But I've been really busy lately. But I'm going to start updating really soon.

But anyway, here's chapter four:

We continued to walk down the street, Mathew still holding my hand. "Jack's waiting for me." I thought. "Does this mean that other people are waiting for me, too?" I remembered Sophia, my beautiful daughter. She died of kidney failure when she was only six years old. I remembered that day better than any other- well, almost any other day. She was Jack's daughter, and so was her twin sister Celia. I loved all my children, but the twins had always been my favorites. They reminded me so much of Jack. They both had his happy-go-lucky attitude and dreamed of seeing the world.

I had always believed that Jack was always looking down at the three of us, waiting until we were all reunited and we could be a happy family. I remembered the letter I wrote to Sophia on the day that she died. I remembered it word for word.

To my beautiful Sophia,

Hi, baby. It's mommy. This is probably something that you don't understand, but it'll be okay. For the past month, you've been in so much pain. But you're at peace now. It's going to be alright. Someday, although I don't know when, we'll be together again.

Your daddy- your real daddy is probably waiting, ready to meet you. Or maybe you're with him right now. He's you, Sophie. He's just like you. He gave you your beautiful blue eyes. And your golden blond hair. He loves you, baby. And your sister. You're his daughters. You're his only daughters. His name is Jack Dawson. And I love him so much. I always will. And you will, too.

I love you so much. I'll always love you. You're my baby. You're my Sophia. Just because you're gone doesn't make me love you any less. In fact, I think I love you even more, now.

I keep thinking that this isn't real. That it's all a dream. That I'll wake up and you'll still be here, coloring in your room. You loved to draw and color. Your daddy did too. I keep wishing that it was me. Why you? You're such a good little girl. And you're so young. But like I said before, you're at peace now, and I'm thankful for that. But I'm upset. I'm upset that you never really got to live your life. I feel like my heart has been ripped away from my chest. Like all my hopes and dreams for you-crushed. Something took away my baby.

I really want you to know that I love you. And hopefully by now you know that you're daddy loves you too. I know it may seem bad now- and trust me, I feel like that too, I just lost my daughter, but I promise, your daddy will take good care of you in heaven. I love you so much, Sophia.

With all my love,


I sighed and looked around. I didn't know where we were going or where we were going to end up. I hoped that I would see Jack and Sophia soon.

Just then, a little girl ran up to me. As she got closer, I realized that the little girl was my daughter. She hugged me when she got close enough. "Mommy!"

I picked her up in my arms and squeezed her and kissed her forehead. "Oh my baby! I missed you so much."

Sophia smiled. "We've been waiting a long time to see you again, mommy."

I smiled. "Well, now I'm here with you and-" I stopped. "What did she say?" "Did…did you just say…we?" She nodded. "Who's we?"

Sophia smiled. "Me and daddy."

"You met…you met your daddy…your REAL daddy?"

"Yup. He wanted me to come and get you."

I smiled. "Are you going to show me where daddy is?" I put her down.

She took my free hand and leaded me down the street.

I know, not really a great ending. Any suggestions? I promise, I'll update soon. Please review!