Again, years passed. Ran and Shinichi grew older, in body and in bond. Together they remained, through junior high, high school and now, here they were graduates from college. Shinichi, of course, with a criminology degree and Ran a degree in kinesthesiology. They stood at the precipice of their lives, which could now begin where they had left off. But for that to happen they had to return to where there lives had started, Japan.

As they exited the terminal, they marveled at the site of the last place they had been in Japan. Despite what they had predicted fourteen years earlier, they had never actually returned to Japan, so to see a sign in Japanese again was quite a bit to take in.

"Here we are" Ran said quietly, holding a hand to her mouth anxiously "Why did we wait so long to come back?"

"I…I don't know. I guess we got caught up with life. That's the only explanation I can think of…." he replied, regretting the words as the came out

"I can't believe it, fourteen years since we've seen my mom and dad, or Sonoko, or Kazuha and Heiji or even Hakase!" Ran was now on the verge of tears as Shinichi took her in his arms

"We've kept in touch Ran so calm down. It's not as if we forgot them, and I don't think they forgot us either" the instant he said this, a host of familiar faces flooded the terminal, bringing the now grown woman to her knees. She wept loudly, but was abruptly interrupted by the swarm of friends and family that surrounded her. The first to embrace her was her mother, diving on her knees to meet her daughter with tears in her now aged eyes

"We've missed you so much Ran! It's so great to be able to see you again. A picture is not the same as your real face, in person"

"You've become so beautiful Ran" Kogoro said from over his wife's shoulder "just like your mother used to be" he grinned at his comment as his wife threw her elbow into his kneecap "Don't be senile woman!"

As a much expected argument ensued between the spouses, Ran threw her head around back and forth until she found Sonoko. Sonoko was now middle aged and accompanied by none other than Makoto-san. She had a single tear streaming down her still smooth cheek. As Ran bolted across the lobby to her Sonoko could only hold her arms open in acceptance. They squeezed either tightly, leaving no space between one another and maintained this position for quite some time as they rambled gibberish into one another's ears at what seemed to be hyper speed. Meanwhile, Shinichi stood back, smiling at the happiness of his girlfriend.

"This a good thing you did, Kudo" Shinichi turned to identify the speaker and saw a silhouette emerge from the shadowy corner of the terminal

"Hattori" was all he could verbalize

"That's all you have to say to me, Former Great Detective of the East?"

"What do you mean former?" he said both jokingly and curiously

"You didn't know? That little kid you used to associate with as Conan, Genta-kun, has become the most renowned detective Tokyo has ever seen. They even say he surpassed you, the one and only Kudo Shinichi"

"Really? Genta huh? Good, I might have to pay him a visit"

"Hey, hello? Did you forget about me? Jeez I come all the way out here from Madrid to come see you and here you can't even grace me with a 'How's your life been'? I haven't heard from you in almost four years. Last time we talked you had enrolled at George Washington University!"

"Sorry, I've just been-"

"Busy? I'm sure. You act like I've never heard that one before. Regardless, it's good to see you again. It makes me feel old seeing you" Heiji laughed briefly at his own sad realization, then continued

"So, how long do you plan to stay in Japan?"

"For good" Shinichi said concisely

"Really? Well good I bet this was mostly by neechan's prompting right?"

"For the most part. Of course, I wasn't opposed to the idea. It'll be good to get back to work with the Beika Police. What became of Sato-san and Takagi-san? Oh and what about Megure and Chiba?"

"Well" Heiji started, having to concentrate momentarily to recollect " Sato and Takago got married, moved to Osaka to work under my father at their police department. Since then, I believe Sato retired to raise their three kids while Takagi is a lieutenant."

"Really" Shinichi replied with a raised eyebrow "I didn't take Sato-san as the type to retire for the maternal life"

"Neither did anyone else. The last I heard of Chiba, he ran off with some girl that he had apparently been in love with since primary school. No one has seen or heard from him in about ten years now, who knows where he is. And Megure, well, he uh…he passed away about two years ago. He suffered a heart attack a few months after his official retirement"

Shinichi looked down at his feet. It was the first time the thought had dawned on him: everything really had changed since he was gone. He turned around and looked at the people he had once identified himself with: they had all matured greatly in age and in personality. As he scanned the crowd however, someone was missing. Where was Hakase?

"Hattori" Shinchi mumbled quietly "Where is Agasa?" Heiji ducked his eyes away, unable for a moment to look at his old friend.

"He…He died as well" Shinichi felt himself grow weak with grief as he fell against the wall nearest to him

"I just called him!" he screamed in painful sorrow "I just called a month ago, when did this happen? How did this happen?"

"You have to understand, when you left, he was already in his late fifties. He had grown very old, and especially with the active lifestyle he had, always running around with those ridiculous 'Detective Boys', it wore him down. He went peacefully, in his bed, with no look of pain or anguish on his face. He lived a long, happy life" Heiji's words, while sincere and encouraging, had little effect on Shinichi. He stared at his hands, shedding tears but making no noise whatsoever. He fell completely mute, only watching the tears fall into his hands. After he took a moment to compose himself, realizing that this was not the place to be so emotional, he wiped his eyes and looked back at Heiji. He had patiently waited until his friend's wave of remorse had passed.

"Are you okay?" he asked delicately

"I'll be okay. If he was happy, I should be too. Is there anything else I should know?" Heiji smiled wide with great pride

"Yeah, my WIFE Kahuza had twins. They are six years old now" Shinichi beamed with excitement as they shared a moment of much needed happiness.

"You say wife like I wasn't at your wedding"

"Sorry, I just like to brag about it" Heiji said, again smiling wide

"So have you asked her yet? You're old enough now"

"I plan to, tonight, at the Beika Center Building's Observatory Restaurant"

"Well good, you've been together fourteen years now, it's about time you popped the question" After a moment of silence, Shinichi finally said

"So, you moved to Europe huh?"

"Yep. All Kazuha's idea. Apparently Spain grew on her after we had our wedding and honeymoon there. It makes no difference to me, I could care less where we live as long as I'm invited"

After another hour or so of conversation similar to this, Heiji and Shinichi met up with the rest of the group and they left the airport. Once they reached the Detective Agency where they were staying temporarily, Ran finally settled down long enough for Shinichi to put his plan into motion

"Hey, its still early, how about we go out to dinner?" Shinichi asked eagerly

"But I wanted to stay and talk with mom and dad a bit longer. I haven't seen them in ages after all."

"Please? I promise, we will be back time for you to talk some more later" his voice now took on a more serious inflection

"Okay, if you really want to so badly"

So Shinichi, after Ran had gotten ready, dragged her out the door hurriedly by her wrist and drove as fast as he could to the restaurant. Despite all of his odd and borderline frantic behavior, Ran was minimally suspicious of him and assumed it was nothing vital. When they reached the restaurant, Shinichi requested a specific table which was currently occupied. So they waited another forty-five minutes before they finally sat down to eat.

"You're really acting strangely now Shinichi? What's gotten into you?"

"What are you talking about? I just like the view from this table, it's not a big deal" Shinichi blurted out conspicuously. As the night went on, the drinks came and went, the entrees came and went and now the bill had come and Ran was prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Shinichi yelled as she began to rise from the table "Do you remember when I brought you here fifteen years ago?"

"You mean when you were still Conan?"


"Of course, you broke my heart that night. I cried for hours after we got home" she muttered to herself as she began to ponder the pain she had felt all those years ago

"Well" he continued "When I brought you there, I had something I needed to ask you"

"I remember" she said thoughtfully "you told me about this the when you told me about the drug that made you small, and the organization and all that. You told me that your dad had asked your mom to marry him here and so you were going to ask….me…." as the last words glided off her lips she noticed the box that Shinichi had pulled out of his coat.

"We've been together so long Ran, and now, we can finally start the life we always wanted to. Ran, will you marry me?"

"Oh my God yes! Yes! Of course I will" she shrieked, throwing herself into his arms, tackling him to the ground. They laid there for a few moments before standing up. As they rose to their feet they noticed every patron of the restaurant was on their feet in applause. They had waited so long for this, and now, in front of hundreds of people they kissed, in full realization of the trials they had faced to reach that point. So many years, fights, cases, tears, screams, whispers and (for Kogoro exclusively) beers. The journey they shared was long and arduous, but the bliss they both experienced in that moment made every second of hardship in either of their lives melt away. They released from one another's lips for a moment just to lock eyes. At that moment nothing else existed and they locked lips again, they knew nothing else had to.

The End

Now, I'd like to open the floor to cumulative reviews. Was the ending sappy? Yes. Did I plan it that way? Yes.