Disclaimer - I don't own Gundam Wing.

AN: I'm very happy you all like my story so far! I'm also happy that the person I'm doing this for *cough* Tigerlilly* *cough* likes it too!
Oh and one more thing, I forgot......
Wufei IS a pilot. Thanks to Icy B. Discordia for pointing that out. So just for fictional purposes, WUFEI DID NOT KNOW HOW TO PILOT THAT PLANE!
The only he reason he can't is because I forgot about that tiny little fact that he *can* pilot planes....so...my bad....
On with the story!

Seven Inches from the Midday Sun
Part 2
By: Lady Zero

The plane began to spiral downwards. Sally got under her chair the best she could and held her hands above her head.

"What the hell are you doing?" Wufei screamed over the roar of the engine.

"Taking cover! You should do the same!"

The pilot had already scrambled under a chair and was shaking uncontrollably. Wufei reluctant got under a chair. (AN: remember these are airplane chairs, not dining room chairs)

They were jolted and thrown out from their positions under their seats and against the back of the plane. Water flooded the cockpit and raced though the plane. Sally took a deep breath as did Wufei and the pilot. They all shut their eyes as the water surrounded them. The plane sank deeper into the ocean. Sally swam towards the cockpit. The glass had broken on impact so the windshield was open. She motioned to the pilot and Wufei, who were squinting underwater, to follow her. The salty water stung her eyes, but it was the only was to see, she figured. The two men followed her as she swam up to the top. Sally swam faster, she was about to pass out from holding her breath so long. She made it to the surface and took a deep breath.

She looked around her. It was an endless blue. The Virgo's had left, leaving a trail of white exhaust after them. Once Wufei reached the surface her took a deep breath and looked around, as Sally did.

"Great. In the middle of the ocean," he murmured. Sally swam towards a piece of driftwood and hung on to it. Wufei and the pilot did the same.

"Where are we?" the pilot asked.

"The Pacific Ocean."

"Where in the Pacific Ocean?"

"You're the pilot," Sally pointed out. "Why don't you know?"

The pilot shrugged. "Well,..."

"Oh to hell with it," Wufei muttered.

Sally let go of the driftwood and began to swim.

Wufei caught up with her and stopped her. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Finding an island."

Wufei rolled his eyes. "Yes, I must admit one of your better plans," he said sarcastically.

"Shut up," Sally barked, beginning to swim again. Wufei growled and motioned for the pilot to follow them.

///***~~~Two Hours Later~~~***///

Sally stopped swimming and searched the horizon. "Land! I see land!" she cried.

"We're right here, woman." Wufei said, treading water, next to her.

"Well, excuse me for being exited," Sally sniffed.

Wufei sighed angrily and started swimming towards the island.

Once the three reached the island, the pilot picked up some sand. "We're on land!" he cried happily, throwing the sand in the air. Sally brushed the sand out of her messy soaking wet hair and gave the pilot a nasty look. She looked down at her clothes. She was wearing her Preventers uniform. Which at the moment was soaking wet and had seaweed on it.
Wufei was wearing his uniform as well, and wrung the water out of his almost nonexistent ponytail. He quickly undid the ponytail and tied his hair up gain at the nape of his neck.
The pilot however was too happy that he was on land to notice that his hair was a mess or his clothes were ripped. He was throwing sand in the air.

"Hey, could you stop that?" Wufei grunted, wringing out his jacket.

"We're on land! Now we can call someone to pick us up!" the pilot danced around.

Sally surveyed the island. "About that statement," the pilot stopped dancing and looked around. "This ain't Hawaii. This is a deserted island." Sally pointed out.

"Oh, shit," Wufei murmured looking around.

The island was small, but lush. The sand stretched for a while then there was a forest. Foliage covered the ground and trees gave shade.

Sally sighed. "I guess I'll go search the island. Look for food, shelter,"

"Like any good will come of that." Wufei muttered.

"Look, Wufei, shut up," Sally murmured. "I am *so* not in the mood for your bitching right now."

"Well, I wouldn't *have* to be bitching if you hadn't accepted this offer! We would all be safe and happy right now and *Relena * would be screwed!"

"Well, excuse me for trying to take responsibility for my job!" Sally shouted throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation.

"Well, you should be!"

"Excuse me, but could you keep your voices down?" the pilot asked softly, and nervously.

"Why? There's no one on this island! Or maybe there is! Let's go look, Sally. Why don't we make an adventure out of it!" Wufei said sarcastically, folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Is it possible," Sally turned around and glared at Wufei. "for you take your head out of your ass for just two seconds?!?"

"How dare you," Wufei muttered dangerously. " How dare you insult me. I'm not the conceited one!"

"Um, guys," The pilot tried to interfere again, with no avail.

"You!" Wufei looked at the pilot. "What's you name anyway?"

"Um, well, it's, uh, Brian," the pilot stuttered.

"Well, then, Brian, as a fellow man, tell this woman what a bitch she's being!"

"I, uh, just, um, well, er," the pilot rubbed his hands together nervously.

"Me? *I'm* being a bitch! Look at you! you're the one who's acting like a prima donna!"

"Well, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here!"

"Why did you agree to it in the first place?"

"I thought it would be fun, but no! You just made everything-"

"How did I make everything so bad for you, Wufei? You didn't even complain this much when we were partners!"

Wufei glared at her. "I'm going to find shelter. We'll have to stay the night here. Maybe even longer. It just depends how long it takes for your so-called friend, Relena Darlin, to notice you've gone missing."

"Well, remind me to ask her to leave *you* here." Sally snapped, walking the opposite direction Wufei was.

Wufei glared again and walked away.

Brian was left standing. "Hey, wait!" he looked at the retreating figures of Sally and Wufei.

"Well, this sucks." Brian sighed


Sally walked around. It was dusk and was getting increasingly harder to see. During her exploits she had found mostly fruit. Every so often she saw a squirrel or rabbit, but no dangerous animals. The island was pretty small.

Sally sat down on a rock.

"Woman!" she heard the call and looked up. Wufei was standing a few feet away from her.

"Dinner's ready."

"Dinner?" Sally questioned with and arched eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know, that thing you eat every day at night." Wufei rolled his eyes and said sarcastically.

"I can get my own, thank you. I'm fairly self-sufficient." Sally sniffed indignantly.

Wufei stared at her. "Woman, it's getting late, and the pilot and I have dinner cooked. Just come and eat it."

Sally looked at Wufei. "All right..." She got up and followed Wufei to the beach.